Woman Protects Her Manhattan Apt Building From Illegal Alien Invaders

"I would gladly beat the brakes off you...."

That means what exactly? I'm not familiar with the idiom.

How about you go up to any black person minding his or her business and demand he or she tell you what he or she is up to, show his or her ID -- because of your belief he or she is inferior to you...and he or she will demonstrate what it means.....
Stalkers and that woman, have nothing in common whatsoever.
Yabber less. Read more.
  1. 1.
    a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.
    "Tracy claimed she was the victim of a stalker"

And according to your own posted definition, that women was doing nothing comparable to a stalker.

You know what happens when you walk into my building where I work? They ask for a name, and an ID. I guess the desk attendant is a stalker for not allowing anyone to just walk into the building?

Dumb post.
And according to your own posted definition, that women was doing nothing comparable to a stalker.
And you're either a liar or a hopeless idiot. I've concluded the latter after reading every one of your posts so far..

As Biff said: "How about you go up to any black person minding his or her business and demand he or she tell you what he or she is up to, show his or her ID -- because of your belief he or she is inferior to you...and he or she will demonstrate what it means....."
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And according to your own posted definition, that women was doing nothing comparable to a stalker.
And you're either a liar or a hopeless idiot. I've concluded the latter after reading every one of your posts so far..

As Biff said: "How about you go up to any black person minding his or her business and demand he or she tell you what he or she is up to, show his or her ID -- because of your belief he or she is inferior to you...and he or she will demonstrate what it means....."

You have the right to be wrong. And yeah, if any person, black or otherwise, enters this building, they will be required to show ID.

And if you enter my apartment complex, I'll require an ID. Yes, we did that.

In fact, if you are walking around the condo area where I live, late at night, you'll be asked for ID. It was directly because of that policy, that crime has declined.

Get over it.

You people really need to grow up. Really tiresome to have such whiny childish people.
And if you enter my apartment complex, I'll require an ID. Yes, we did that.
What if the person refuses to provide ID and who are you?

Then you get what you get. Stop complaining about someone blocking the door then.

Because here's what is going to happen.... either you are going to fight me, and then someone will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

Or you yourself will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

So either way, we'll find out who you are. So why not just tell me who you are to start with?

Who am I? I'm someone who is going to find out why a stranger is in my apartment complex, because we've had a string of robberies.

Again... no matter what you do, I'll find out who you are. You either do it the hard way.... and take up 2 hours of your time, waiting for police to arrive, question you, and then tell me who you are..... or you can just tell me, and be on your way.

You decide. I'll be happy to find out whichever way you want it.
Whatever gets you off, Andy. Meanwhile, simply asking for ID is not pertinent to this case.

Why not? An unidentified man, tried to enter an apartment complex, where crime had been a problem. Seems like finding out who you are, before letting you in, seems reasonable to me.

Grumble.... just out of curiosity, have you been victimized by criminals as many times as I have? Just curious.

Typically I find this kind of "you have no right to try and defend yourself" comes from people who have never come home to a ransacked house like I have.
Why not? An unidentified man, tried to enter an apartment complex, where crime had been a problem.
You don't know that, Andy. You obviously wish to believe every word that lily white harassment lady said while paying zero attention to the pov from the darker complected fellow or his kids.. but that's you! Everything's always about you and your neighborhood. Your work. Your personal life... Isn't it, Andy? And my how convenient! Your tiny little world serves as a perfect model for all that may happen elsewhere. No need to study or consider any potential differences. Never any need to provide evidence backing your claims. What seems to have worked for you so far obviously needs to be imposed upon everyone else everywhere. Or else! That's you, Andy.. in a nutshell.
Seems like finding out who you are, before letting you in, seems reasonable to me.
Unless you're the landlord, doorman, or otherwise certified official empowered to block the unlocked main entrance to an apartment building with your body and demand shit from all comers,.. it's not only unreasonable, it's a good way to get yourself arrested, beat up, or shot. Oh, sorry,..silly me. that's right, you're white! No worries!
Grumble.... just out of curiosity, have you been victimized by criminals as many times as I have? Just curious.
Maybe, but probably not dumb enough to compete. How would I know and who cares!? Mind your own (personal) business!
Typically I find this kind of "you have no right to try and defend yourself" comes from people who
...constantly invent positions for others to argue with themselves about instead of engaging things actually said or shared that might be verified (or somewhat interesting, heaven forbid!). Sometimes they even put their little inventions in quotes. Literally stuffing the words into another's mouth. Sort of like gagging them to make sure no real challenge can interfere.. Isn't that special!? Know what they invariably do then? Trick question, sorry. They argue with themselves.. about that lovely position they just invented.. Ho hum...Rinse and repeat..
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Something tells me if this man would have pushed on pass her --- your tune about this would change....
All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because they have had thefts in the building....what is so hard about giving her a name?...there is a buzzer on the wall but he didn't even know the apt number....but he claims his family has lived there for 60 years.....give me a break...she did exactly what I and even you would have done dummy....

And WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? Do you give your name to any random stranger on the street who accosts you and demands to know your destination? Hm?

Hep me out here because I just don't get Control Freak Fascism.

And while you're at it maybe you can essplain to the class what kind of burglar takes two little kids on the job.
Ones who need a lookout or are too lazy to carry the loot.

Or perhaps one who is planning on using the kids as a rouse to get into his ex-girlfriend's apartment building so he strangle her.
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All he had to do was give her a name.....she did the right thing....

And he "has to" do that ------------ why again?
Because they have had thefts in the building....what is so hard about giving her a name?...there is a buzzer on the wall but he didn't even know the apt number....but he claims his family has lived there for 60 years.....give me a break...she did exactly what I and even you would have done dummy....
And WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? Do you give your name to any random stranger on the street who accosts you and demands to know your destination? Hm?

Hep me out here because I just don't get Control Freak Fascism.

And while you're at it maybe you can essplain to the class what kind of burglar takes two little kids on the job.
I have lived in flats like that and yes...that dude would have been sent away by me if he couldn't give me a name and I don't care what color he is...and people take kids on crime sprees all the time...ask Walmart security....has this impeachment inquiry made you dumber?...what has happened to you?....
there was a buzzer on the wall but he didn't know the apt number???? come on man you would just let him in?...why because he wasn't white?....

Who says he doesn't know the number?
If he did know the number he could just use it and have his aunt buzz him in (if she exists and wants to let him in). He wouldn't need that lady's assistance to gain unauthorized access to the building.
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And if you enter my apartment complex, I'll require an ID. Yes, we did that.
What if the person refuses to provide ID and who are you?

Then you get what you get. Stop complaining about someone blocking the door then.

Because here's what is going to happen.... either you are going to fight me, and then someone will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

Or you yourself will call police, and then we'll find out who you are anyway....

So either way, we'll find out who you are. So why not just tell me who you are to start with?

Who am I? I'm someone who is going to find out why a stranger is in my apartment complex, because we've had a string of robberies.

Again... no matter what you do, I'll find out who you are. You either do it the hard way.... and taat ike up 2 hours of your time, waiting for police to arrive, question you, and then tell me who you are..... or you can just tell me, and be on your way.

You decide. I'll be happy to find out whichever way you want it.
Well that's awfully assholey of you. And what if I live there? I'm not required to identify myself to any of the neighbors.

You act like you're the only person who has the capability to identiy others, remember that the next time you decide to target someone by creating a situation that requires police involvement, I don't care what kind of crime problems you're having.
So did his aunt actually live there or no? This happened days ago but there's still no answer to the most important question.

If you had read the link, you would know the answer to that question. Yes, his aunt did live there, but no, she wasn't home when they called. And yes, the police escorted the man and his kids to the apartment.

I read it. Her not being home is awfully convenient. Theres still no corroboration from the aunt that she lives there or even exists.

The police escorted him to the apartment, and I'm pretty sure that after he left when there was nobody there, they would have verified that his aunt lived there, because if she didn't, that would have opened him up to criminal trespass charges.
How many times are you going to lie about it?

"Sandoval said the police never ended up responding to the apartment. Eventually, Sandoval and his children made their way into the building but claims the woman followed them upstairs. He said his aunt ended up not being home."
She asked him and said you can get buzzed in right here...he just kept calling her a racist....he obviously didn't know the number....

Exactly, you DON'T know that. You're taking the word of the accoster. The man with the kids NEVER SAID he didn't know the number, Dumbass. He just wasn't telling her. Who would, with that attitude?
Ummmmm If he knew the number why didn't he just push the buzzer?...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?.....if he didn't know the number he should have given her a name...does he want to see his aunt or just fuck with some lady.....the guy is an assfuck and you are on the assfucks side....I get it....

How do you know he didn't?

How did the door get opened?

Again --- you never answered this either ----- WHO THE FUCK IS SHE to be asking questions?
A concerned resident who would like to not get robbed or worse

Once AGAIN --- WHO goes to "rob or worse" with two little kids in tow? How do you even DO that?
Man accused of killing wife in front of kids has history of violence, records show

Man charged with capital murder after woman killed in front of child

San Antonio man who shot wife, self in front of small children pleads guilty to murder

Man who murdered woman in front of kids kills again after deemed too old to be a threat
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She asked him and said you can get buzzed in right here...he just kept calling her a racist....he obviously didn't know the number....

Exactly, you DON'T know that. You're taking the word of the accoster. The man with the kids NEVER SAID he didn't know the number, Dumbass. He just wasn't telling her. Who would, with that attitude?
Ummmmm If he knew the number why didn't he just push the buzzer?...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?.....if he didn't know the number he should have given her a name...does he want to see his aunt or just fuck with some lady.....the guy is an assfuck and you are on the assfucks side....I get it....

How do you know he didn't?

How did the door get opened?

Again --- you never answered this either ----- WHO THE FUCK IS SHE to be asking questions?
A concerned resident who would like to not get robbed or worse

Once AGAIN --- WHO goes to "rob or worse" with two little kids in tow? How do you even DO that?
It happens more often than you might think......

White woman calls police on Hispanic man trying to visit his aunt | Daily Mail Online

I know some of these fine people get a bad rep for insisting that minorities show themselves to be worthy to occupy the same spaces these fine people do -- but all they are trying to do is protect their community from criminal thugs....

"Alfredo Sandoval was going to visit his aunt in her East Village apartment on Sunday with his children, aged 6 and 9, when he said the woman started harassing them for trying to get into the building. Sandoval, who works in real estate, claims the unidentified woman racially profiled him and his children and refused to let them enter the building because he wouldn't give her his aunt's name."

All this black sp1c had to do was identify himself, show his papers if need be, prove that he was allowed to be there and none of this would have happened....Now this fine woman is going to be attacked, probably lose her job all behind some uppity sp1c.....Hopefully Stephen Miller has a policy that will address this...

Why don’t you live around them bo lol
Incall ice on Latins all the time lol sue me haha

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