Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

Republicans who support this particular case support the nonviable life of a fetus over the life of a healthy woman.
Here on this forum I have posted my own words where I said a woman whose life is in danger, or the child is virtually a dead human waiting birth definitely would be wrong to carry to term. But if the odds even favor the child a bit, the child should come first.
What is the percentage of Americans who support some form of regulated abortion in the US?

According to a recent Gallup survey 1, nearly three-quarters of Americans say abortion should generally be legal in the first trimester, a record high. The study found a record-high 69% of Americans said abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. At the same time, the survey showed 34% of Americans believe abortion should be legal under any circumstances, just one point off last year’s record-high of 35% and above the 27% average since 1975. Some 52% of Americans say abortion is morally acceptable, matching last year’s all-time high. That is 10 percentage points above the historical average since 2001.
Try this question. Do you approve the slaying of your unborn child?
You do attack posters. Anyone can check. You are not pro-life, you are pro-male trying to dominate females.

A non-viable fetus should never be allowed to threaten the health of its bearer. That's stupidity.
If ever I am backed into a corner, facing attacks by Democrats, I do bark a bit. But not remotely like the evil Democrats do.
I challenge all males who have experienced their women getting abortions to tell me how much fun it is. Stop with the health of the women. 99 percent or in some area very high they simply get rid of the baby in them. It has nothing at all to do with health. And what about the babies health? Doctors should save them.
What is the percentage of Americans who support some form of regulated abortion in the US?

According to a recent Gallup survey 1, nearly three-quarters of Americans say abortion should generally be legal in the first trimester, a record high. The study found a record-high 69% of Americans said abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. At the same time, the survey showed 34% of Americans believe abortion should be legal under any circumstances, just one point off last year’s record-high of 35% and above the 27% average since 1975. Some 52% of Americans say abortion is morally acceptable, matching last year’s all-time high. That is 10 percentage points above the historical average since 2001.
One question. Are you wishing your mom aborted you?
It’s true – these reprehensible abortion ‘bans’ aren’t about ‘saving babies,’ they’re about compelling conformity and punishing dissent, they’re about more government control over citizens’ private lives at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives continue to attempt to defend these indefensible policies that jeopardize the health and lives of women.
See post 383
You are a typical lib who who only thinks of yourself Or in this case thinking only of the woman but not the child
You are a typical MAGA who only thinks of yourself, and in this case how to use women and fetuses as victims to propel your own agenda.
Bitch please. What all women want is agency.
What if we so called republicans passed some law that no woman over 25 could have any children? That is authoritarian. Saving her child is not authoritarian.
You are a typical MAGA who only thinks of yourself, and in this case how to use women and fetuses as victims to propel your own agenda.
To sum my agenda up in a word. FREEDOM Biden and his soms of britches keeps passing laws. Not for our freedom, but to bound us up tight. I do not want his laws.

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