Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

It seems you’re following the law over there Resnick! Some laws are good like that, to keep people from getting into physical confrontations. As you said freedom of speech gives personal insults a clear runway, but some people still think that a verbal cussing “opens it up legally” for a physical response. Getting physical is still an option of course, but there’s usually jail time involved with that recourse.

Ive never touched anyone over what they say. They are just words. Sound waves travelling through the atmosphere and stimulating my ear drum. Thats all words are. They cant hurt you, or actually do anything to you. That guy obviously has no control over his emotions if he touched her first, once you touch someone all bets are off. He was wrong and to me thats the end of the story.

Then again his kind are usually very irrational, quick to anger, quick to violence, quick to confront, quick to instigate and quick to elevate the situation.
Ive never touched anyone over what they say. They are just words. Sound waves travelling through the atmosphere and stimulating my ear drum. Thats all words are. They cant hurt you, or actually do anything to you. That guy obviously has no control over his emotions if he touched her first, once you touch someone all bets are off. He was wrong and to me thats the end of the story.

Then again his kind are usually very irrational, quick to anger, quick to violence, quick to confront, quick to instigate and quick to elevate the situation.
She probably said something about his daddy who he never met. Them waz fighten words.
Dont ever put your hand in someone's face. Its highly disrespectful. The husband should have had better control over his wife. She was irrational, an instigator and thought she could just do what she wanted to do. Her husband ended up paying the price and the woman ultimately had to protect her husband all for running her mouth and instigating violence. Just another Karen.
Dont ever put your hand in someone's face. Its highly disrespectful. The husband should have had better control over his wife. She was irrational, an instigator and thought she could just do what she wanted to do. Her husband ended up paying the price and the woman ultimately had to protect her husband all for running her mouth and instigating violence. Just another Karen.
I read elsewhere that supposedly the young gentleman had been jumping up and down while watching the football game.

The young lady foolishly told him to stop it, for he was cutting off her view.

She reportedly used some vulgar words in her request.

She was very arrogant.

She should have known better: You simply cannot reason with certain folks.

She should have kept her mouth shut and moved to another seat if possible.

Or just left the stadium.
Ive never touched anyone over what they say. They are just words. Sound waves travelling through the atmosphere and stimulating my ear drum. Thats all words are. They cant hurt you, or actually do anything to you. That guy obviously has no control over his emotions if he touched her first, once you touch someone all bets are off. He was wrong and to me thats the end of the story.

Then again his kind are usually very irrational, quick to anger, quick to violence, quick to confront, quick to instigate and quick to elevate the situation.
If only more people thought like you Resnick, that words mean very little in the grand scheme of things, and harsh words meant to inflame us are particularly useless pieces of wasted air. Great way you describe it- mere sound waves floating around for a moment in time and gone forever! A nada moment:)

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