Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

Guys, why do ALL the fans who WITNESSED the fracas first hand ALL scream that SHE started it?

Seems the good thing is, that her hubby was able to get an early nap, right there in the stands. Poor guy must have been tired I bet he slept well.
I read elsewhere that supposedly the young gentleman had been jumping up and down while watching the football game.

The young lady foolishly told him to stop it, for he was cutting off her view.

She reportedly used some vulgar words in her request.

She was very arrogant.

She should have known better: You simply cannot reason with certain folks.

She should have kept her mouth shut and moved to another seat if possible.

Or just left the stadium.
Go figger
You are worse than an idiot if you have to ask this question OP.

She's as wrong as the day is long.

And, of course, your title is a misleading lie.

Par for the course for Republicans.

I bet you'd think the opposite if the races were reversed.

Just sayin'.
Dont ever put your hand in someone's face. Its highly disrespectful. The husband should have had better control over his wife. She was irrational, an instigator and thought she could just do what she wanted to do. Her husband ended up paying the price and the woman ultimately had to protect her husband all for running her mouth and instigating violence. Just another Karen.

Who says it was his wife at all? Could have been his gf, sister, co-worker, just broad he met and started drinking with
Who says it was his wife at all? Could have been his gf, sister, co-worker, just broad he met and started drinking with
You dont understand body language very well. She went from being bold because she knew he would back her up to protecting him because that was her husband. If that wasnt her husband this would have never happened.
Also its for the greater good. I guarantee you there are a bunch of white dudes that will see this clip and think 3 or 4 times before starting something with a Black guy.

I'll be honest. When I saw this clip my first thought was "this is the second clip I've seen this week of American men in sporting events, getting into fights and all the men looked and acted surprisingly unmanly. What happened to you guys"?

Now, I imagine the type of men varies from sporting event to sporting event (Navy vs Army football, MMA fights, or say, a tennis match) and as I said, violence is not an answer to most problems.

The preference should be for men to talk it out and use logic to come to some understanding to avoid fighting. Fighting is basically an acknowledgment that "I've lost control of myself".

Wise words said to me that I've tried to hold close to my heart and keep with me, the imperfect man that I am (we all have our limits), "something worth fighting for it worth dying for".

I failed to see how this situation met that standard.
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That one dude got knocked the fuck out. lolol.

People don't know how to fight these days.

If you're gonna stand up and run your mouth you'd better be ready to explode on a mofo.

He wasn't trying to fight at first. Just trying to get him away from her.
You know, like a real man would do?
There is no excuse for a woman to lay her hands on a man. She threw the first blow and then her boyfriend got Knocked the F*** out.

Try watching the video in the OP before commenting. You'll look less like an idiot if you do so. The negro clearly pushed her first and she slapped the fuck outta him. Negro should have had a cap in his ass.

I guess the argument could be made that white woman should have known negro would go full negro on them. Pretty much shows why cops hate negros and why half of you people are in prison. Learn how to control yourselves you fucking animals.
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