Woman Protects Her Manhattan Apt Building From Illegal Alien Invaders

It might seem obvious that any value of the “If You See Something, Say Something™” campaign needs to be weighted against the rather significant attendant costs of sorting through the haystack of tips it generates. Of course, the campaign might fail a cost-benefit analysis because it is expensive and seems to have generated no benefit (except perhaps for bolstering support for homeland security spending by continually reminding an edgy public that terrorism might still be out there).

This grim possibility may be why, as far as I can see, no one has ever carried out such a study and that the prospect of doing one has probably never crossed the minds of sloganeer Napolitano or of the rapt sheriffs in her audience.

Now that’s a scary thought.
White woman calls police on Hispanic man trying to visit his aunt | Daily Mail Online

I know some of these fine people get a bad rep for insisting that minorities show themselves to be worthy to occupy the same spaces these fine people do -- but all they are trying to do is protect their community from criminal thugs....

"Alfredo Sandoval was going to visit his aunt in her East Village apartment on Sunday with his children, aged 6 and 9, when he said the woman started harassing them for trying to get into the building. Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name."

All this black sp1c had to do was identify himself, show his papers if need be, prove that he was allowed to be there and none of this would have happened....Now this fine woman is going to be attacked, probably lose her job all behind some uppity sp1c.....Hopefully Stephen Miller has a policy that will address this...

AWESOME...good on her. We have to be vigilant..One must assume that ALL brown people not speaking English are filthy wetbacks and act accordingly. I love it!

Yyyyyyeaaahhh the entire exchange is in English, Dumbass. But thanks for proving his case.

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