Woman posts video of urinating on the American flag on the 4th of July

"A family is a group of people brought together by bloodline; Collectivists are brought together by common believes, ideas and goals. That's the simple version for you. "

And also true of families, nations and other collectives

"..move to China and leave those who truly want freedom to seek it."

You have way more freedom than you deserve. You only seek to abuse it and that of everyone else. If you actually believe all the world is tyrannical, why don't you do us all a favor and take off for China yourself?

"Cite me one right your forefathers gave you by "kicking out the British""

Kicking out the British gave them the opportunity to start a new nation with Constitutionally protected individual rights.

The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them.

You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army. And the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny. Not everyone is a pussy. Some folks actually are willing to stand up for what they believe. As long as that is true the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed.
Okay, I've been playing your game long enough. Now tell me just one thing: Why do you hate freedom?
Every country in recent history that murdered its own people had a constitution written to protect the people. The ones who actually carried out the orders were the police and the military. Why? Because if they didn't, they and their families would die.

The U.S. will be no different when the killing starts.
The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.
Every country in recent history that murdered its own people had a constitution written to protect the people. The ones who actually carried out the orders were the police and the military. Why? Because if they didn't, they and their families would die.

The U.S. will be no different when the killing starts.

Oh yes! You must have read an anarchist propaganda "fact sheet" once so you must be sure to share all your infinite wisdom with us. It's soo cute when children give their profound advice to adults!
The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
~exasperated laughter~

The horizontal stripes represent the original 13 colonies - the foundation of this nation. The stars represent each state admitted - the unity of the nation. Red is for hardiness and valor, white is for purity and Innocence, blue is for vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

It is a symbol of pride and freedom for all Americans. “The Star Spangled Banner”, the National Anthem, proclaims, “And the rockets red glare / the bombs bursting in air / gave proof through the night / that our flag was still there.” Our flag flying through the smoke of warfare gave hope to Americans and ever since the flag has been a symbol of that hope and unity. After the tragedy of 9/11, the American flag was still flying after the dust had settled, creating a sense of hope and the knowledge that the country would go on in the face of adversity. Today, countries from all around the world look to the American flag for the same hope and inspiration. The flag started as a banner to celebrate America’s freedom and now stands as an icon of world diplomacy.

You're a grand old rag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.

Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,

Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, *(Auld - Scottish "Old")
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

- 1906

You bastard fucks said it every god damn day in school - yet you /pretend/ "it's just a piece of cloth" (just to be dicks basically.)

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,

one Nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.

How about:

"It's just a cake"?
"It's just a piece of paper"?
"It's just a few bucks"?


I say if you don't have respect for this nation;

It's freedoms,
It's Constitution & Bill of Rights,
It's financial opportunities,
Its values and traditions,
It's election process,

If you cannot muster respect and allegiance with both our urban /and/ our rural small town folks (those "fly over" people),
If you cannot forgive this nation for the mistakes it's made in the past - yet you easily forgive a criminal for his/her crimes, and hypocritically base /that/ ability to "forgive" on environmental and/or social factors,
If you cannot see past it's flaws and find the greatness of it - yet can hypocritically forgive an individual who failed you, and still consider that person a "friend,"
If you cannot respect the opinions and feelings of those who do put weight into the symbolism of the flag - yet can hypocritically argue for the banning of the Confederate Flag based on "feelings,"

If you cannot bring yourself to admit how spoiled you are living in this nation - because of that very foundation of values, because of capitalists, because of corporate juggernauts, because of rural farmers and city folks, etc.
If you cannot bring yourself to admit that we typically go to war in order to promote American values - and that is indeed a good thing for the world,
If you cannot bring yourself to admit that we /are/ the greatest nation on the planet - because we have true freedom, not some watered down PC version of freedom,

then move to a different nation.

For quite a while I've been saying we should band together to pay for all these American hating folks, communists, anarchists, and socialists to GTFO and denounce their citizenship. Start up a non-profit business to get these unhappy miserable bastards out of here so we American's can get back to our unapologetic American values and traditions of nationalism, patriotism, and the love & pride in our country which made us a global beacon of freedom, prosperity, and greatness.
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I'm coming to the conclusion that it is pointless to publicize the antics of these left wing, democrat voting crackpots. All we do is give them publicity which is what they crave. They want to insult the United States and we give them a forum for it.

Stop these sort of news reports. What the disgusting bitch did is legal.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

This say's it perfectly.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Oh brother, where the fuck did you come from?
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.
"Extreme courage". Lol!!!
I knew that woman looked like someone. She looks like Jody Arias.

The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
Let me explain something to you, Waterhead: I have owned four successful businesses and am now retired. I probably paid more in taxes in one week than you have in your entire miserable food stamp getting life. I have raised three families and fed many others. So don't tell me Jack shit about being a responsible adult.

What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves. And that's not the only instance. Ever heard of Kent State? How about Waco? How about the Whiskey Rebellion with your floundering father, Washington? There are more. Many more.
Just when I think I might catch a break, in come the clowns.

Clown #1 says
~exasperated laughter~

The horizontal stripes represent the original 13 colonies - the foundation of this nation. The stars represent each state admitted - the unity of the nation. Red is for hardiness and valor, white is for purity and Innocence, blue is for vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

It is a symbol of pride and freedom for all Americans. “The Star Spangled Banner”, the National Anthem, proclaims, “And the rockets red glare / the bombs bursting in air / gave proof through the night / that our flag was still there.” Our flag flying through the smoke of warfare gave hope to Americans and ever since the flag has been a symbol of that hope and unity. After the tragedy of 9/11, the American flag was still flying after the dust had settled, creating a sense of hope and the knowledge that the country would go on in the face of adversity. Today, countries from all around the world look to the American flag for the same hope and inspiration. The flag started as a banner to celebrate America’s freedom and now stands as an icon of world diplomacy.

You're a grand old rag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,

Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, *(Auld - Scottish "Old")
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

- 1906

You bastard fucks said it every god damn day in school - yet you /pretend/ "it's just a piece of cloth" (just to be dicks basically.)

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.

How about:

"It's just a cake"?
"It's just a piece of paper"?
"It's just a few bucks"?


I say if you don't have respect for this nation;

It's freedoms,
It's Constitution & Bill of Rights,
It's financial opportunities,
Its values and traditions,
It's election process,

If you cannot muster respect and allegiance with both our urban /and/ our rural small town folks (those "fly over" people),
If you cannot forgive this nation for the mistakes it's made in the past - yet you easily forgive a criminal for his/her crimes, and hypocritically base /that/ ability to "forgive" on environmental and/or social factors,
If you cannot see past it's flaws and find the greatness of it - yet can hypocritically forgive an individual who failed you, and still consider that person a "friend,"
If you cannot respect the opinions and feelings of those who do put weight into the symbolism of the flag - yet can hypocritically argue for the banning of the Confederate Flag based on "feelings,"

If you cannot bring yourself to admit how spoiled you are living in this nation - because of that very foundation of values, because of capitalists, because of corporate juggernauts, because of rural farmers and city folks, etc.
If you cannot bring yourself to admit that we typically go to war in order to promote American values - and that is indeed a good thing for the world,
If you cannot bring yourself to admit that we /are/ the greatest nation on the planet - because we have true freedom, not some watered down PC version of freedom,

then move to a different nation.

For quite a while I've been saying we should band together to pay for all these American hating folks, communists, anarchists, and socialists to GTFO and denounce their citizenship. Start up a non-profit business to get these unhappy miserable bastards out of here so we American's can get back to our unapologetic American values and traditions of nationalism, patriotism, and the love & pride in our country which made us a global beacon of freedom, prosperity, and greatness.

Actually, Clown #1 really doesn't say much other than repeating a prayer he said his entire school years of indoctrination. Doesn't seem to bother Clown #1 that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist, even though s/he bemoans having socialists in the "freest country in the world".

Clown #1 says we should forgive his/her religion (government) for all of its crimes against humanity. You know, like, dropping atomic bombs on two cities, stealing more than half of our income, putting our children and grand children into debt forever, starting wars that are not in the interests of this country all over the fucking globe....yeah man, we should forgive Big Brother. Not likely.

Clown #1 goes on to tell us if we aren't happy with a tyrannical government and the crumbs that fall from masters table; that if we can't accept more and more erosions and violations of the "rights" s/he thinks we had then we need to just get the fuck out of his/her nation! That's right - "Move it on, freedom fighter. We don't need your sort in 'Murica."

All of this nothing from a Clown whose avatar tells you to "think for yourself".


Not far behind Clown #1 comes Clown #2. He's more of the one liner clown. So far it seems the best he could come up with is this very stinging question: "Oh brother, where the fuck did you come from?"
Hate to break it to him, but I am not his brother.

Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Oh brother, where the fuck did you come from?
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The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
Let me explain something to you, Waterhead: I have owned four successful businesses and am now retired. I probably paid more in taxes in one week than you have in your entire miserable food stamp getting life. I have raised three families and fed many others. So don't tell me Jack shit about being a responsible adult.

What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves. And that's not the only instance. Ever heard of Kent State? How about Waco? How about the Whiskey Rebellion with your floundering father, Washington? There are more. Many more.

Gosh, wouldn't think you could do all that and remain the miserable self-centered child you are. Congrats.

"What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves"

I never made any such claim nor do I think that. If there is ever a serious revolt in America in response to governmental tyranny I expect there would be military personnel (likely units) either on both sides (similar to our last "Civil War") or that there would simply be a coup by the military.
Naturally I would not expect folks of your ilk to have the courage or conviction to pick a side or take an actual risk.

Odd that you should mention Kent State. When that incident happened I was a soldier in Cambodia serving my Country (find an adult to explain that concept to you) .
Actually, Clown #1 really doesn't say much other than repeating a prayer he said his entire school years of indoctrination. Doesn't seem to bother Clown #1 that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist, even though s/he bemoans having socialists in the "freest country in the world".

Clown #1 says we should forgive his/her religion (government) for all of its crimes against humanity. You know, like, dropping atomic bombs on two cities, stealing more than half of our income, putting our children and grand children into debt forever, starting wars that are not in the interests of this country all over the fucking globe....yeah man, we should forgive Big Brother. Not likely.

Clown #1 goes on to tell us if we aren't happy with a tyrannical government and the crumbs that fall from masters table; that if we can't accept more and more erosions and violations of the "rights" s/he thinks we had then we need to just get the fuck out of his/her nation! That's right - "Move it on, freedom fighter. We don't need your sort in 'Murica."

All of this nothing from a Clown whose avatar tells you to "think for yourself".

Partisan hack gives a perfect example of how brainwashed stupid these types are...

1. Notes the words on my avatar, ignores half to make it fit their narrative (aka we'll just skip "The media lies to you" part) and misses the fact that I'm not a Republican in my signature.

2. Summarily informs of my "opinion" based on his own inability to read - fails to notice that my sig defies practically everything he claims of me "I score (76) Anthropocentrism, (74) Capitalism, (62) Secular, (58) Populism, (52) Individualism, (50) Security, (46) Assimilation, (44) Tough, (44) Laissez-faire, (42) Small Government, (40) Globalization, (32) Decentralization, (30) Isolationism, (22) Deregulation, (18) Unilateralism, (10) Traditional, (6) Militarism." [out of 100.]

The one I'll agree with, partially, is that some folks don't /earn/ more than the "crumbs that fall from masters table." Though "master" isn't the government and the correct word, used by people not looking for something to cry about, is "boss."
The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
Let me explain something to you, Waterhead: I have owned four successful businesses and am now retired. I probably paid more in taxes in one week than you have in your entire miserable food stamp getting life. I have raised three families and fed many others. So don't tell me Jack shit about being a responsible adult.

What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves. And that's not the only instance. Ever heard of Kent State? How about Waco? How about the Whiskey Rebellion with your floundering father, Washington? There are more. Many more.

Gosh, wouldn't think you could do all that and remain the miserable self-centered child you are. Congrats.

"What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves"

I never made any such claim nor do I think that. If there is ever a serious revolt in America in response to governmental tyranny I expect there would be military personnel (likely units) either on both sides (similar to our last "Civil War") or that there would simply be a coup by the military.
Naturally I would not expect folks of your ilk to have the courage or conviction to pick a side or take an actual risk.

Odd that you should mention Kent State. When that incident happened I was a soldier in Cambodia serving my Country (find an adult to explain that concept to you) .

Post #152 (I am the first comment, you are the second):

"The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them."

"You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army. And the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny. Not everyone is a pussy. Some folks actually are willing to stand up for what they believe. As long as that is true the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed."

If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do you.

Moving on.

You say "...the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny."
Don't tell me that lie, tell it to the Japanese and German citizens who were interned during WWII.

Now, answer my question: Why the hell do you hate freedom?
Actually, Clown #1 really doesn't say much other than repeating a prayer he said his entire school years of indoctrination. Doesn't seem to bother Clown #1 that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist, even though s/he bemoans having socialists in the "freest country in the world".

Clown #1 says we should forgive his/her religion (government) for all of its crimes against humanity. You know, like, dropping atomic bombs on two cities, stealing more than half of our income, putting our children and grand children into debt forever, starting wars that are not in the interests of this country all over the fucking globe....yeah man, we should forgive Big Brother. Not likely.

Clown #1 goes on to tell us if we aren't happy with a tyrannical government and the crumbs that fall from masters table; that if we can't accept more and more erosions and violations of the "rights" s/he thinks we had then we need to just get the fuck out of his/her nation! That's right - "Move it on, freedom fighter. We don't need your sort in 'Murica."

All of this nothing from a Clown whose avatar tells you to "think for yourself".

Partisan hack gives a perfect example of how brainwashed stupid these types are...

1. Notes the words on my avatar, ignores half to make it fit their narrative (aka we'll just skip "The media lies to you" part) and misses the fact that I'm not a Republican in my signature.

2. Summarily informs of my "opinion" based on his own inability to read - fails to notice that my sig defies practically everything he claims of me "I score (76) Anthropocentrism, (74) Capitalism, (62) Secular, (58) Populism, (52) Individualism, (50) Security, (46) Assimilation, (44) Tough, (44) Laissez-faire, (42) Small Government, (40) Globalization, (32) Decentralization, (30) Isolationism, (22) Deregulation, (18) Unilateralism, (10) Traditional, (6) Militarism." [out of 100.]

The one I'll agree with, partially, is that some folks don't /earn/ more than the "crumbs that fall from masters table." Though "master" isn't the government and the correct word, used by people not looking for something to cry about, is "boss."

Clown #1 fires back with his false claim of my being a "partisan hack". He does it in his very first two words. Of course at that time I should have just stopped reading his/her reply, but I felt a need to laugh, so continued reading.
Note to Clown #1: Google is your friend.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. "Political hack" is a negative term ascribed to a person who is part of the political party apparatus, but whose intentions are more aligned with victory than personal conviction.

Replies to Clown #1s points:

1. So you are saying we should only think for ourselves when it comes to the media and otherwise believe everything we are told?

2. I rarely read signatures (have you read mine?) as I am not normally in conversation with the signatures. Had I bothered with yours I probably would have gotten a chuckle realizing that yet another fool believes online hocus pocus surveys can actually determine anything about a person.

"The one I'll agree with, partially, is that some folks don't /earn/ more than the "crumbs that fall from masters table." Though "master" isn't the government and the correct word, used by people not looking for something to cry about, is "boss." "

Let's say your boss pays you ten dollars per hour for working for him. You agree to it. You and your boss have contracted voluntarily that you would exchange your labor for his money. If your boss had his way he would probably give you that entire ten dollars. But he doesn't and this is where your "master" comes in. Master decides he wants part of your money. Master didn't earn a dime of this money, nor did you agree to give him any of it. But Master takes three of your ten dollars right off the top, leaving you seven dollars per hour for your labors. If you and your boss collude to not pay Master his cut, men with guns will come and take you and all of your possessions away.

Now Master is not done with you yet. Master continues to chisel at your measly seven dollars every time you spend a dollar of it. Next thing you know you're getting less than five dollars of the ten dollars you contracted for.

Now tell me again how it is "boss" and not "master" who is the cause of your eating crumbs.
How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.
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The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
Let me explain something to you, Waterhead: I have owned four successful businesses and am now retired. I probably paid more in taxes in one week than you have in your entire miserable food stamp getting life. I have raised three families and fed many others. So don't tell me Jack shit about being a responsible adult.

What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves. And that's not the only instance. Ever heard of Kent State? How about Waco? How about the Whiskey Rebellion with your floundering father, Washington? There are more. Many more.

Gosh, wouldn't think you could do all that and remain the miserable self-centered child you are. Congrats.

"What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves"

I never made any such claim nor do I think that. If there is ever a serious revolt in America in response to governmental tyranny I expect there would be military personnel (likely units) either on both sides (similar to our last "Civil War") or that there would simply be a coup by the military.
Naturally I would not expect folks of your ilk to have the courage or conviction to pick a side or take an actual risk.

Odd that you should mention Kent State. When that incident happened I was a soldier in Cambodia serving my Country (find an adult to explain that concept to you) .

Post #152 (I am the first comment, you are the second):

"The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them."

"You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army. And the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny. Not everyone is a pussy. Some folks actually are willing to stand up for what they believe. As long as that is true the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed."

If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do ou.

Moving on.

You say "...the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny."
Don't tell me that lie, tell it to the Japanese and German citizens who were interned during WWII.

Now, answer my question: Why the hell do you hate freedom?

"If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do you."

I'm not implying anything; I'm stating it outright.

"You say "...the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny."
Don't tell me that lie, tell it to the Japanese and German citizens who were interned during WWII."

Somebody elected you to speak for American citizens of Japanese or German extraction? I don't think so. Maybe you should ask one of the thousands that joined the military and fought for their country how horribly oppressed they felt. Actually if there was one class of people who have some right to feel oppressed it would be average Americans who were drafted.

How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?
View attachment 138357

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.

Never have and if I ever did I would take it and burn it and consider the owner an enemy thereafter.

"It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want ..."

Bullspit. It is people like you who want what they want when they want it but expect someone to put in the effort to get it for them. Want more freedom? Work and/or sacrifice for it instead of sitting around whining. Otherwise STFU.

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