Woman Forced to Leave Texas for Abortion

Robert W You did not face a damned thing. You got angry over a posters opinion and had a fit.

John Edgar Slow Horses The idiocy posted by Robert W is what we face here. The fetus will not survive and threatens her health. Much less the idea of carrying a dead fetus to term is horrifying.

We can all now simply not respond to his anti-humanitarian nonsense.
Yes you face opinions. And as my past proves, I am not in the habit of personally attacking posters. When I do not agree with a poster, I will explain why and try not to make them pissed off.
I am so antihuman I fight to save lives. I try to save freedom. I try to live up to the constitution. I in short am not any longer a Democrat.
Its really no different from laws against killing store clerks during a robbery
It’s true – these reprehensible abortion ‘bans’ aren’t about ‘saving babies,’ they’re about compelling conformity and punishing dissent, they’re about more government control over citizens’ private lives at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives continue to attempt to defend these indefensible policies that jeopardize the health and lives of women.

Americans oppose the authoritarian right’s cruel, reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans’ that jeopardize the health and lives of women.
It is Abortion that takes the lives of humans. It is Democrats who love abortions. We love women, but not killers. Damned few women abort kids due to the woman's health.

I did point out one benefit that abortions provided the usa and it was by knocking down the crime rate of blacks. And they should be proud they cut crime rates by slaying their own kids.
It’s true – these reprehensible abortion ‘bans’ aren’t about ‘saving babies,’ they’re about compelling conformity and punishing dissent, they’re about more government control over citizens’ private lives at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives continue to attempt to defend these indefensible policies that jeopardize the health and lives of women.
You want babies abused by tearing them apart as you remove them from their mothers. How dare you act as if you are civilized.
No, the poster got pissed off. And raised hell with a poster. And all I did was mention what the poster did. As to the bull shit claim the Republicans are authoritarians, let me remind all democrats what their party has done in America.
Slavery... It was them
KKK it was them
Hanging blacks It was them
Denying Jews asylum in the USA in WW2 It was Democrats
Approving the slaying of innocent children Yes, Democrats
Locking up Japanese and Germans and Italians in WW2 who were citizens here? Sure, Democrats
Biden killed oil firms until the court reversed him
Biden promised illegals they could enter the usa by proving it by stopping the border wall
Biden has flat out increased our population of illegals by around 6 million illegal aliens
Hundreds of thousands of Americans died by Biden allowing illegal drugs into our country.
Biden is now on the outs even with millions of Democrats.
I see no redeeming features of remaining a Democrat so I bailed out in time to elect Ronald Reagan. And man am i ever pleased.
What’s worse is that the state’s ‘exception’ provisions are a sham; even when presented with compelling medical evidence that a woman’s health or life is in danger, state courts continue to deny women urgent medical treatment.

The right’s war on women continues.
It is Abortion that takes the lives of humans. It is Democrats who love abortions. We love women, but not killers. Damned few women abort kids due to the woman's health.

I did point out one benefit that abortions provided the usa and it was by knocking down the crime rate of blacks. And they should be proud they cut crime rates by slaying their own kids.
Republicans who support this particular case support the nonviable life of a fetus over the life of a healthy woman.
Yes you face opinions. And as my past proves, I am not in the habit of personally attacking posters. When I do not agree with a poster, I will explain why and try not to make them pissed off.
I am so antihuman I fight to save lives. I try to save freedom. I try to live up to the constitution. I in short am not any longer a Democrat.
You do attack posters. Anyone can check. You are not pro-life, you are pro-male trying to dominate females.

A non-viable fetus should never be allowed to threaten the health of its bearer. That's stupidity.
I have a cousin who was born at 24 weeks and survived. The doctor bragged about his "success" with saving that baby.

Jean's spine wasn't fully or properly developed, so he's never been able to stand or walk. He's lived his entire life in bed and can only leave the house in a wheelchair, but sitting in it isn't comfortable for him. He wasn't able to attend school, and they didn't have special facilities for disabled children when he was growing up.

The internet has been a boon, to a man who has spent his life in bed. But his mother is getting too old to care for him. One of his social workers said he now qualifies for a motorized wheelchair. He said good, because when he gets it he's going to drive it in front of a truck.

My cousin hasn't had a "life". He's been forced to survive but he's never "lived".
Yup. There's more to life than breathing
Actually you are the minority.
What is the percentage of Americans who support some form of regulated abortion in the US?

According to a recent Gallup survey 1, nearly three-quarters of Americans say abortion should generally be legal in the first trimester, a record high. The study found a record-high 69% of Americans said abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. At the same time, the survey showed 34% of Americans believe abortion should be legal under any circumstances, just one point off last year’s record-high of 35% and above the 27% average since 1975. Some 52% of Americans say abortion is morally acceptable, matching last year’s all-time high. That is 10 percentage points above the historical average since 2001.

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