Woman Protects Her Manhattan Apt Building From Illegal Alien Invaders

The woman was right. This is how buildings get robbed.

Let's say he was a robber. Is it smart for a middle aged woman to confront a dangerous criminal? If she had real free of theft she wouldn't have confronted him like that.

If he were white she wouldn't have bat an eye.
Could you do us a favor and please explain the disjointed and convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

It could give the forum some interesting insight into the inner workings of the moonbat mind.
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^ as opposed to your mundane, thought free dickishness? Simple stuff. White trash control freak raised to fear, confront, harass, and block access to POC, whitey not so much. Duh.

Seventy-eight percent of respondents living in an apartment building locked their doors, the most of any housing type.
That's a very telling statistic, especially looked at in reverse. At most.. 78% lock their doors. So 22% do not! Lots of reasons explored in that link, but the most obvious are kids, laziness, and considering one's possessions not worth the bother, i.e. poverty. But I'd add UPS, the USPS, and Uber/Amazon as well now, especially for low rent apartment dwellers. Given: no doorman nor smart phone tracking from nearby, your only real option to prevent the theft of your delivered package is to stay home, watch, and wait... or get someone else to do it for you. The closer they can get the package to your personal door the better most likely.
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Why not? An unidentified man, tried to enter an apartment complex, where crime had been a problem.
You don't know that, Andy. You obviously wish to believe every word that lily white harassment lady said while paying zero attention to the pov from the darker complected fellow or his kids.. but that's you! Everything's always about you and your neighborhood. Your work. Your personal life... Isn't it, Andy? And my how convenient! Your tiny little world serves as a perfect model for all that may happen elsewhere. No need to study or consider any potential differences. Never any need to provide evidence backing your claims. What seems to have worked for you so far obviously needs to be imposed upon everyone else everywhere. Or else! That's you, Andy.. in a nutshell.
Seems like finding out who you are, before letting you in, seems reasonable to me.
Unless you're the landlord, doorman, or otherwise certified official empowered to block the unlocked main entrance to an apartment building with your body and demand shit from all comers,.. it's not only unreasonable, it's a good way to get yourself arrested, beat up, or shot. Oh, sorry,..silly me. that's right, you're white! No worries!
Grumble.... just out of curiosity, have you been victimized by criminals as many times as I have? Just curious.
Maybe, but probably not dumb enough to compete. How would I know and who cares!? Mind your own (personal) business!
Typically I find this kind of "you have no right to try and defend yourself" comes from people who
...constantly invent positions for others to argue with themselves about instead of engaging things actually said or shared that might be verified (or somewhat interesting, heaven forbid!). Sometimes they even put their little inventions in quotes. Literally stuffing the words into another's mouth. Sort of like gagging them to make sure no real challenge can interfere.. Isn't that special!? Know what they invariably do then? Trick question, sorry. They argue with themselves.. about that lovely position they just invented.. Ho hum...Rinse and repeat..

Well, that's the way it was portrayed. Obviously, if the basis of my comment is wrong, then it doesn't apply.

Beyond that, what you say is ridiculous. Non-white people are just as interested in reducing crime, as anyone else. The Mexicans that live next door to me, installed a camera the faces the entrance to our condo area. No one complained about this, and in fact we supported it.

Unless you can prove that there was some 'racism' involved in this, you are just making up motives to fit your pre-determined narrative to this discussion.

Maybe, but probably not dumb enough to compete. How would I know and who cares!? Mind your own (personal) business!

You are on an open forum, where people discuss everything, and often our views on public policy are influenced by our own personal experiences.

You are case and point. Someone who has never had to deal with crime on a routine basis, like I have, often has the idiotic view that everyone should mind their own business.

Yet the moment you yourself are the victim, you'll be asking why all the people around you who saw it happen, did nothing.

I can't even count the number of times, where the family of the victim is on TV, asking someone knows something, please come forward.

The reason they have to do this, is because people knew what was going on and did nothing.

The irony of the left-wing is, when it's someone running their own business, you want to shove your nose up every CEO's butt, and see if you can find anything that smells. You want to dictate how much of their own money they can keep. You want to dictate who they hire, and how much they pay. You want to regulate every aspect of their business.

But when it involves people being robbed, being raped, being abused, their property vandalized or stolen.... the moment the people try and do anything to stop it, you jump on them, and say "mind your own business".

This is why you people are evil. This is why the country is divided between those that want a better country, and those who want to destroy the country.
And if you enter my apartment complex, I'll require an ID. Yes, we did that.
What if the person refuses to provide ID and who are you?

Then you get what you get. Stop complaining about someone blocking the door then.

Because here's what is going to happen.... either you are going to fight me, and then someone will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

Or you yourself will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

So either way, we'll find out who you are. So why not just tell me who you are to start with?

Who am I? I'm someone who is going to find out why a stranger is in my apartment complex, because we've had a string of robberies.

Again... no matter what you do, I'll find out who you are. You either do it the hard way.... and taat ike up 2 hours of your time, waiting for police to arrive, question you, and then tell me who you are..... or you can just tell me, and be on your way.

You decide. I'll be happy to find out whichever way you want it.
Well that's awfully assholey of you. And what if I live there? I'm not required to identify myself to any of the neighbors.

You act like you're the only person who has the capability to identiy others, remember that the next time you decide to target someone by creating a situation that requires police involvement, I don't care what kind of crime problems you're having.

Then you get to wait for police. That's how that works.

Either way, I'm going to find out why your in my building. You don't like that? Tough snot.

I get it that you don't care about the how everyone else in the country is being victimized by criminal scum.

You know what that proves? We're better than you.
That's what that proves.

Because here's the irony.... assuming that you are a law abiding citizen, my actions in make the place where we live safer... benefits you as well.

That means that I'm making life better for everyone, even you. ANd you.... well... you're trash. You are a garbage human being, that would rather sit around screaming selfishly about how you should never have to do something so difficult as.... answering a question, than what is best for everyone in our entire society.

Trash. That's what that makes you. We're better than you, and you know it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Beyond that, what you say is ridiculous. Non-white people are just as interested in reducing crime, as anyone else.
You just finish taking back one leap to conclusion and launch right into several more. I don't know that "Non-white people are just as interested in reducing crime, as anyone else." I would suspect moreso, but you just spurt this kind of stuff out without a second thought. Not only do you ASSume that I've said or think something to the contrary, you then use that fallacy to float more of the same. Such is your style which, sadly, renders all attempts to seriously discuss anything with you plainly ridiculous.
Gotta love that ", as anyone else" bit though. LOL. Your struggle to resist simply saying "white people" is palpable.
Someone who has never had to deal with crime on a routine basis, like I have
You know next to nothing about me and vice-versa. That's as it should be on the internet, Andy. And I couldn't care less what personal experience you imagine makes you more qualified to preach about anything. Quote and link to authoritative sources to back your falsifiable claims of fact. Else if, as it appears, you just come here to wave your dick around kindly go fuck yourself.
Simple stuff. White trash control freak raised to fear, confront, harass, and block access to POC, whitey not so much. Duh.
Could you explain how you personally distinguish a "POC" from a "whitey"?
If and when pertinent, I look first for how they describe themselves, then consider other documentation. Otherwise, I must rely upon appearance from personal experience like anyone else.

I don't seek to distinguish people by color but also don't kid myself for a moment that many, if not most, refrain from doing so. Indeed, hatred of perceived "others" is plainly what gets many right here out of bed in the morning.

Why, and how do you distinguish people of color from caucasians?
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Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because she is being cautious. Don’t care if he is Hispanic, white or a Martian. Who is your aunt please is a perfectly fine question to ask you imbecile.
All the train stations in Boston state “If you see something say something”. They don’t state “If you see something say something just don’t racially profile or hurt peoples feelings”...Leftists are such assholes.
Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because she is being cautious. Don’t care if he is Hispanic, white or a Martian. Who is your aunt please is a perfectly fine question to ask you imbecile.
Could be.. GIVEN:
She identified herself first.. as a person legally entitled to block access to the building in the interest of security. NYC entitles a "doorman" to do so. Of course owners, badged police, private security, and certified neighborhood watch personnel would also have legal standing. Sorry, "I live here" simply doesn't cut the mustard.

All the train stations in Boston state “If you see something say something”.
That's a stupid slogan.
The national "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
Read Orwell?
Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because she is being cautious. Don’t care if he is Hispanic, white or a Martian. Who is your aunt please is a perfectly fine question to ask you imbecile.
Could be.. GIVEN:
She identified herself first.. as a person legally entitled to block access to the building in the interest of security. NYC entitles a "doorman" to do so. Of course owners, badged police, private security, and certified neighborhood watch personnel would also have legal standing. Sorry, "I live here" simply doesn't cut the mustard.

All the train stations in Boston state “If you see something say something”.
That's a stupid slogan.
The national "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
Read Orwell?

Better safe than sorry. Orwell writes fiction. Ever think for yourself?
She didn't just demand a name and block their access. From the OP link:
Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name.

In a series of videos he filmed of the encounter, the woman accused Sandoval of lying about visiting a relative in the building.

The woman could be heard yelling at Sandoval in one video, saying: 'You're lying. Who is your aunt?'

Sandoval responded: 'My aunt lives on the second floor... she's lived here for 60 years.'

'She lives on the second floor? I doubt it. I know everyone in the building,' she told him while also on the phone to 911.

'There's been a lot of theft in the building. There's been thieves.'

When Sandoval accused the woman of being racist, she hit back: 'This isn't racist. I ask everyone who they are.

'You know nothing because you're pride has kept you away from life... and now you're putting it onto your children.'

'It doesn't make a different honey. I live here,' she said.

Sandoval then addressed his children in Spanish telling them not to speak to the woman, before she said: 'Oh like I speak Spanish.'

'You're not visiting family. Your family doesn't live here,' she said.

'Go ahead and put (the video) on YouTube. Your name is going to smeared all over.'
Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because she is being cautious. Don’t care if he is Hispanic, white or a Martian. Who is your aunt please is a perfectly fine question to ask you imbecile.
Could be.. GIVEN:
She identified herself first.. as a person legally entitled to block access to the building in the interest of security. NYC entitles a "doorman" to do so. Of course owners, badged police, private security, and certified neighborhood watch personnel would also have legal standing. Sorry, "I live here" simply doesn't cut the mustard.

All the train stations in Boston state “If you see something say something”.
That's a stupid slogan.
The national "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
Read Orwell?

Better safe than sorry. Orwell writes fiction. Ever think for yourself?
The irony.
to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
You're supposed leave the thinking to "the proper authorities." That's what you've essentially recommended here, dumbass.
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All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because she is being cautious. Don’t care if he is Hispanic, white or a Martian. Who is your aunt please is a perfectly fine question to ask you imbecile.
Could be.. GIVEN:
She identified herself first.. as a person legally entitled to block access to the building in the interest of security. NYC entitles a "doorman" to do so. Of course owners, badged police, private security, and certified neighborhood watch personnel would also have legal standing. Sorry, "I live here" simply doesn't cut the mustard.

All the train stations in Boston state “If you see something say something”.
That's a stupid slogan.
The national "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign was developed by the Department of Homeland Security to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
Read Orwell?

Better safe than sorry. Orwell writes fiction. Ever think for yourself?
The irony.
to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
You're supposed leave the thinking to "the proper authorities." That's what you've essentially recommended here, dumbass.

Not at all how any logical human being would read it. Thank you for confirming that you're an idiot.
Unfortunately, the federal government has doubled down on broad surveillance (and harassment) of marginalized communities in the wake of 9/11. Most notably, the government has deputized untrained civilians to further their surveillance reach through the now ubiquitous “See Something, Say Something” ad campaign. This desire by the government to cast a wider net to identify and respond to “suspicious behavior” has only heightened the risk of unfair and unjust targeting of marginalized individuals.
This is a country that struggles with its racist history and the continued impact of racism on policies and culture today. The very idea of asking people explicitly and implicitly impacted by those racist and bigoted norms to be the country’s first defense system is alarming. “Suspicious activity” becomes a code word for anything outside the accepted norm, and by participating in this charade of “addressing security threats,” the U.S. government further perpetrates the cycle of oppression of those outside the dominant [read: white] culture.

As Bedoya notes, “the color of surveillance” cannot be ignored.
White woman calls police on Hispanic man trying to visit his aunt | Daily Mail Online

I know some of these fine people get a bad rep for insisting that minorities show themselves to be worthy to occupy the same spaces these fine people do -- but all they are trying to do is protect their community from criminal thugs....

"Alfredo Sandoval was going to visit his aunt in her East Village apartment on Sunday with his children, aged 6 and 9, when he said the woman started harassing them for trying to get into the building. Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name."

All this black sp1c had to do was identify himself, show his papers if need be, prove that he was allowed to be there and none of this would have happened....Now this fine woman is going to be attacked, probably lose her job all behind some uppity sp1c.....Hopefully Stephen Miller has a policy that will address this...

AWESOME...good on her. We have to be vigilant..One must assume that ALL brown people not speaking English are filthy wetbacks and act accordingly. I love it!

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