Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

I think Texas law allows abortion when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. if not, post the statute banning it.

On paper. But as this case proves in spades, no woman will ever get an exception approved.

When she received her court order, Ken Paxton, whose mistress got a legal abortion when he knocked her up, warned her doctors and the hospitals where they have admitting privileges that they would be prosecuted for performing the surgery, and there is still a question as to whether her husband and doctors will be sued for helping her obtain and abortion, under the Texas law.
Of course libs advocate a free anything goes lifestyle

it goes back many generations and is the basis of their toward Christians and Christian standards of morality

Of course 13 is too young to get married and have a baby

Adults failed that young girl long before she started having sex

And the father too who is probably not much older than she is

But infanticide is not the answer

That's bullshit. It's not "anything goes". The 13 year old was raped by her uncle. She didn’t “start having sex”. She was raped.

This is got the kind of idiocy we face from you right wing white males who think they know everything.

So why do they call her the mother?
Nope.....she is apprently able to get an abortion......each state needs to be able to decide on this...killing a baby should be decided at the state level so people have a chance to vote on it....
A. That would be pure democracy. You folks keep saying we are not that.

B. You really want government involved in private decisions don’t you?
At the botton of the NYT piece you FINALLY get the information that makes the case make sense.
Of course the HuunPuff piece leaves all of this out and only prints what supports the woman.

The 20 week old fetus was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a condition where 90% of the children born die before 1 year.
You can go ahead and look it up, most pregnancies result in miscarriages after the diagnoses.
As for danger to the mother, her doctor greatly exaggerated risk posed to mothers. Only in extremely rare cases does carrying a trisomy baby result in harm to the mother, no more than a normal pregnancy.

So.... she did not meet Texas law.
On paper. But as this case proves in spades, no woman will ever get an exception approved.

When she received her court order, Ken Paxton, whose mistress got a legal abortion when he knocked her up, warned her doctors and the hospitals where they have admitting privileges that they would be prosecuted for performing the surgery, and there is still a question as to whether her husband and doctors will be sued for helping her obtain and abortion, under the Texas law.

That's bullshit. It's not "anything goes". The 13 year old was raped by her uncle. She didn’t “start having sex”. She was raped.

This is got the kind of idiocy we face from you right wing white males who think they know everything.
You did not face a damned thing. You got angry over a posters opinion and had a fit.
A. That would be pure democracy. You folks keep saying we are not that.

B. You really want government involved in private decisions don’t you?
The Feds are a Republic. States I believe must guarantee a republic. Voters in some states are, and this is honest to God, able to actually vote on issues. Then they are doing so as a democracy.
On paper. But as this case proves in spades, no woman will ever get an exception approved.

When she received her court order, Ken Paxton, whose mistress got a legal abortion when he knocked her up, warned her doctors and the hospitals where they have admitting privileges that they would be prosecuted for performing the surgery, and there is still a question as to whether her husband and doctors will be sued for helping her obtain and abortion, under the Texas law.

That's bullshit. It's not "anything goes". The 13 year old was raped by her uncle. She didn’t “start having sex”. She was raped.

This is got the kind of idiocy we face from you right wing white males who think they know everything.
Robert W You did not face a damned thing. You got angry over a posters opinion and had a fit.

John Edgar Slow Horses The idiocy posted by Robert W is what we face here. The fetus will not survive and threatens her health. Much less the idea of carrying a dead fetus to term is horrifying.

We can all now simply not respond to his anti-humanitarian nonsense.
The Feds are a Republic. States I believe must guarantee a republic. Voters in some states are, and this is honest to God, able to actually vote on issues. Then they are doing so as a democracy.
We are Republics that operate on democratic principles. That's what you forget. Yes, the People will have the final say.
We are Republics that operate on democratic principles. That's what you forget. Yes, the People will have the final say.
You and I have never been allowed to vote on any Federal issue. And in some states, we can vote on issues.

The easy way to see this is when you pick persons, it is a republic.
When you get to pick a side on issues, it is a democracy.
I am talking about state referendums and initiatives, and, yes, the voters are voting democratically.

Interestingly enough, only Texas let its citizens vote democratically on leaving the Union. The other states had either conventions or legislatures make that undemocratic, pro-Republican vote.
I am talking about state referendums and initiatives, and, yes, the voters are voting democratically.

Interestingly enough, only Texas let its citizens vote democratically on leaving the Union. The other states had either conventions or legislatures make that undemocratic, pro-Republican vote.
State referendums and initiatives are definitely democracy. Oregon voters voted to leave Oregon and join my state, Idaho. So far they have not taken action to be here.
As I said earlier, vote for persons, you are a republic. Vote for issues and you are a democracy.
Democracies are characterized by the public voting on all issues. If they vote for both persons and issues, they still are a republic with the ability to still vote on some but not many issues.
Hundreds of innocent Americans get killed every day by the illegal aliens Biden has invited into our country and nothing is said by the media. One lady has to go out of state to get an abortion and Democrats are making a federal case out of it. But everyone knows the score. Democrats need to fabricate an issue to ride into this election on, even though it is bullshit. This is just the next Russian collusion hoax or Ukrainian phone call or poor COVID response. Democrats need to fabricate bullshit because they have no valid positions worth running on, and they're really counting on making a mountain out of a molehill with abortion. MAGA
State referendums and initiatives are definitely democracy. Oregon voters voted to leave Oregon and join my state, Idaho. So far they have not taken action to be here.
As I said earlier, vote for persons, you are a republic. Vote for issues and you are a democracy.
Democracies are characterized by the public voting on all issues. If they vote for both persons and issues, they still are a republic with the ability to still vote on some but not many issues.
You clearly don't understand that we are a democratic republic, but you will.

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