Woman posts video of urinating on the American flag on the 4th of July

Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.

Symbols matter to most people. For example, most women want a ring from their man when they propose to them. If one doesn't understand the power of symbolism, one lacks intelligence.

That woman urinating on the flag was merely an act of self-gratification meant to appeal to a narrow slice of outcasts and extremists. It's not meant to have any meaningful impact. It's meant to offend most Americans. And since it offends most Americans, it merely hardens most Americans' attitudes towards whatever she is protesting.
I fully understand the power of symbolism as well as the dangers it can present. So does this little girl and her family. So too did the victims of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, FDR and countless others. A ring between two people has no comparison to a national symbol.

The only thing you or I know about her reasons for pissing on that piece of cloth are her words from the videio: ‘F*** your nationalism. F*** your country. F*** your stupid f****** flag’.
We can only assume anything beyond that.
It doesn't matter if she "hardens most Americans' attitudes". What she accomplished was discussion between people who agree with her (me) and people who don't agree with her (you). And unfortunately for you (and those like you) I have the winning hand. I already know your argument because I once believed as you do.
"If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed."

If someone defiling the American flag doesn't make you angry you are one brainwashed sicko who doesn't deserve the right to call themselves American.
I do not call myself an "American". I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, one gives up his natural right to self determination and becomes part of a herd. Herds are corralled and abused. That's not for me.

"I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, ..."

You imagine you are not part of any collective? No family? No groups of friends? No religion? No Nation?
If you do not accept the responsibilities of belonging to a collective (the Nation) what makes you think you have a right to any of the benefits? Like protections (rights) under that collectives' Constitution? Ain't no free lunch, son.
My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them. We are not a collective. I am not connected to any religion nor support "nations". I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes'', which takes more than 50% of working peoples income. The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is.

You're right, son, there is no free lunch. But it would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more nutritious if you kept government out of it.

"My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them."

"I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes''
Wrong. Taxes are only part of the debt you owe the American people (Nation) if you want to claim the rights of a citizen. Otherwise you are no more than a leech taking what you have not earned.

"The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is."

The Constitution lists the rights given to us by our forefathers and fellow Americans. It over rules governments, the Supreme Court and all law. The Constitution can change the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern.

Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

And the government is supposed to represent the will of the people.
She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.

Symbols matter to most people. For example, most women want a ring from their man when they propose to them. If one doesn't understand the power of symbolism, one lacks intelligence.

That woman urinating on the flag was merely an act of self-gratification meant to appeal to a narrow slice of outcasts and extremists. It's not meant to have any meaningful impact. It's meant to offend most Americans. And since it offends most Americans, it merely hardens most Americans' attitudes towards whatever she is protesting.
I fully understand the power of symbolism as well as the dangers it can present. So does this little girl and her family. So too did the victims of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, FDR and countless others. A ring between two people has no comparison to a national symbol.

The only thing you or I know about her reasons for pissing on that piece of cloth are her words from the videio: ‘F*** your nationalism. F*** your country. F*** your stupid f****** flag’.
We can only assume anything beyond that.
It doesn't matter if she "hardens most Americans' attitudes". What she accomplished was discussion between people who agree with her (me) and people who don't agree with her (you). And unfortunately for you (and those like you) I have the winning hand. I already know your argument because I once believed as you do.

You are losing, not winning. Most Americans are proud to be Americans. Most Americans know that urinating on the flag is offensive. Acts of disrespect make people less willing to listen to those disrespecting them. Nobody is going to parse for nuance. There is no nuance pissing on the flag.
"If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed."

If someone defiling the American flag doesn't make you angry you are one brainwashed sicko who doesn't deserve the right to call themselves American.
I do not call myself an "American". I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, one gives up his natural right to self determination and becomes part of a herd. Herds are corralled and abused. That's not for me.

"I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, ..."

You imagine you are not part of any collective? No family? No groups of friends? No religion? No Nation?
If you do not accept the responsibilities of belonging to a collective (the Nation) what makes you think you have a right to any of the benefits? Like protections (rights) under that collectives' Constitution? Ain't no free lunch, son.
My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them. We are not a collective. I am not connected to any religion nor support "nations". I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes'', which takes more than 50% of working peoples income. The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is.

You're right, son, there is no free lunch. But it would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more nutritious if you kept government out of it.

"My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them."

"I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes''
Wrong. Taxes are only part of the debt you owe the American people (Nation) if you want to claim the rights of a citizen. Otherwise you are no more than a leech taking what you have not earned.

"The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is."

The Constitution lists the rights given to us by our forefathers and fellow Americans. It over rules governments, the Supreme Court and all law. The Constitution can change the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern.

A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own.

B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags.

C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights". If you know how to use Google, search unalienable (no, it doesn't have anything to do with Mexicans or space beings) and you might learn what your CONstitution says about your "rights". I would think that a man who thinks himself capable of a debate with me would at least have read the Bill of Rights.

"The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern."
And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form.
I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

Symbols matter.

She was being extremely disrespectful towards the people the flag represents.

It shows a lack of intelligence that she chose to protest in this manner.
Symbols matter? Only to the symbol minded.

It is good to disrespect the ideas and beliefs of tyrants and fools from time to time. Sometime that is what it takes to put them on notice and make them think.

An act rarely shows a lack of intelligence. This girl was simply showing (in my opinion) contempt for an empire that has grown to big and to controling to not be addressed and that was her way of addressing it. I think she showed extreme courage in what she did as I am sure she knew she would be hated for it by you flag worshiping statists who never question the authority of your government.

Symbols matter to most people. For example, most women want a ring from their man when they propose to them. If one doesn't understand the power of symbolism, one lacks intelligence.

That woman urinating on the flag was merely an act of self-gratification meant to appeal to a narrow slice of outcasts and extremists. It's not meant to have any meaningful impact. It's meant to offend most Americans. And since it offends most Americans, it merely hardens most Americans' attitudes towards whatever she is protesting.
I fully understand the power of symbolism as well as the dangers it can present. So does this little girl and her family. So too did the victims of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, FDR and countless others. A ring between two people has no comparison to a national symbol.

The only thing you or I know about her reasons for pissing on that piece of cloth are her words from the videio: ‘F*** your nationalism. F*** your country. F*** your stupid f****** flag’.
We can only assume anything beyond that.
It doesn't matter if she "hardens most Americans' attitudes". What she accomplished was discussion between people who agree with her (me) and people who don't agree with her (you). And unfortunately for you (and those like you) I have the winning hand. I already know your argument because I once believed as you do.

You are losing, not winning. Most Americans are proud to be Americans. Most Americans know that urinating on the flag is offensive. Acts of disrespect make people less willing to listen to those disrespecting them. Nobody is going to parse for nuance. There is no nuance pissing on the flag.

I can't lose. Those who think like you and still think like you after reading this thread, just won't be changed (in the moment). So I have not lost them and you have not gained them. HOWEVER, that one person who begins to question his/her beliefs makes me a winner. I will have accomplished what I sought to accomplish. I made people question their indoctrination.

What evidence do you have that backs your claim that most Americans' are proud to be Americans? Just about every American (as you all coll yourselves) is pissed at the government about something. Tell me you're not.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

And the government is supposed to represent the will of the people.
Here's your 'rights"
"If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed."

If someone defiling the American flag doesn't make you angry you are one brainwashed sicko who doesn't deserve the right to call themselves American.
I do not call myself an "American". I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, one gives up his natural right to self determination and becomes part of a herd. Herds are corralled and abused. That's not for me.

"I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, ..."

You imagine you are not part of any collective? No family? No groups of friends? No religion? No Nation?
If you do not accept the responsibilities of belonging to a collective (the Nation) what makes you think you have a right to any of the benefits? Like protections (rights) under that collectives' Constitution? Ain't no free lunch, son.
My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them. We are not a collective. I am not connected to any religion nor support "nations". I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes'', which takes more than 50% of working peoples income. The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is.

You're right, son, there is no free lunch. But it would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more nutritious if you kept government out of it.

"My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them."

"I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes''
Wrong. Taxes are only part of the debt you owe the American people (Nation) if you want to claim the rights of a citizen. Otherwise you are no more than a leech taking what you have not earned.

"The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is."

The Constitution lists the rights given to us by our forefathers and fellow Americans. It over rules governments, the Supreme Court and all law. The Constitution can change the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern.

A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own.

B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags.

C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights". If you know how to use Google, search unalienable (no, it doesn't have anything to do with Mexicans or space beings) and you might learn what your CONstitution says about your "rights". I would think that a man who thinks himself capable of a debate with me would at least have read the Bill of Rights.

"The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern."
And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form.

"A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own."

I do; you don't.

"B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags."

You consent to be governed every day you live here and claim citizenship. If you have a problem with that renounce your citizenship and move. You have, and have had, that option every day of your life. You choose to live here and you choose to be a citizen and thereby you choose to be governed. You are not the only leech but you certainly are one.

" C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights"

Untrue. Some of our forefathers gave us rights by kicking out the British, forming a new Nation and making an American Constitution. Other forefathers fought and died to continue that nation and Constitution. They have earned and deserve your respect and appreciation.

"And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form"

Violation of the Constitution constitutes tyranny and tyranny is intended to be opposed by the People. The 2nd Amendment makes that possible as it was intended.

" I made people question their indoctrination."

No they question your indoctrination.
I do not call myself an "American". I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, one gives up his natural right to self determination and becomes part of a herd. Herds are corralled and abused. That's not for me.

"I recognize myself as a man, a human being, an individual. Singular. When one becomes a member of a collective, ..."

You imagine you are not part of any collective? No family? No groups of friends? No religion? No Nation?
If you do not accept the responsibilities of belonging to a collective (the Nation) what makes you think you have a right to any of the benefits? Like protections (rights) under that collectives' Constitution? Ain't no free lunch, son.
My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them. We are not a collective. I am not connected to any religion nor support "nations". I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes'', which takes more than 50% of working peoples income. The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is.

You're right, son, there is no free lunch. But it would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more nutritious if you kept government out of it.

"My friends and my family are an extension of myself and I of them."

"I have a ''right '' to benefits because I paid for those benefits via a theft called ''taxes''
Wrong. Taxes are only part of the debt you owe the American people (Nation) if you want to claim the rights of a citizen. Otherwise you are no more than a leech taking what you have not earned.

"The CONstitution does not grant or give any "rights". Nor does it protect them. A piece of paper has no power to do anything. Your "rights" are interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and that is why your "right to bear arms" is as restricted as it is."

The Constitution lists the rights given to us by our forefathers and fellow Americans. It over rules governments, the Supreme Court and all law. The Constitution can change the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern.

A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own.

B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags.

C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights". If you know how to use Google, search unalienable (no, it doesn't have anything to do with Mexicans or space beings) and you might learn what your CONstitution says about your "rights". I would think that a man who thinks himself capable of a debate with me would at least have read the Bill of Rights.

"The Constitution is the law by which the government is required to govern."
And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form.

"A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own."

I do; you don't.

"B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags."

You consent to be governed every day you live here and claim citizenship. If you have a problem with that renounce your citizenship and move. You have, and have had, that option every day of your life. You choose to live here and you choose to be a citizen and thereby you choose to be governed. You are not the only leech but you certainly are one.

" C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights"

Untrue. Some of our forefathers gave us rights by kicking out the British, forming a new Nation and making an American Constitution. Other forefathers fought and died to continue that nation and Constitution. They have earned and deserve your respect and appreciation.

"And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form"

Violation of the Constitution constitutes tyranny and tyranny is intended to be opposed by the People. The 2nd Amendment makes that possible as it was intended.
"A. You obviously don't know the difference between a colletive and a family and I don't have the desire to correct that for you. Some shit you just gotta do on your own."

I do; you don't.

A family is a group of people brought together by bloodline; Collectivists are brought together by common believes, ideas and goals. That's the simple version for you.

"B. I did not ask to be a citizen/slave. It was forced on me at birth. I owe no debt to anybody simply because I was born on a piece of soil in which I had no choosing. You want leeches? Look at your fucking government. Every damned one of them gets their paychecks by stealing from your paychecks. I never consented to be ruled and I definitely did not consent to be robbed by a bunch of lowlifes and scallywags."

You consent to be governed every day you live here and claim citizenship. If you have a problem with that renounce your citizenship and move. You have, and have had, that option every day of your life. You choose to live here and you choose to be a citizen and thereby you choose to be governed. You are not the only leech but you certainly are one.

I DID NOT "claim citizenship", I was born into it. What part of that don't you get? Renounce it? Why go from one plantation to another? I do not "choose to be governed", I am forced to be governed. Anyplace in this world. And so are you.
I have an idea, since chains seem to rest lightly on you - move to China and leave those who truly want freedom to seek it.

" C. Your "forefathers and fellow Americans gave you nothing. Definitely not your so called "rights"

Untrue. Some of our forefathers gave us rights by kicking out the British, forming a new Nation and making an American Constitution. Other forefathers fought and died to continue that nation and Constitution. They have earned and deserve your respect and appreciation.

Cite me one right your forefathers gave you by "kicking out the British". You can't and you wont even try. Tyrants do not deserve respect.

"And if your government fails to obey your CONstitution...who will punish them? Obviously not your CONstitution. Because it has no power to do anything except convince those like you that it is a god in paper form"

Violation of the Constitution constitutes tyranny and tyranny is intended to be opposed by the People. The 2nd Amendment makes that possible as it was intended.

The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them.

You're delusional.
"A family is a group of people brought together by bloodline; Collectivists are brought together by common believes, ideas and goals. That's the simple version for you. "

And also true of families, nations and other collectives

"..move to China and leave those who truly want freedom to seek it."

You have way more freedom than you deserve. You only seek to abuse it and that of everyone else. If you actually believe all the world is tyrannical, why don't you do us all a favor and take off for China yourself?

"Cite me one right your forefathers gave you by "kicking out the British""

Kicking out the British gave them the opportunity to start a new nation with Constitutionally protected individual rights.

The 2nd Amendment is going to effectively do what? Get you killed? The tyrants always own the army who will always do as they are ordered. Your pea shooters against their tanks will not even sting them.

You forget that the Army is made up of members of the People who are sworn to protect the Constitution; not the government. Tyrants do not own the Army. And the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed to stop tyranny. Not everyone is a pussy. Some folks actually are willing to stand up for what they believe. As long as that is true the 2nd Amendment is all that is needed.
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

And the government is supposed to represent the will of the people.

Yeah, supposed to. But doesn't, does it?
Having freedom of speech does not necessarily mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Piss on the American Flag -- be prepared to be shunned by many Americans. I agree that violence is going too far, but I also have the common sense to know there are people who will take it too far and threaten or even commit violence.

And no, pissing on the American Flag is not the way to say "I have freedom of speech", pissing on the American flag is the way to say "I hate America ".

Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

And the government is supposed to represent the will of the people.

Yeah, supposed to. But doesn't, does it?

If it doesn't it's the people's job to correct it. If the people can't be bothered to do their job they have no one to blame but themselves.
She is disgusting. That is all there is to it. People who do these types of things have some problems obviously. I mean, how classy. Lol.
Or maybe people see it as "I hate the American government".

Different people see things differently, don't they?

Then those people are below average intelligence.

The American government is only a small part of the United States.

Maybe it is, but the flag represents the government, 50 stars, 50 states, 50 state governments, 13 red and white lines for 13 state governments in the beginning. Think about it. There aren't any people on those flags, there's just government.

And the government is supposed to represent the will of the people.

Yeah, supposed to. But doesn't, does it?

If it doesn't it's the people's job to correct it. If the people can't be bothered to do their job they have no one to blame but themselves.

So, then the people can't complain about the corruption in the US?

But it is the people's job to fix it, so the people should educated themselves on PR and push for PR, because it's the only way to save themselves.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

Does that mean you have to like or agree with what she does? No it does not. She has the right to be gross and crude and vile, and I have a right to say that she is gross and crude and vile. :)
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

That's not a little girl. It is a fully grown (well physically at least) woman. Although it is not very womanly to be peeing in front of everyone on a flag or anywhere else for that matter.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

Does that mean you have to like or agree with what she does? No it does not. She has the right to be gross and crude and vile, and I have a right to say that she is gross and crude and vile. :)
I just watched the video for the first time as I am not a fan of watching people relieve themselves either. It was exactly what I expected it to be: a female urinating on a flag. What I wasn't expecting was the device she used. Interesting and could have its uses. Like peeing in the woods or on a flag.
You are correct. She has a right to do as she did and you have a right to object to it. But that is as far as our rights go. Threatening her, calling for her to be raped, murdered...we don't have that right. Every statist in the country can bitch and moan, but that's about as far as they can morally go.
Sheeple: Anybody who pisses on the Murican flag is being disrespectful of our military who died for her right to piss on the Murican flag.
Me: Huh? They died for her "right" but wouldn't want her to exercise her right? I guess if those soldiers only want us to exercise certain rights they oughta stop fighting and dying and come on home, otherwise they are doing shit all wrong.

She has every right to be a total moron and urinate on the flag, just like others have every right to be outraged and appalled by her.

And the flag represents more than our military. It represents out people, our history, our ideals, our culture. So when she urinates on the flag, she urinates on all of us and what we stand for.

I didn't get wet, did you?

The only thing this little girl hurt was the sensitivities of a bunch of pussies. Cowards who are afraid to think for themselves or they just might be pissing on some flags themselves.

That's not a little girl. It is a fully grown (well physically at least) woman. Although it is not very womanly to be peeing in front of everyone on a flag or anywhere else for that matter.
I did some searching and you are right, she is not a little girl. She is 31 years old. But she is not very bright, it seems. Allegedly, she styles herself an "anarchist", but supports Bernie Sanders. Anarchy simply means "no ruler", I guess she missed that memo.
Emily Lance
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