Woman posts video of urinating on the American flag on the 4th of July

SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

jeffberwick61 in life

Yesterday I wrote, "Happy In Dependence Day: A Day To Celebrate Living in a Brainwashed Slave Cult."

In it I discussed how most Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult that worships false idols such as the flag.

As I was doing that, Emily Lance was peeing on the flag on Facebook. And it got more than 1 million views and came with dozens, if not hundreds, of death threats.

There is even a bounty on her head on Craigslist for $3,000 and her father, who is a statist, has been targeted at his workplace.

If this doesn't prove my point that Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult nothing does.

If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed.

In this video I discuss what happened and how to deal with living amongst brainwashed slaves.

Click link for video https://steemit.com/life/@jeffberwick/shocking-girl-pees-on-us-flag-on-holy-july-4th

So why do people erupt in anger when someone displays a piece of cloth that looks like a confederate battle flag?
If its just a piece of cloth it should bring no emotion. Intent has a lot to do with it. People know the flag is just a cloth but the girl's intent was to Diss the country she lives in and Diss people who hold its symbols sacred. If that was not her intent, then shes an idiot for not thinking people would see it that way.
Indoctrination. People are taught from an early age to love certain things and to hate other things. Those who did not get enough of that indoctrination get caught up on it via the media and groups that constantly harp on it.

By "Diss" I am assuming you mean "disrespect"? If so, respect is earned and people who hold symbols above humanity deserve no respect.
I don't feel violent anger, just disgust. Anyone who would poop or pee in public doesn't really deserve respect either. Lol. Mostly, I think, what a loon. :eusa_eh:
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.
I find it ironic that all of you flag worshipers (flaggsot) condemn this girl for pissing on a flag but yet remain silent about the threats and the bounty on her life and safety of her and her family.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.
I find it ironic that all of you flag worshipers (flaggsot) condemn this girl for pissing on a flag but yet remain silent about the threats and the bounty on her life and safety of her and her family.

People who make death threats to this girl are lowlife scum.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

Only in a way where she can not and should not be charged with a crime.

The flag is a symbol, and so is her urination.

None of it is literal.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

Right. So when Americans wave flags at sporting events or parades or above their homes, you think they are doing so because it represents their government?

You have an incredibly narrow understanding of what a flag represents.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?
That is a very minor distinction at best. Perhaps the dude that burned a cross in front of a black man's house was protesting racism..........no, people know what doing certain things mean if they are not idiots.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

Right. So when Americans wave flags at sporting events or parades or above their homes, you think they are doing so because it represents their government?

You have an incredibly narrow understanding of what a flag represents.
Ask one of those patr-idiots why they wave the flag and they'll give you pretty much the same damned answer:
"FREEDUMB! Murica is the freest country in the whole damned world! I know because I was taught from kindergarten through high school how free Murica is. Even said the prayer of allegiance every morning."

These are cartoon watching, beer swilling, video game playing, sports freak, tax cow buffoons who wouldn't know freedom if it jumped up and bit them on the ass.
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Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

Right. So when Americans wave flags at sporting events or parades or above their homes, you think they are doing so because it represents their government?

You have an incredibly narrow understanding of what a flag represents.

I think when people wave flags a sporting events that they've bought into the whole melting pot that the US govt has decided to make. Cohesion among people, or lack of it, is down to the govt for the most part. They play the national anthem at sporting matches in the US, they don't do it in the UK or other western countries unless it is the national team playing. They don't stand for a pledge of allegiance, they don't raise and lower the flag. This is something the govt has done.
Sure, the people don't realize it was the govt, just like when soldiers sign up to the military to fight wars for the rich people who control govt, they don't realize it's for the rich people, they believe the patriotic nonsense they're fed, hook, line and sinker.

No, I don't have a narrow understanding of what the flag means, I have a very broad understanding. I do know what many of the people think they're waving it for, and I know why they're waving it. Maybe, one day, you'll wake up and smell the coffee, but maybe not, some people like their patriotism like they like their religion and they're not willing to see the reality because that'd hurt too much.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.

Symbols do matter to people.

Martin Luther wanted to go towards Protestantism because he was fed up with some of the symbolism from the Church. Symbols are signs, simple signs, that people can get behind, and it is the powers that be that want social cohesion (at times) who make such things.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?
That is a very minor distinction at best. Perhaps the dude that burned a cross in front of a black man's house was protesting racism..........no, people know what doing certain things mean if they are not idiots.

So, if I want to protest the US govt invading Iraq, and I burn the US flag, therefore it means that I am attacking America?

Well, maybe this is how you choose to see it.

Maybe this woman did this because she's fed up of being at the bottom of society and having the rich rub it in day after fucking miserable day. Healthcare? No, fuck you. Education? Sure, but it'll be piss poor, so fuck you.

And then maybe she wants to fight back at the fuck yous by sending a message that is "fuck you".

If you decide to stand behind the fucking assholes who control the country and make sure that the poorer 50% get fucked over day after day, then maybe she's saying fuck you to you too.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.

Symbols matter to most people. For example, most women want a ring from their man when they propose to them. If one doesn't understand the power of symbolism, one lacks intelligence.

That woman urinating on the flag was merely an act of self-gratification meant to appeal to a narrow slice of outcasts and extremists. It's not meant to have any meaningful impact. It's meant to offend most Americans. And since it offends most Americans, it merely hardens most Americans' attitudes towards whatever she is protesting.

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