Woman Protects Her Manhattan Apt Building From Illegal Alien Invaders

Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because, if he doesn't have a key, it's her duty to ascertain who he is before she lets him in. I lived in the East Village for ten years. She probably did the right thing.

The East Village in New York is a very tough area, they call it "Alphabet City" sometimes. I visited New York about 30 years ago. All kinds of drug pushers and everything else. Just going to the subway over there means you have a decent chance of getting shot.
I lived on Ave A and sometimes cab drivers would only go as far east as Second Ave and you would have to walk the rest of the way. But youth is bulletproof.
I've confronted people on the street, asking what their business was.

I remember these guys who were keen for Jehovah, they had no problem telling me about it. Ditto for a gentleman who was looking for the neighborhood crack house. Just pointed out to him.

But those people had legit business, this guy didn't want to say anything because he was trying to freak out this broad and post it on youtube. In other words, he was a Major League Asshole. Or I guess that's Assholo for hispanics.

Really? You saw a gentleman who was looking for the neighborhood crack house, and you pointed it out to him? After you said that you helped out the crack head, you then stated he, as well as the Jehovah's witness were in the area on legit business.

Quick question dude.................are you saying that crack heads are legitimate consumers, and crack houses are legitimate businesses? There are several out there that would debate you on that.

The area was in decline, crack houses were one of the only lines of business that brought people into the community.

I remember drinking with a crack dealer acquaintance in a bar back in the day. I told him I could never do his job. Dealing with disreputable people, going into rough areas, calls all hours of the day or night. Thank God Almighty for fellows like him, his job would go undone if it was up to me. He appreciated it, bought me a drink too. Crack Dealers really don't get much appreciation from civilians, those uninvolved in the crack biz as dealers/consumers or narks.

While YOU might think that crack dealers and crack heads are legitimate businessmen and consumers, just about every police officer out there would disagree with you. But, you thinking crack dealers are good people helps me to understand why you post the way you do. Get off the crack dude, your life will improve.
Gotta think you are wrong there. Cops LOVE dealers. That's why they don't put them out of business. More than half the police departments in this country now receive more than half their budget from asset forfeiture--a truly corrupting practice that needs to stop. If had the computing power and access to the databases that the government has, I'd have every dealer in the country behind bars in three months.
Do whatever he wants?

Again, a super childish statement.

"Before you enter this building, could I have your name?"


Do you not see how ridiculous you are getting? Do you have no friends in your life, that care enough about you to say 'grow up' when you need to stop being childish?

Since when is giving your name, the same as "Do whatever a stranger wants"?

Okay, let's see.

Post your real name and address. Ramblenuts, you too.

Am I entering a building????

Again super childish.

"You are asking me to do something reasonable in a specific situation, so I'll ask you to do something in a completely unrelated context without reason!"

Andrew Ecklebery.
4248 Shoupmill Dr.

Who was harmed by this?
Congrats! You're now the topic and a street view imaged building to Google. Brilliant!

And so what?

I'm confused by this. What do you think I have to hide? Come on by, and I'll pour you a drink, and we can talk politics.

How did we as a society get to this point, where we are all terrified of people knowing we exist?

Now if I was a woman, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't post by address, because there are stalking crazy people.... mainly because we don't shoot and kill those people like we should.

But I'm a 200 lbs white guy, with a little Judo training and a 9mm and a conceal and carry. Not to mention I am quite poor... if someone came after me, what are they going to do? Steal my 03 Grand Marquis with 170K miles on it? Oh nooooooooo......

Not like anyone is going to stalk me anyway. Seriously what do you think is going to happen?

So what are all of you chickens super scared of? Seriously, what is it that is terrifying you? Honest question, what is the big deal?

I'll be on google earth or something??? And then what? Nothing. You realize the moment I turn this computer off, that effectively in my world none of you exist, only until I deem you worth of me coming back to the internet.....

I just don't understand what the big deal is.
You may be right in your case. I hope so for your sake. But standard BB guidance and wisdom remains, Never do that! Want more junk mail? More junk phone calls? Want Google selling your address in connection with this topic and site to advertisers? Well, too late if not. I have no idea how much trouble you may have just brought upon yourself along with anyone you live with. Good luck with that..

"because there are stalking crazy people.... mainly because we don't shoot and kill those people like we should."

Do they all look like the woman harassing the hispanic guy in the OP? Wait.. there's more!.. And tons more... This was hardly an isolated incident.. Try to imagine being treated like a criminal suspect every day..

My phone number is 611-611-6116.

Yeah, the phone number I get. I never give out my real phone number anymore. Those scam artists need shot. If we could shoot those people, that would fix a ton of problems.

As for the mail.... mail? What's that? You mean email? I have a spam filter for that. You mean actual paper mail? Everything important, is already done paperless, through email. Generally everything that shows up in my mail box, just slides straight into a trash can inside the door.

I don't care if google sells adwords for me. What difference does it make? Look, if you do shopping online.... then they know you exist, and they have your information.

The irony is, things were much worse in the early days of this country. Everyone knew everyone. You walked in a store, everyone knew your name, and knew where you lived, and knew what you bought every time you walked in the store.

Even when my grandmother was alive, down in that small-ish town of Portsmouth Ohio, every store she walked into, everyone knew who she was. I remember being baffled by that, as a kid.

But today, you can order anything, and yeah Google knows you bought something maybe, if you did it through their shopping system. But no one else does.

And even then, when you say "Google knows"... there likely is not one single employee of Google who has any idea who you are, or what you bought. Your information in stored... encoded.... in a database somewhere. It would take years likely to figure out one purchase, and trace it to an IP, and trace that to an address, and trace that to you..... years of sifting though trillions on trillions of bits of data, to figure out who the heck you are.... and no one is going to do that.

We are not that important. Unless you are tied to the mafia or something. Besides that, Google wouldn't allow that.

Government might. The NSA might. But from what I understand, the NSA was capturing EVERYTHING.... which means, if you are here on this forum, reading this post right now, the NSA knows it.

Google, you just use a different search engine. Use Yahoo, which tracks as well. Or use Duck Duck Go. Then you will not be tracked.... but of course Duck Duck Go isn't as good as Google. So there's the trade off.

Do they all look like the woman harassing the hispanic guy in the OP? Wait.. there's more!.. And tons more... This was hardly an isolated incident.. Try to imagine being treated like a criminal suspect every day

No, they don't. Stalkers and that woman, have nothing in common whatsoever.

The rest sounds like imagination to me. Really? You think he's being harassed every single day of his life? Really? That's your claim?

Even if that were true, and it isn't... the solution is to clamp down on illegal immigration, and then there would be no need to have police ask people for ID, if there were no illegals in the country.
Follow the link to the Daily Fail story. Some here obviously haven't but made up stuff as though they had. Watch the video directly from their page. More similar incidents follow. More accounts of people minding their own business being SIMILARLY HARASSED by similar white idiots who apparently can find nothing better to do.
All direct quotes from the source. Tried not to repeat any:

  • Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name.
  • In a series of videos he filmed of the encounter, the woman accused Sandoval of lying about visiting a relative in the building.
  • The woman could be heard yelling at Sandoval in one video, saying: 'You're lying. Who is your aunt?'
  • Sandoval responded: 'My aunt lives on the second floor... she's lived here for 60 years.'
  • 'She lives on the second floor? I doubt it. I know everyone in the building,' she told him while also on the phone to 911.
  • 'There's been a lot of theft in the building. There's been thieves.'
  • When Sandoval accused the woman of being racist, she hit back: 'This isn't racist. I ask everyone who they are.
  • 'You know nothing because you're pride has kept you away from life... and now you're putting it onto your children.'
  • 'It doesn't make a different honey. I live here,' she said.
  • Sandoval then addressed his children in Spanish telling them not to speak to the woman, before she said: 'Oh like I speak Spanish.'
  • 'You're not visiting family. Your family doesn't live here,' she said.
  • 'Go ahead and put (the video) on YouTube. Your name is going to smeared all over.'
  • Sandoval said the police never ended up responding to the apartment.
  • Eventually, Sandoval and his children made their way into the building but claims the woman followed them upstairs. He said his aunt ended up not being home.
  • Sandoval said his children are traumatized from the ordeal and he is getting legal advice.
  • He later shared the videos on social media in a bid to call out racism in America.
  • 'I exercised patience in a situation that was not deserving. I issued tolerance in the face of evil and I gave respect when it was not offered to me or my children,' he wrote.
  • 'This is not America or American. This behavior is deep seeded hatred and intolerance towards people of color and Latinos. I post this video because my children had to bear witness of this hate.'
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
She asked him and said you can get buzzed in right here...he just kept calling her a racist....he obviously didn't know the number....

Exactly, you DON'T know that. You're taking the word of the accoster. The man with the kids NEVER SAID he didn't know the number, Dumbass. He just wasn't telling her. Who would, with that attitude?
Ummmmm If he knew the number why didn't he just push the buzzer?...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?.....if he didn't know the number he should have given her a name...does he want to see his aunt or just fuck with some lady.....the guy is an assfuck and you are on the assfucks side....I get it....

How do you know he didn't?

How did the door get opened?

Again --- you never answered this either ----- WHO THE FUCK IS SHE to be asking questions?

Harasser --- oh wait.
Excellent questions, but she wasn't even asking. She was blocking, demanding, accusing, lying, threatening, harassing... Nothing that could mistaken for simply "asking."
The guy was being a jackass...just causing trouble I suspect because she was white...he is the racist not her....a grown up would have answered her and already had two of aunties pie slices down his gullet...what a fool...
If he wasn't such an uppity darkie, he would have took his hat off and told her what she wanted to know...and made sure to show her the respect she deserves and answer yes mam and no mam.....and not make eye contact with her because that is also a sign of disrespect...

He should have apologized to her and offered to dance a jig for her entertainment as well...that's the problem with these uppity darkies..
How do you know he didn't?

How did the door get opened?

Again --- you never answered this either ----- WHO THE FUCK IS SHE to be asking questions?
A concerned resident who would like to not get robbed or worse


Asking this guy what he's up to is known as watching out for yourself and your neighbors.

She didn't know this man, for all she knew he could have been a child trafficker, burglar, robber, rapist, serial murderer or worse.

So she just confronted him. I guess she learned better this time, let other people fend for themselves.

BTW, if he was a paedophile trafficking in children and she just let him pass, she would have been lynched for that. Jeff Dahmer's neighbors in Milwaukee were given a hard time because they didn't complain or confront Mr. D.
The intimidation of white folks to "mind their own business" grows daily. That philosophy works so well in crime ridden minority neighborhoods

One of my FB friends, a black power mama that I know personally, posts stories like this one in New York all the time.

Some people desperately need to believe that America is a cesspool of white supremacy, it's a core tenet of their religion and everything would fall apart if it was proven otherwise. thats why instances such as this go viral.
So American Carnage isn't really a thing and Trump was just bullshitting??
A concerned resident who would like to not get robbed or worse


Asking this guy what he's up to is known as watching out for yourself and your neighbors.

She didn't know this man, for all she knew he could have been a child trafficker, burglar, robber, rapist, serial murderer or worse.

So she just confronted him. I guess she learned better this time, let other people fend for themselves.

BTW, if he was a paedophile trafficking in children and she just let him pass, she would have been lynched for that. Jeff Dahmer's neighbors in Milwaukee were given a hard time because they didn't complain or confront Mr. D.
The intimidation of white folks to "mind their own business" grows daily. That philosophy works so well in crime ridden minority neighborhoods

One of my FB friends, a black power mama that I know personally, posts stories like this one in New York all the time.

Some people desperately need to believe that America is a cesspool of white supremacy, it's a core tenet of their religion and everything would fall apart if it was proven otherwise. thats why instances such as this go viral.
So American Carnage isn't really a thing and Trump was just bullshitting??

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the united states. They got away with weeks of rioting in ferguson. A lot of their anti-social behavior is due to the myth that white people are oppressing them.

Asking this guy what he's up to is known as watching out for yourself and your neighbors.

She didn't know this man, for all she knew he could have been a child trafficker, burglar, robber, rapist, serial murderer or worse.

So she just confronted him. I guess she learned better this time, let other people fend for themselves.

BTW, if he was a paedophile trafficking in children and she just let him pass, she would have been lynched for that. Jeff Dahmer's neighbors in Milwaukee were given a hard time because they didn't complain or confront Mr. D.
The intimidation of white folks to "mind their own business" grows daily. That philosophy works so well in crime ridden minority neighborhoods

One of my FB friends, a black power mama that I know personally, posts stories like this one in New York all the time.

Some people desperately need to believe that America is a cesspool of white supremacy, it's a core tenet of their religion and everything would fall apart if it was proven otherwise. thats why instances such as this go viral.
So American Carnage isn't really a thing and Trump was just bullshitting??

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the united states. They got away with weeks of rioting in ferguson. A lot of their anti-social behavior is due to the myth that white people are oppressing them.
So shouldn't there be a law that makes it illegal for black people to not identify and acquiesce to the demands of a superior white person??

For example, since blacks are mostly criminal savages, it would be highly outrageous for a black person to ever demand a white person to answer that black guy's questions -- how dare the darkie even step out of line to even approach his superior like that....hierarchy is important (to you fascists) -- so that is why I feel Stephen Miller needs to craft a policy to legally put darkies in their place.

We can also have the likes of Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell or whoever you white supremacists consider your token blacks -- it would be cool to have them go out and try to sell this policy to other blacks...maybe they can put it in a catchy rap or something...
The intimidation of white folks to "mind their own business" grows daily. That philosophy works so well in crime ridden minority neighborhoods

One of my FB friends, a black power mama that I know personally, posts stories like this one in New York all the time.

Some people desperately need to believe that America is a cesspool of white supremacy, it's a core tenet of their religion and everything would fall apart if it was proven otherwise. thats why instances such as this go viral.
So American Carnage isn't really a thing and Trump was just bullshitting??

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the united states. They got away with weeks of rioting in ferguson. A lot of their anti-social behavior is due to the myth that white people are oppressing them.
So shouldn't there be a law that makes it illegal for black people to not identify and acquiesce to the demands of a superior white person??

For example, since blacks are mostly criminal savages, it would be highly outrageous for a black person to ever demand a white person to answer that black guy's questions -- how dare the darkie even step out of line to even approach his superior like that....hierarchy is important (to you fascists) -- so that is why I feel Stephen Miller needs to craft a policy to legally put darkies in their place.

We can also have the likes of Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell or whoever you white supremacists consider your token blacks -- it would be cool to have them go out and try to sell this policy to other blacks...maybe they can put it in a catchy rap or something...

The guy in question isn't black. He's hispanic.

If he was white then we wouldnt be talking about it because when some white dude is inconvenienced it does not warrant media attention.
One of my FB friends, a black power mama that I know personally, posts stories like this one in New York all the time.

Some people desperately need to believe that America is a cesspool of white supremacy, it's a core tenet of their religion and everything would fall apart if it was proven otherwise. thats why instances such as this go viral.
So American Carnage isn't really a thing and Trump was just bullshitting??

Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the united states. They got away with weeks of rioting in ferguson. A lot of their anti-social behavior is due to the myth that white people are oppressing them.
So shouldn't there be a law that makes it illegal for black people to not identify and acquiesce to the demands of a superior white person??

For example, since blacks are mostly criminal savages, it would be highly outrageous for a black person to ever demand a white person to answer that black guy's questions -- how dare the darkie even step out of line to even approach his superior like that....hierarchy is important (to you fascists) -- so that is why I feel Stephen Miller needs to craft a policy to legally put darkies in their place.

We can also have the likes of Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell or whoever you white supremacists consider your token blacks -- it would be cool to have them go out and try to sell this policy to other blacks...maybe they can put it in a catchy rap or something...

The guy in question isn't black. He's hispanic.

If he was white then we wouldnt be talking about it because when some white dude is inconvenienced it does not warrant media attention.
Fairness demands that minorities do as they pleas in neighborhoods not their own and white folks need to keep their mouths shut
The guy was being a jackass...just causing trouble I suspect because she was white...he is the racist not her....a grown up would have answered her and already had two of aunties pie slices down his gullet...what a fool...
If he wasn't such an uppity darkie, he would have took his hat off and told her what she wanted to know...and made sure to show her the respect she deserves and answer yes mam and no mam.....and not make eye contact with her because that is also a sign of disrespect...

He should have apologized to her and offered to dance a jig for her entertainment as well...that's the problem with these uppity darkies..View attachment 291076
You are a jackass....so people of color can't find it within themselves to be polite...cooperative...and understanding?...all he was doing was antagonizing the woman...and he sounded middle eastern to me if that is now a darkie in your feeble brain so be it....
all he was doing was antagonizing the woman...
First bullet point from the link
Alfredo Sandoval was trying to visit his aunt in her New York apartment on Sunday when he said a white woman started harassing him
Got that? Only credible witness available claims the woman started harassing him. The cops never showed up after she called them. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because they knew from experience that she was just a racist control freak? Can you say Zimmerman-like, harassing jizwad? I knew you could!
Lol I jokingly thought to myself "I bet republicans will immediately defend the woman and vilify the innocent" and then was proven right.
The guy was being a jackass...just causing trouble I suspect because she was white...he is the racist not her....a grown up would have answered her and already had two of aunties pie slices down his gullet...what a fool...
If he wasn't such an uppity darkie, he would have took his hat off and told her what she wanted to know...and made sure to show her the respect she deserves and answer yes mam and no mam.....and not make eye contact with her because that is also a sign of disrespect...

He should have apologized to her and offered to dance a jig for her entertainment as well...that's the problem with these uppity darkies..View attachment 291076
You are a jackass....so people of color can't find it within themselves to be polite...cooperative...and understanding?...all he was doing was antagonizing the woman...and he sounded middle eastern to me if that is now a darkie in your feeble brain so be it....
So when this woman (who is a doctor) was blocked from entering her OWN GATED COMMUNITY, she should have been polite and proved to the superior white man that she lived there??

White Property Owner Uses SUV to Prevent Black Doctor From Entering Gated Community, Accuses Her of 'Trespassing'

When this man was not only blocked, but followed and harassed by someone all the way to his front door, he should have been polite and proved to the superior white woman that he belonged there??

Woman blocks man from entering his own apartment in St. Louis

Should this man had apologized to this superior white woman for parking his car at a restaurant and making her feel uncomfortable because he existed??

White woman calls police on black man looking for parking, says he looked 'suspiciously' at her

When this man tried to prevent this woman and her children from swimming in the pool, should she have apologized and proved to him that she belongs?? Even tho he didn't ask all of the white people at that same pool??

Video of white man asking black woman for ID at community pool goes viral

Notice how there are tons of these stories and it always involves the black person having to go above and beyond to prove their self worth to a white person -- and yo stupid ass can't see a problem with that??
Notice how there are tons of these stories and it always involves the black person having to go above and beyond to prove their self worth to a white person -- and yo stupid ass can't see a problem with that??
Maybe if your people wernt such an untrustworthy criminal race you wouldn't have these problems.
Notice how there are tons of these stories and it always involves the black person having to go above and beyond to prove their self worth to a white person -- and yo stupid ass can't see a problem with that??
Maybe if your people wernt such an untrustworthy criminal race you wouldn't have these problems.
I tell you what....when you are ready to put your money where your mouth is and implement laws to codify your belief that blacks should be treated differently under the law -- launch and campaign and run on it...

Until then, if you wish to try that with me or anyone else -- I would gladly beat the brakes off you....
"I would gladly beat the brakes off you...."

That means what exactly? I'm not familiar with the idiom.


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