Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

About 26,000 are murdered annually in America, so about 80 daily. No, hundreds of citizens are not murdered daily by immigrant, you jughead.
And an interesting statistic is that the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder.
. usually by a male SO.
.but we don't hear so-called Right to Lifers clambering over that.
And an interesting statistic is that the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder.
. usually by a male SO.
.but we don't hear so-called Right to Lifers clambering over that.
A bonus for the Democrats is that when abortions started being lawful, the crime rate for blacks dove and dove down.
Until it's born and then con-servatives can't use it anymore.

The largest adoption agency in America is run by Christian conservatives.

You're ignorant, and that's why your cult loves you.

Cox said in a statement that, by filing the suit, she’s trying to do what’s best for both herself and her baby.
Glad to see that she at least admits that it isn't just her body. Kudos to Texas. Guessing there is more to this then is being reported.
bullshit and lies--------------the common denominator for libs and dems.

if you don't want a kid, don't screw or use protection. killing children is not a form of birth control.
Whether Democratic or Republican, it makes no difference; it’s conservatives in the South who promote and exploit racism, bigotry, and hate – and in this case, jeopardizing the health and lives of women.

Conservatism is the malignancy destroying America.
The largest adoption agency in America is run by Christian conservatives.

You're ignorant, and that's why your cult loves you.

Well, that's nice, but that "christian" adoption agency isn't the government trying to con-trol women, is it?

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