Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

You altered it to make it look like i said something that i didnt. You are a dishonest debater because you are a weak debater.
No, sorry. The statement I quoted is false and transparent, no matter how you try to qualify it. Take it back or don't.
I didn't say her hand was near his face. But he grabbed her right hand, and you can't see what she was doing with her right hand...

Dude, you can't have a shoulder level (which is totally visible) unless you arm is sticking straight out. What her shoulder when her arm goes from left to right? You can see it level out. Unlike her left shoulder that's curved down.

You can't possibly know who's in the wrong. That's the point. Unless video was rolling before the guy turned to face her. You simply can't know...

What's the point? WTF> The point is to find out who's in the wrong. And making a decision based on the information we have. If another video comes out that has different information/evidence, the conclusion can/will change.
Until then, based on the evidence available, he assaulted her first.
I think it's absolutely laughable that you believe you can decipher everything which transpired, but you summarily dismiss a statement made by someone who was actually there and likely saw what occurred before the video starts...

What's laughable is you not being able to decipher the obvious. Video that you can pause, rewind and stop within microseconds. And you still can't even see her right shoulder level. Or what it means that her shoulder is level. Hell, you can't even see her hand holding his.
I don't know if that's why he grabbed her hand, and neither do you...

He didn't grab her hand. She grabbed his.
Clearly his right arms extends towards her chest area. Her left shoulder is pushed backwards. Her right hand comes back across her and grabs his hand.

You've got it in your mind that she's at fault. So that's all you're looking for. I did the same thing at first. But I'm a truth seeker kind of guy, so part of me was wanting to prove that guy wrong.
And I got schooled.
Now I'm schooling you. But you're refusing to see the truth.
See? You going to keep getting off topic and get knocked the fuck out like the guy in the OP. :auiqs.jpg:

It's called a sub topic. And directly related with your racist BS you're spewing. Trying to label us white folks as racist, without having the balls to come right out and say it.
No, sorry. The statement I quoted is false and transparent, no matter how you try to qualify it. Take it back or don't.

which part do you want me to take back? Lets take a closer look at what i said again...

"There are no violent races, only violent cultures. All of the worlds most civilized cultures are white, but it still isnt based on race."

So you disagree that there are no violent races, and that the success of western civilization isnt based on race? What is your official position? Do you agree or disagree with me that race isnt a factor?
It's called a sub topic. And directly related with your racist BS you're spewing. Trying to label us white folks as racist, without having the balls to come right out and say it.
Interestingly enough, we are ALL racists. Every bit of science we have ever collected on it shows this. the difference is between people who mindlessly embrace their bad impulses, and those who make an active effort to control and even counter them. I think this country of morons will take a large step forward if this ever becomes the baseline starting point for talking about race and racism.
You're just a goofy sub species of the most violent race on the planet. I never claimed that you personally have ever achieved anything. You already know I think you are just white trash. I didnt mean to give you the impression I thought you had somehow become relevant. :lol:

Right there. Racist insults, painting all whites out to be racist. You sound like all the racist BLM members who the decent BLM member wished would just STFU. People like you are destroying everything they're trying to do.
It's people like you that keep decent white folks from joining the cause.

It's exactly like is actual conservatives, who wished that moronic Trump supporters (the ones who think Trump was sent from God) would just STFU.

You're broke woke brainwashed, dude.
A silly lie. And no, I have no plans to navigate the ensuing 4 pages of equivocation from you on it. Sorry.
Prove me wrong by naming the Asian, Latin, Middle Eastern or African nation that is as civilized as Europe and the US. I can name 2 asian countries (Japan and S. Korea) that are as civilized as the west, but they were both westernized directly by the US, so they dont count. Again, these differences are culture related, not race related.
Interestingly enough, we are ALL racists. Every bit of science we have ever collected on it shows this. the difference is between people who mindlessly embrace their bad impulses, and those who make an active effort to control and even counter them. I think this country of morons will take a large step forward if this ever becomes the baseline starting point for talking about race and racism.

You got a mouse in your pocket?

You don't even realize the racism you're spewing, do you?

Listen to those songs I posted. That's what NOT BEING RACIST looks like.
Or check out #NoLifeShaq react to #TomMacDonald songs.
Prove me wrong by naming the Asian, Latin, Middle Eastern or African nation that is as civilized as Europe and the US. I can name 2 asian countries (Japan and S. Korea) that are as civilized as the west, but they were both westernized directly by the US, so they dont count. Again, these differences are culture related, not race related.
I already said I wasn't going to do your little Stormfront troll exercise, not that it would matter anyway. Sorry. I am not here to try to change the minds of the agressively ignorant.
Clearly his right arms extends towards her chest area. Her left shoulder is pushed backwards. Her right hand comes back across her and grabs his hand.

I don't see that. The woman grabbing his hand her being pushed back is pretty much simultaneous...

You've got it in your mind that she's at fault. So that's all you're looking for.

I've got it in my mind that she's likely at fault based on what I see. I didn't decide first and then look something to support my belief later. I'll leave that to you...

Now I'm schooling you. But you're refusing to see the truth.

You're not schooling anyone, Nancy...
Right there. Racist insults, painting all whites out to be racist.
I didnt paint all whites as being racist. I said you are from the most violent race. Huge difference. Do you deny whites are the most violent? It would be different if I was lying but you know and I know that its true. Stop whining about me pointing out the facts. Its not even fucking close.
I already said I wasn't going to do your little Stormfront troll exercise, not that it would matter anyway. Sorry. I am not here to try to change the minds of the agressively ignorant.
What a shocker, you bitched out. You are obviously finding out that its much easier to make a claim than it is to back it up.
It's called a sub topic. And directly related with your racist BS you're spewing. Trying to label us white folks as racist, without having the balls to come right out and say it.
Obviously you dont know me very well. If I believed all whites were racist I would have no problem telling you that here or to your face.
I didnt paint all whites as being racist. I said you are from the most violent race. Huge difference. Do you deny whites are the most violent? It would be different if I was lying but you know and I know that its true. Stop whining about me pointing out the facts. Its not even fucking close.
White communities are the safest communities in the world. :cuckoo:
Obviously you dont know me very well. If I believed all whites were racist I would have no problem telling you that here or to your face.
Yep, you just hate white people, even though you know they arent racist.
There are no violent races, only violent cultures.

Whites made up the concept of race. Dont run from it now. Whites are the most violent race to walk the planet and its not even close. Whites have slaughtered entire civilizations without a moments hesitation. Whites didn't have a civilization of any note until after they were taught one. Even after being taught they forgot and had to be reeducated so please give me a rest with your normal bullshit. :lol:

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