Woman posts video of urinating on the American flag on the 4th of July

The U.S. military is not going to protect anybody when the SHTF.
During Hurricane Katrina the National Guard went door-to-door confiscating guns. Thought you all might need to know that.

What has that got to do with your whining about being such a poor mistreated victim that you shouldn't be expected to function as an actual responsible adult American?
Let me explain something to you, Waterhead: I have owned four successful businesses and am now retired. I probably paid more in taxes in one week than you have in your entire miserable food stamp getting life. I have raised three families and fed many others. So don't tell me Jack shit about being a responsible adult.

What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves. And that's not the only instance. Ever heard of Kent State? How about Waco? How about the Whiskey Rebellion with your floundering father, Washington? There are more. Many more.

Gosh, wouldn't think you could do all that and remain the miserable self-centered child you are. Congrats.

"What does my above post have to do with anything? It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves"

I never made any such claim nor do I think that. If there is ever a serious revolt in America in response to governmental tyranny I expect there would be military personnel (likely units) either on both sides (similar to our last "Civil War") or that there would simply be a coup by the military.
Naturally I would not expect folks of your ilk to have the courage or conviction to pick a side or take an actual risk.

Odd that you should mention Kent State. When that incident happened I was a soldier in Cambodia serving my Country (find an adult to explain that concept to you) .

Post #152 (I am the first comment, you are the second):

"The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them."

"You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army. And the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny. Not everyone is a pussy. Some folks actually are willing to stand up for what they believe. As long as that is true the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed."

If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do ou.

Moving on.

You say "...the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny."
Don't tell me that lie, tell it to the Japanese and German citizens who were interned during WWII.

Now, answer my question: Why the hell do you hate freedom?

"If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do you."

I'm not implying anything; I'm stating it outright.

"You say "...the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny."
Don't tell me that lie, tell it to the Japanese and German citizens who were interned during WWII."

Somebody elected you to speak for American citizens of Japanese or German extraction? I don't think so. Maybe you should ask one of the thousands that joined the military and fought for their country how horribly oppressed they felt. Actually if there was one class of people who have some right to feel oppressed it would be average Americans who were drafted.

Me: It's a response to your claim the U.S. military will never attack citizens/slaves
You: I never made any such claim nor do I think that.
Me [Quoting You]: You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army.
If you are not implying that the military will save the people, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Neither do you.
You: I'm not implying anything; I'm stating it outright.

What are ya, senile or suffering from some other Old Timers disease?

Who says I am speaking for anybody? I point out history to you and you nearly have a fucking hysterectomy.

Educate yourself, war hero (Major General Smedly Butler, "War Is A Racket"):

How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?
View attachment 138357

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.

Never have and if I ever did I would take it and burn it and consider the owner an enemy thereafter.

"It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want ..."

Bullspit. It is people like you who want what they want when they want it but expect someone to put in the effort to get it for them. Want more freedom? Work and/or sacrifice for it instead of sitting around whining. Otherwise STFU.
So you want to burn the flag you want to kill otherf or burning?

How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?
View attachment 138357

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.

Never have and if I ever did I would take it and burn it and consider the owner an enemy thereafter.

"It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want ..."

Bullspit. It is people like you who want what they want when they want it but expect someone to put in the effort to get it for them. Want more freedom? Work and/or sacrifice for it instead of sitting around whining. Otherwise STFU.
So you want to burn the flag you want to kill otherf or burning?


Burning is the proper way to dispose a ruined flag. The Flag should never touch the ground let alone be walked on.
Deliberately dishonoring the Flag certainly deserves to be punished but killing seems excessive in most cases.

Question is too idiotic to merit a response.

Question is too idiotic to merit a response.
Let me rephrase the question:
Why do you hate others exercising their freedumbs?

Added bonus questions:
Why do you object to those who refuse to lie down and let more of their liberties vanish?
Why do you approve of the state transferring $250,000 of debt to your children who had no say in that debt?
Why aren't you doing anything about your government taking more than 50% of your income when your floundering fathers went to war over a 3% tax?
Since you like oppressive government so much, why did you leave Cambodia after you lost the war to the evil commies?
Did you read Major General Butlers "War Is A Racket"?
How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?
View attachment 138357

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.

Never have and if I ever did I would take it and burn it and consider the owner an enemy thereafter.

"It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want ..."

Bullspit. It is people like you who want what they want when they want it but expect someone to put in the effort to get it for them. Want more freedom? Work and/or sacrifice for it instead of sitting around whining. Otherwise STFU.
So you want to burn the flag you want to kill otherf or burning?


Burning is the proper way to dispose a ruined flag. The Flag should never touch the ground let alone be walked on.
Deliberately dishonoring the Flag certainly deserves to be punished but killing seems excessive in most cases.
So people should be punished for "dishonoring" (what the fuck is 'honor'?) the flag? How would you punish them?
Getting back to the topic at hand (tired of jousting with a guy who keeps bringing a tooth pick to the match):

Freedom is not represented by a piece of cloth. Freedom is something far deeper than 'patriotism' and emotions. Freedom is not something we feel - it is something we know deep down inside of us. Freedom is not the comfort of just enough to get by. Freedom has no rulers who dictate how we live and act.

Then what is is freedom?

Freedom is waking up in the morning knowing you are secure as long as you do not trespass upon others.

Question is too idiotic to merit a response.
Let me rephrase the question:
Why do you hate others exercising their freedumbs?

Added bonus questions:
Why do you object to those who refuse to lie down and let more of their liberties vanish?
Why do you approve of the state transferring $250,000 of debt to your children who had no say in that debt?
Why aren't you doing anything about your government taking more than 50% of your income when your floundering fathers went to war over a 3% tax?
Since you like oppressive government so much, why did you leave Cambodia after you lost the war to the evil commies?
Did you read Major General Butlers "War Is A Racket"?

et me rephrase the question:
Why do you hate others exercising their freedumbs?

Added bonus questions:
Why do you object to those who refuse to lie down and let more of their liberties vanish?
Why do you approve of the state transferring $250,000 of debt to your children who had no say in that debt?
Why aren't you doing anything about your government taking more than 50% of your income when your floundering fathers went to war over a 3% tax?
Since you like oppressive government so much, why did you leave Cambodia after you lost the war to the evil commies?

A more interesting question would be to ask why you are so determined to lie about me. None of the above is true and I have no interest in Gen. Butler's opinions on war; I can form my own, thank you.

"So people should be punished for "dishonoring" (what the fuck is 'honor')?"

I'm not at all surprised you don't know and it's not my job to teach you.

"Freedom is not represented by a piece of cloth. Freedom is something far deeper than 'patriotism' and emotions."

Untrue. You have no actual concept of freedom.

"...as long as you do not trespass upon others."

Which could mean almost anything or nothing depending on how "trespass upon others" is defined.

How many of you emotional Nancy boys and whining witches own one of these?
View attachment 138357

How many of you have seen one on somebody elses door step? Did you piss yourselves over it? Did you threaten the owner of it with rape, beating or death? Why is walking on it okay but pissing on it or burning it is not okay?

Note to all of you people who want me and those like me to move to Somalia (or wherever is popular this week): It is people like me who want real freedom. It is people like me who want to break the chains of slavery that uses our labors to finance its funding. It is people like me who recognize the state as a gangster style 'mafia' that uses fear and intimidation to get from its citizen-slaves what it wants. It is people like me who are tired of watching as the state takes more and more and gives less and less. It is people like me who doesn't want our children to be saddled with a debt in excess of $250,000 per child they had no part in creating. It is people like me who are tired of innocent people being jailed for feeding other people ( 90-year-old man and two ministers arrested for feeding homeless ) or selling lemonade ( arrested for selling lemonade - Google Search ). It is people like me who are tired or oppressive, arbitrary laws that result in the U.S. having more people in prison, per capita, than any other country in the world ( U.S. has 5% of the worlds population and houses more then 20% of the worlds prisoners ). It is people like me who are sick and tired of seeing our young sent off to kill and die in wars that have nothing to do with their rights or freedoms. It is people like me who are tired of people like you going apeshit stupid over a piece of cloth that only has the control over you you let it have over you. It is people like me who are not satisfied with surviving off the crumbs that fall from Masters table.

Actually I've never seen one of those (figures that you have).
I would never make flag burning, or desecrating one a crime, but I would think someone wiping their feet on one is a piece of shit.
"Honor," in relation to this topic, would be respecting the flag. It is about respecting each other as fellow American's, respecting that swath of fabric that symbolically binds us together. The flag is /not/ a symbol of the government, it never really was, it is about the /people/ of America, which is why folks get so offended when fellow American's disrespect it.

If you were to intentionally and publically piss on a picture of your wife/husband, how do you think they would feel about it? Do you think they would shrug it off as "just a piece of paper" or do you think they would be upset by that symbolism?

Question is too idiotic to merit a response.
Let me rephrase the question:
Why do you hate others exercising their freedumbs?

Added bonus questions:
Why do you object to those who refuse to lie down and let more of their liberties vanish?
Why do you approve of the state transferring $250,000 of debt to your children who had no say in that debt?
Why aren't you doing anything about your government taking more than 50% of your income when your floundering fathers went to war over a 3% tax?
Since you like oppressive government so much, why did you leave Cambodia after you lost the war to the evil commies?
Did you read Major General Butlers "War Is A Racket"?

et me rephrase the question:
Why do you hate others exercising their freedumbs?

Added bonus questions:
Why do you object to those who refuse to lie down and let more of their liberties vanish?
Why do you approve of the state transferring $250,000 of debt to your children who had no say in that debt?
Why aren't you doing anything about your government taking more than 50% of your income when your floundering fathers went to war over a 3% tax?
Since you like oppressive government so much, why did you leave Cambodia after you lost the war to the evil commies?

A more interesting question would be to ask why you are so determined to lie about me. None of the above is true and I have no interest in Gen. Butler's opinions on war; I can form my own, thank you.

"So people should be punished for "dishonoring" (what the fuck is 'honor')?"

I'm not at all surprised you don't know and it's not my job to teach you.

"Freedom is not represented by a piece of cloth. Freedom is something far deeper than 'patriotism' and emotions."

Untrue. You have no actual concept of freedom.

"...as long as you do not trespass upon others."

Which could mean almost anything or nothing depending on how "trespass upon others" is defined.
To "trespass upon others" is to cause harm to others.
"Honor," in relation to this topic, would be respecting the flag. It is about respecting each other as fellow American's, respecting that swath of fabric that symbolically binds us together. The flag is /not/ a symbol of the government, it never really was, it is about the /people/ of America, which is why folks get so offended when fellow American's disrespect it.

If you were to intentionally and publically piss on a picture of your wife/husband, how do you think they would feel about it? Do you think they would shrug it off as "just a piece of paper" or do you think they would be upset by that symbolism?

"It is about respecting each other as fellow American's, [UNLESS THEY ARE DIS-]respecting that swath of fabric that symbolically binds..."

Yes, it is about the government and that it is why it represents the United States of America and not the United People of America. Truth is it is all just a con game and I really don't have time to get into that right now.

"...they would feel..."
That is it in a nutshell. It is all about the "feels". All the anger and violence directed toward this woman for pissing on a flag is about how it made people "feel". There is not one logical reason for being pissed at this woman but there seem to be a multitude of emotional reasons. Americans have become such pansies (especially the men) that their feelings are more important than somebody elses natural rights. I will be posting a video in my next comment. I would appreciate it if you took the time to watch it.
The flag stompers had/have nothing to do with the death of soldiers. Most flag stompers detest war and want there to be none. On the other hand flag worshipers (a.k.a. flaggots) have everything to do with those deaths. While you will blindly send your children to die under that flag, stompers will do everything they can to educate their children to the dangers of blind emotional obedience and worship of that flag.

You, sir, are the reason so many of your countrymen and women die under that flag or because of that flag. Don't blame those who don't want wars - blame yourself for supporting that flag and the wars it leads your young into.
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The flag stompers had/have nothing to do with the death of soldiers. Most flag stompers detest war and want there to be none. On the other hand flag worshipers (a.k.a. flaggots) have everything to do with those deaths. While you will blindly send your children to die under that flag, stompers will do everything they can to educate their children to the dangers of blind emotional obedience and worship of that flag.

You, sir, are the reason so many of your countrymen and women die under that flag or because of that flag. Don't blame those who don't want wars - blame yourself for supporting that flag and the wars it leads your young into.

"The flag stompers had/have nothing to do with the death of soldiers."

No? They profoundly disrespect the nation those soldiers died to defend and protect as well as We the People who live here.

Most flag stompers detest war and want there to be none.

Bullspit. They just demand that others protect them, their families and interests. They don't hate war; they hate the idea of being personally inconvenienced or in any way having to support anyone else.

While you will blindly send your children to die under that flag, stompers will do everything they can to educate their children to the dangers of blind emotional obedience and worship of that flag.

In other words to be totally self-centered and anti-American. I'm sure they will turn out to be as worthless as you. Congrats.
You are forming a leech dynasty.

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