Woman posts video of urinating on the American flag on the 4th of July

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag
Yes, she can, and I REALLY don't care, and the idiots making threats are wrong. But no, it's not JUST a flag. That's the problem with liberals. WE, on the other hand, RESPECT (not worship) what it REPRESENTS.

Obviously, some, even in our own country, do not respect what they believe it represents.

They're free to leave, and I encourage them to do so.

Okay, what does it represent?

Does it represent a country which goes to war whenever it suits them?
Does it represent a country that has a govt that is failing badly because of partisan politics?
Does it represent democracy that doesn't really exist?
Does it represent the freedom the US govt goes around the world taking away, or the freedom at home which is consistently under attack?

What, what does it represent exactly?
You made my point, liberal.

If that's your point, then I'm confused.
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance received online threats of murder and rape after posting the video during Independence Day celebrations.

Her account is no longer on Facebook but she previously posted that her father and his workplace had also been "targeted", reports say.

Desecrating a US flag is not illegal due to strong freedom of speech laws.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance received online threats of murder and rape after posting the video during Independence Day celebrations.

Her account is no longer on Facebook but she previously posted that her father and his workplace had also been "targeted", reports say.

Desecrating a US flag is not illegal due to strong freedom of speech laws.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

So THAT is bodecea in real life, huh?
Dang I was thinking the exact same thing. While holding up her rainbow flag.
If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag
Yes, she can, and I REALLY don't care, and the idiots making threats are wrong. But no, it's not JUST a flag. That's the problem with liberals. WE, on the other hand, RESPECT (not worship) what it REPRESENTS.

Obviously, some, even in our own country, do not respect what they believe it represents.

They're free to leave, and I encourage them to do so.

Okay, what does it represent?

Does it represent a country which goes to war whenever it suits them?
Does it represent a country that has a govt that is failing badly because of partisan politics?
Does it represent democracy that doesn't really exist?
Does it represent the freedom the US govt goes around the world taking away, or the freedom at home which is consistently under attack?

What, what does it represent exactly?

It represents us.

And we are awesome.

America is the greatest country on earth.

So when that dirtbag pisses on the flag, she's pissing on us.

It's offensive.

It represent Americans? It represents the good and the bad. The greatest nation on Earth... I don't think so, mainly because no nation is the greatest on Earth, and even if it were, you'd have to have gone to all the other 200 or so nations to even be able to say that.

So, she's pissing on Americans. Oh, well....

Part of what makes America is the freedom of speech. So, she's pissing on people who would have you not have freedom of speech, good for me.

Offensive you might find it, and I might find guns offensive.... so..... what?
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.

You love everything against America.
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.


Thats why you should respect the flag.
If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

How are those comparisons even remotely similar?

"How are those comparisons even remotely similar?"
I showed that owning something does always allow you to do anything you might want with it.

Unlike your examples, her pissing on a flag doesn't harm another human being. Your comparisons are inappropriate and poorly thought out.

Is there any reason pissing on the flag should be legal?
It is a harmless form of protest.

Many believe the law as it stands now should be changed and will work to see that it is.
Then other forms of protest will be sought out. They would become more severe to grab attention.
If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.

View attachment 137450
Thats why you should respect the flag.

Actually, for that reason alone is why you should desecrate the flag.
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.

Is it still freedom of speech if it was the Mexican flag on cinco de mayo?
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance received online threats of murder and rape after posting the video during Independence Day celebrations.

Her account is no longer on Facebook but she previously posted that her father and his workplace had also been "targeted", reports say.

Desecrating a US flag is not illegal due to strong freedom of speech laws.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

She's free to do what she likes with it, however it is very offensive to millions of Americans to see our nation's symbol treated in this way. She is urinating on the U.S.
So, at what point did the pursuit of happiness become an American motto? The 239 years they stopped gay people marrying? The time of slavery? The time of segregation? The time of trying to destroy Native Americans? Which time, exactly, has the US gone out and seen happiness above individual profit?

All men are created equal? So when has this been a US motto? Slavery? Being anti-gay? When women couldn't vote. When people in Wyoming get three times the power in their Presidential election vote as people from California?

Seems to be that if the US flag represents this stuff, the US needs a new flag.
You need to educate yourself...take a trip to south America and then get on a plane and fly to Indonesia, after that take a boat to China. If you can find safe passage take a walk through Israel and the rest of the middle east. If or when you get home you are to write 2500 words on how unaware you were before you began your trip.
This falls under physically defiling the flag and is punishable by fining and/or imprisonment.

Throw the book at this bitch.
"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.

View attachment 137450
Thats why you should respect the flag.

Actually, for that reason alone is why you should desecrate the flag.

You're screwed up in the head.
Ahh darn, she's now getting threats. What a dumbfuck.

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July

Emily Lance threatened after urinating on US flag on 4 July - BBC News

If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag.

"If it was her flag, then she can do what she likes with it, right? It's just a flag"

You mean if it's my gun I can shoot who and whatever I want, right?
I guess if it's my car I can drive it where and however I want
Not her flag; America's flag.

No, I mean if it's your gun you can clean the gun as much as you like, you can throw the gun against your wall all you like, you can piss on your gun all you like.

If she had suffocated someone by tying the flag around their neck and hanging them from the tree and I said she can do with it what she likes, then maybe you'd have been justified in saying it's your gun you can do with it what you like, but I didn't.

No, it was HER FLAG. Not your flag, not America's flag. Her flag, her property.
Yes, it's her American flag and she has a right to piss on it if she wants to. It is a free speech issue. She is basically saying Fuck you America by her actions. Of course this offends patriotic Americans. And there are a small percentage of those offended that will cross the line and threaten violence.
What she did is as stupid as wearing a "I hate N-word" sign in certain neighborhoods.

No, she hasn't said "fuck you America", in fact quite the opposite. She's saying she has freedom of speech. Those demanding that she doesn't do it, are the ones saying "fuck you America".

It offends patriotic Americans. Oh well. I guess gay marriage, and many other rights (except the Second Amendment of course) offend "patriotic Americans" on a daily basis.

Gosh,you'd think she'd find a more eloquent, intelligent way to expressing her appreciation.
Thats why you should respect the flag.

No, that's why you should respect people's right to freedom of speech and expression because THAT is what those guys died for, not a piece of cloth. It's astonishing to me how so many conservatives claim to be all about the Constitution until you don't like what it allows.

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