Woman Protects Her Manhattan Apt Building From Illegal Alien Invaders

This video shows why we can’t allow different cultures in this country the Latino doesn’t understand you need a pass to get in the door..
Why don’t you live around them bo lol
Incall ice on Latins all the time lol sue me haha
This video shows why we can’t allow different cultures in this country the Latino doesn’t understand you need a pass to get in the door..
The following link explains why you have no standing saying "we" here: Terms of Service and Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The sooner you're booted, the sooner "we" can enjoy the fresh air.
And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because they have had thefts in the building....what is so hard about giving her a name?...there is a buzzer on the wall but he didn't even know the apt number....but he claims his family has lived there for 60 years.....give me a break...she did exactly what I and even you would have done dummy....
And WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? Do you give your name to any random stranger on the street who accosts you and demands to know your destination? Hm?

Hep me out here because I just don't get Control Freak Fascism.

And while you're at it maybe you can essplain to the class what kind of burglar takes two little kids on the job.
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
If he did know the number he could just use it and have his aunt buzz him in (if she exists and wants to let him in). He wouldn't need that lady's assistance to gain unauthorized access to the building.

No one ever suggested he "needed her assistance" did they. Why no, they didn't.
Exactly, you DON'T know that. You're taking the word of the accoster. The man with the kids NEVER SAID he didn't know the number, Dumbass. He just wasn't telling her. Who would, with that attitude?
Ummmmm If he knew the number why didn't he just push the buzzer?...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?.....if he didn't know the number he should have given her a name...does he want to see his aunt or just fuck with some lady.....the guy is an assfuck and you are on the assfucks side....I get it....

How do you know he didn't?

How did the door get opened?

Again --- you never answered this either ----- WHO THE FUCK IS SHE to be asking questions?
A concerned resident who would like to not get robbed or worse

Once AGAIN --- WHO goes to "rob or worse" with two little kids in tow? How do you even DO that?
Man accused of killing wife in front of kids has history of violence, records show

Man charged with capital murder after woman killed in front of child

San Antonio man who shot wife, self in front of small children pleads guilty to murder

Man who murdered woman in front of kids kills again after deemed too old to be a threat

Without even bothering to click any of those links, the key concept here is "bring". Expressed above as "in tow".
Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
So, you oppose the 'See something, say something' policy as outlined by Obama's administration?

Actually I'm doing it right now.
Because they have had thefts in the building....what is so hard about giving her a name?...there is a buzzer on the wall but he didn't even know the apt number....but he claims his family has lived there for 60 years.....give me a break...she did exactly what I and even you would have done dummy....
And WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? Do you give your name to any random stranger on the street who accosts you and demands to know your destination? Hm?

Hep me out here because I just don't get Control Freak Fascism.

And while you're at it maybe you can essplain to the class what kind of burglar takes two little kids on the job.
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
If he did know the number he could just use it and have his aunt buzz him in (if she exists and wants to let him in). He wouldn't need that lady's assistance to gain unauthorized access to the building.

No one ever suggested he "needed her assistance" did they. Why no, they didn't.
Bullshit. In his attempt to gain unauthorized access to the building he stuck his foot in the door before it shut all the way, trying to tailgate with her assistance.

She flat out busted him. Then he bitched because she wouldn't let him in and cried racism like the whiny entitled scum that he is.

He teaching his kids to be criminals. She is just being a good neighbor.

Don't Let Anyone in Other Than Your Visitors
People trying to gain unauthorized access to a building come up with all sorts of excuses and tactics to get in. For instance, someone may claim to be delivering a package for another tenant who's supposedly not answering his intercom or regular phone. Someone else may pretend to be a new tenant who's lost her keys. Another person might try buzzing every apartment at once in the hope that at least one tenant will press the button to open the door. While sometimes a request to be buzzed in can be legitimate, it's too risky to take that chance.

4 Safety Tips for Using Your Building's Intercom
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And WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? Do you give your name to any random stranger on the street who accosts you and demands to know your destination? Hm?

Hep me out here because I just don't get Control Freak Fascism.

And while you're at it maybe you can essplain to the class what kind of burglar takes two little kids on the job.
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
If he did know the number he could just use it and have his aunt buzz him in (if she exists and wants to let him in). He wouldn't need that lady's assistance to gain unauthorized access to the building.

No one ever suggested he "needed her assistance" did they. Why no, they didn't.
Bullshit. In his attempt to gain unauthorized access to the building he stuck his foot in the door before it shut all the way, trying to tailgate with her assistance.

She flat out busted him. Then bitched because he wouldn't let him in and cried racism like the whiny entitled scum that he is.

He teaching his kids to be criminals.

Bullshit. That does not appear in the video, you just made it up.
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
If he did know the number he could just use it and have his aunt buzz him in (if she exists and wants to let him in). He wouldn't need that lady's assistance to gain unauthorized access to the building.

No one ever suggested he "needed her assistance" did they. Why no, they didn't.
Bullshit. In his attempt to gain unauthorized access to the building he stuck his foot in the door before it shut all the way, trying to tailgate with her assistance.

She flat out busted him. Then he bitched because she wouldn't let him in and cried racism like the whiny entitled scum that he is.

He's teaching his kids to be criminals. She is just being a good neighbor.

Don't Let Anyone in Other Than Your Visitors
People trying to gain unauthorized access to a building come up with all sorts of excuses and tactics to get in. For instance, someone may claim to be delivering a package for another tenant who's supposedly not answering his intercom or regular phone. Someone else may pretend to be a new tenant who's lost her keys. Another person might try buzzing every apartment at once in the hope that at least one tenant will press the button to open the door. While sometimes a request to be buzzed in can be legitimate, it's too risky to take that chance.

4 Safety Tips for Using Your Building's Intercom

Bullshit. That does not appear in the video, you just made it up.

Right at the beginning he has his foot in the door and repeatedly refuses to let her shut the security door.

He clearly got busted trying to tailgate his way in.
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White woman calls police on Hispanic man trying to visit his aunt | Daily Mail Online

I know some of these fine people get a bad rep for insisting that minorities show themselves to be worthy to occupy the same spaces these fine people do -- but all they are trying to do is protect their community from criminal thugs....

"Alfredo Sandoval was going to visit his aunt in her East Village apartment on Sunday with his children, aged 6 and 9, when he said the woman started harassing them for trying to get into the building. Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name."

All this black sp1c had to do was identify himself, show his papers if need be, prove that he was allowed to be there and none of this would have happened....Now this fine woman is going to be attacked, probably lose her job all behind some uppity sp1c.....Hopefully Stephen Miller has a policy that will address this...

The right wing only alleges to believe in natural rights, in abortion threads.

If you let someone in your apartment building they are legally your guest. If they cause any drug or safety issues, in many states it is cause for an expedited eviction, you don't get a normal 30 day eviction notice, in some cases you may be evicted within a week.

If one blocks a doorway with their body, or simply stands behind a door, that creates a physical impediment to access the interior further. Physically removing such a jerk would not only be an embarrassing behavior to role model in the presence of children, it would invite assault charges. Somehow they eventually did get past the crazy lady (*as you recently noted already) with no sign of assault charges so the door was obviously not locked and likely never was. The guy is also a real estate investor. Clearly well aware of the applicable local laws and customs. Hell, his aunt had probably related many stories involving "that crazy bitch downstairs." He knew he might have to deal with her and did so with impressive patience.

*You, quoting from the OP link:
How many times are you going to lie about it?

"Sandoval said the police never ended up responding to the apartment. Eventually, Sandoval and his children made their way into the building but claims the woman followed them upstairs. He said his aunt ended up not being home."
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If one blocks a doorway with their body, or simply stands behind a door, that creates a physical impediment to access the interior further. Physically removing such a jerk would not only be an embarrassing behavior to role model in the presence of children, it would invite assault charges. Somehow they eventually did get past the crazy lady (*as you recently noted already) with no sign of assault charges so the door was obviously not locked and likely never was. The guy is also a real estate investor. Clearly well aware of the applicable local laws and customs. Hell, his aunt had probably related many stories involving "that crazy bitch downstairs." He knew he might have to deal with her and did so with impressive patience.

*You, quoting from the OP link:
How many times are you going to lie about it?

"Sandoval said the police never ended up responding to the apartment. Eventually, Sandoval and his children made their way into the building but claims the woman followed them upstairs. He said his aunt ended up not being home."
It's a security door with an intercom and buzzer.

They lock automatically when the door closes you idiot.

If you are a resident, you get in with a key. If you are a visitor you get in by pressing the intercom button that corresponds with the apartment number of the you wish to visit and they can buzz you in.

Criminals can bypass the building's entry security system and get in by some nefarious means, such as waiting for a resident to walk in and sticking their foot in the door before it fully closes and automatically locks. Security experts call that "tailgating".

She caught the guy tailgating, bravely stopped his unauthorized entry attempt and called the cops.

After he got caught tailgating he attempted to convince her to let him in by claiming he had a legitimate reason to be there. Criminals use that rouse all the time. Security experts call that "piggybacking".

Tailgating and piggybacking are the most common ways that criminals bypass the entrance security system to gain unauthorized access to apartment building lobbies and hallways.
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It's a security door with an intercom and buzzer.
Nice story and no shit. Proof?.. Oh, plucked straight from your ass in this case? Yeah, big surprise.
Somehow they eventually did get past the crazy lady (*as you recently noted already) with no sign of assault charges so the door was obviously not locked
So how'd they get past the door if it was locked, Sherlock? You think that crazy lady finally came to her senses? Sorry, no evidence of that happening any time soon either.
They lock automatically when the door closes you idiot.
Btw, it's quite common for those doors to be left unlocked (you moron). They are not required to be in NYC and most people (not rich) would rather not be bothered with them. The legal emphasis is placed on securing the apartment doors individually.
The Daily Mail? How do the Brits come up with this stuff? Don't they have enough nut cases in the U.k.? Wouldn't you think Brexit and allegations that a member of the Royals may have been involved in a pedophile ring would keep them busy enough to ignore the Colonies?
The woman was right. This is how buildings get robbed.

Let's say he was a robber. Is it smart for a middle aged woman to confront a dangerous criminal? If she had real free of theft she wouldn't have confronted him like that.

If he were white she wouldn't have bat an eye.
You can always count on the "fine" people of of this forum to support and defend fuckery like this.
They lock automatically when the door closes you idiot.
Btw, it's quite common for those doors to be left unlocked (you moron).
There is nothing to suggest that it was malfunctioning.

If it was unlocked, why would he need to shove his foot in the door in first place? What would that accomplish?

You are one stupid motherfucker.
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All this black sp1c had to do was identify himself, show his papers if need be, prove that he was allowed to be there and none of this would have happened....Now this fine woman is going to be attacked, probably lose her job all behind some uppity sp1c.....Hopefully Stephen Miller has a policy that will address this...

Why should he have to do that? DO you show your papers to anyone who demands to see them?

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