Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

Is it? When they saw her husband get knocked out they probably thought better of it.

I know that is some bullshit. I know you keep regurgitating that bullshit.

It is considered assault of a woman slaps someone.

That is the old racist way it used to be done.

Black privilege? WTH are you smoking.

Then you turn around and come back with some bullshit.

No video trumps lying woman when the police get there and she claims she didn't touch him.

Come on, you want the black man arrested.

No the woman touched the black man first when she stuck her finger in his face.

1. I do not see her touching him first. If you are correct and she jabbed him in the face, that does change things, but I see nothing indicating that.

2. If they were hate filled w.s. like you like to pretend that American whites are, that black guy would have been in grave danger. Except he was not. And he knew it. His actions clearly demonstrated his confidence in his Black Privilege.

3. Normally a man gets slapped and punches the woman back, he gets arrested. BUT, Black trumps White woman in Intersectional Identity Politics.
1. I do not see her touching him first. If you are correct and she jabbed him in the face, that does change things, but I see nothing indicating that.
Of course you don't.
2. If they were hate filled w.s. like you like to pretend that American whites are, that black guy would have been in grave danger. Except he was not. And he knew it. His actions clearly demonstrated his confidence in his Black Privilege.
I never claimed that all white folks in America are ws.
3. Normally a man gets slapped and punches the woman back, he gets arrested.
He held back from knocking her out and took it out on her weak ass husband.
BUT, Black trumps White woman in Intersectional Identity Politics.
That must be in Never, never land. Because it damn sure doesn't in America.
That is not what I am claiming, that is what happened.

OMG I have heard everything now.

View attachment 532822

You go too far with the comedy.

So he did the right thing just sitting there and watching his wife go on and on and on until the argument got physical and he got the worse of it. Smfh.

1. Finger IN face, does not normally translate to FINGER TOUCHING FACE. Your claim otherwise, I do not see in the video.

2. I said nothing about "right thing", just describing the way that the world is right now. My personal opinion, if you want it, is that we are so fucked up, that it is nearly impossible to see the way back to sanity.

3. That being said, my point about your point, ie, you just being an asshole, stands.
Of course you don't.

I never claimed that all white folks in America are ws.

He held back from knocking her out and took it out on her weak ass husband.

That must be in Never, never land. Because it damn sure doesn't in America.

Funny. I've know a lot of black people over the years. Black people of all shapes and sizes.

Funny how the black men that get involved in these types of scuffles, tend to the ones that are in great shape and without any physical handicaps.

Why do you think that is?

Easy to always kick ass, when you make sure to only cause trouble, when you are confident you can win.

That is the advantage of the Bad Guy. He gets to decide when there is violence.

He can pick the times when the advantage is on his side.

I'm kind of a big guy. I live in a "diverse city". I recall smaller, thinner males, expressing concern for the way I would walk the streets late and/or alone without fear.

I did that though my 20s. And 30s. And 40s. I still do it, at times.

Someday, I expect, i will finally be old enough, despite my size, for people like Dredlocks to feel comfortable starting some shit with. And some fucktard like you will be like,

"punk ass white guy got his ass kicked".

You people are cowardly scum of the earth, and on some level, you know it.
I refuse to take either of these people's sides. They were both behaving like toddlers right before naptime. This childish behavior should be frowned upon, and both morons should be held accountable. They should have both been tossed out on their asses immediately so that everyone else could enjoy the game.

LMAO.... So the woman should be punished for hollering at a guy? Or should she be punished for slapping a man who just pushed her chest?
What a great idea. That'll make defending yourself illegal (if your white).

No the first contact was when she put her finger in his face.

In his face is still NOT contact. Touching his face would've been. There's NOTHING that proves she touched him, because it wasn't in view of the camera. Chances are, she only got close to his face.
Many MANY times someone will say "don't touch me" BEFORE they get touched. As in a warning to not touch them.
In fact, as violent as he was, he would've probably hit her even if she's barely touched him.

You're stretching this "she touched him first" line. LMAO..
When she stuck her finger in his face and he didn't shove her around. He removed her finger out of his face.

You still haven't watch it, have you. I posted the screenshots. Her hand is clutching his, AFTER HE pushed HER.
It was her skin color that she thought gave her the right to put her hand in his face and why didn't her weak ass husband get his ass up and say something to her before it even escalated into him getting his ass whooped.

Keep on with your racist BS, bro. The jig is up. You lost.
Why? Because you're wrong. Period. End of story., superbadbrutha........ HA HA HA HA HA.. That name is hilarious.

It makes me think of Urkel.

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