Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

That "accidental contact" in the middle of a heated argument IS the physical event that began this.

He responded to THAT and she responded by hitting him in the head.

The only push I saw was AFTER she hit him.
A court wont see it that way. No court in the nation is going to call accidental finger contact "assault". No way, not ever. Pushing will ALWAYS be considered assault though.
A court wont see it that way. No court in the nation is going to call accidental finger contact "assault". No way, not ever. Pushing will ALWAYS be considered assault though.
So I guess the black guy was arrested huh?


Dude he knocked out was blind for a 10 count . :lol:
^ I told you they LOVE violence.
So I guess the black guy was arrested huh?


No one has been arrested yet. The police are still trying to identify him. It wont be long before they capture him and charge him with assault and disorderly conduct. She will be charged with disorderly conduct too, rightfully so. Both parties sucked here, but the black guy was acting in a truly dangerous manner and he should be removed from public because of it.
The eyewitnesses don't have replay, bro. People miss stuff. Especially if there's alcohol involved. But even without alcohol, people miss stuff. There was a lot of moving parts going on.
But thankfully, there's Youtube and the ability to watch it over and over. Pause & play to see where all those moving parts are, where they're headed. Where they came from. And there's screenshots that can be taken during important parts of the video. Screenshots that can be enlarged.
I provided all that for you. But you've found a way to deny all that evidence by claiming you're going to take someone else's word for it, instead of your own eyes. Real genius, bro.
Well, my own eyes can't see what her left hand is doing. My own eyes don't see what occurred before someone decided it was something they should get on video. You can watch it over and over until you die and all you're going to see is the same inconclusive thing over and over again.

Did she push the black guy because he was jumping up and down in front of her and blocking her view? Maybe, we don't know. Assessing the entire scenario based on that clip is stupid. You don't have the full story. As it appears to be only one black guy fighting all of those white people, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the whites were the aggressors in this instance.

And I just watched the beginning of that video a dozen times. The woman struck the black guy first. When she grabbed his right hand with her right hand, it looked like he had his hand raised as if pointing at her. She grabbed his hand and he pushed her away. That's a perfectly acceptable response. Her slapping him was the "first swing", if you will, and he acted appropriately...
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Well, my own eyes can't see what her left hand is doing.

Well let's take another look, shall we?
Looks like her shoulder is curved down. One pic shows her left arm against her left side.
So unless her forearms are like 3' long, my guess is, her hand is no where near the black guys face.

You can watch it over and over until you die and all you're going to see is the same inconclusive thing over and over again.

Wrong. Because the first couple of times I watched it, it looked like she was in the wrong. Then I watched the other moving parts and realized I was wrong in the beginning.
Did she push the black guy because he was jumping up and down in front of her and blocking her view? Maybe, we don't know. Assessing the entire scenario based on that clip is stupid. You don't have the full story. As it appears to be only one black guy fighting all of those white people, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the whites were the aggressors in this instance.

Basing our decisions on WHAT we can see is all we're doing. If the court system did that, judge only by what the cops seen, how many murderers and child molesters would still be roaming the streets. Because 99.999% of the time, cops are no where around when the crime occurs. Luckily, we have evidence like video to see her left arm by her side. Her right arm stretched way out to her right. And him pushing her before she slaps him.
And I just watched the beginning of that video a dozen times. The woman struck the black guy first. When she grabbed his right hand with her right hand, it looked like he had his hand raised as if pointing at her. She grabbed his hand and he pushed her away. That's a perfectly acceptable response. Her slapping him was the "first swing", if you will, and he acted appropriately...

Watch her shoulder just before she grabs his hand. You see it being shoved backwards. The screen shot I posted shows how far her shoulder was pushed back. That's why she grabbed his hand.
I have never made a colony. That would be a pretty cool achievement, but i cant claim that i did that.

Oh wait a minute man. Don't you remember several hundred years ago when you colonialized Mississippi, after going to africa and kidnapping a bunch of black folks. Then remember a hundred years later, you killing yankee's so you could keep your slaved. Then another hundred years later, you was driving around in your pick up truck, wearing a hood over your head, kicking black folks out of white only restaurants?
That had to be you, man. Just admit it.
Stupid to slap a man, black or white. Never do that, ladies. If they are grabbing you sexually, as apparently this guy was, you can try to kill them, but nothing less. You might get lucky, because you'd have the advantage of surprise. DON'T STOP TILL HE'S DEAD OR UNCONSCIOUS!!

I'm hoping we'll go to concealed carry in this state; the "public" has gotten way, way too dangerous.
Well let's take another look, shall we?
Looks like her shoulder is curved down. One pic shows her left arm against her left side.
So unless her forearms are like 3' long, my guess is, her hand is no where near the black guys face.

I didn't say her hand was near his face. But he grabbed her right hand, and you can't see what she was doing with her right hand...

Wrong. Because the first couple of times I watched it, it looked like she was in the wrong. Then I watched the other moving parts and realized I was wrong in the beginning.

You can't possibly know who's in the wrong. That's the point. Unless video was rolling before the guy turned to face her. You simply can't know...

Basing our decisions on WHAT we can see is all we're doing. If the court system did that, judge only by what the cops seen, how many murderers and child molesters would still be roaming the streets. Because 99.999% of the time, cops are no where around when the crime occurs. Luckily, we have evidence like video to see her left arm by her side. Her right arm stretched way out to her right. And him pushing her before she slaps him.

I think it's absolutely laughable that you believe you can decipher everything which transpired, but you summarily dismiss a statement made by someone who was actually there and likely saw what occurred before the video starts...

Watch her shoulder just before she grabs his hand. You see it being shoved backwards. The screen shot I posted shows how far her shoulder was pushed back. That's why she grabbed his hand.

I don't know if that's why he grabbed her hand, and neither do you...
I have never made a colony. That would be a pretty cool achievement, but i cant claim that i did that.
You're just a goofy sub species of the most violent race on the planet. I never claimed that you personally have ever achieved anything. You already know I think you are just white trash. I didnt mean to give you the impression I thought you had somehow become relevant. :lol:
You're just a goofy sub species of the most violent race on the planet. I never claimed that you personally have ever achieved anything. You already know I think you are just white trash. I didnt mean to give you the impression I thought you had somehow become relevant. :lol:
There are no violent races, only violent cultures. All of the worlds most civilized cultures are white, but it still isnt based on race. You dont find tribes hacking off limbs with machetes in Europe and the US, well, except when its a foreigner from Africa or the Middle East. They tend to bring the choppy choppy stuff with them to our nations.
Why didnt you quote the entire sentence? Is it because it says the complete opposite of what you are trying to portray? Your dishonest quoting is noted.
You did not alter and cannpt alter the context of such a transparent and false comment, no matter how much you equivocate.
You did not alter and cannpt alter the context of such a transparent and false comment, no matter how much you equivocate.
You altered it to make it look like i said something that i didnt. You are a dishonest debater because you are a weak debater.

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