Woman pulls gun during fight over school supplies at Walmart

Do I think that woman should have pulled her gun? I don't know, I wasn't there, AND NEITHER WERE YOU. So how can you make a determination that she shouldn't have pulled it?

Answer: You can't. You are blinded by your own hatred of her right to carry a gun in the first place it doesn't matter why she pulled it. You want her to be a victim, because democrats love victims. That's how they get votes, convince everyone they are a victim.

The whole event does not require a gun.
It's that simple. Butttttt Gun Nutters, keep playing.
All I saw was a video of a woman attacking another woman and the one being attacked pulling a gun to stop the attack. If anything the video supported her drawing her weapon.

But again, I wasn't there and neither were you. The difference between me and you is that I'm smart enough to understand that and know I don't have enough evidence to make an opinion either way. The only thing I support is her right to carry, which you abhore.
All I saw was a video of a woman attacking another woman and the one being attacked pulling a gun to stop the attack. If anything the video supported her drawing her weapon.

But again, I wasn't there and neither were you. The difference between me and you is that I'm smart enough to understand that and know I don't have enough evidence to make an opinion either way. The only thing I support is her right to carry, which you abhore.
Fully mentally weak, here.
Should you be trusted flying?
People pulling guns on each other in WalMart over notebooks.....Making America Great Again!

She pulled the gun over her daughter allegedly being assaulted, not the notebook. Liberals. smh

The stupid girl should've let go of the notebook. Called the store manager and whined their cases.
LIKE 99.9999999999% of more rational others would have done. But some 5 employees were there working it.
The gun was none required, period. It was not a life threatening event. It was a tussle like we see daily where shopping is involved.

Well, maybe not for the other CC carrying gun nutters in the store.

How do you know the gun wasn't required? Were you there? Do you have the whole story? I at least wrote the daughter was "allegedly being assaulted". Keyword is allegedly. The point is the mother didn't pull the gun over a notebook which is what I was responding to. She pulled it to protect her daughter. Perhaps the gun wasn't warranted which is what the word allegedly implies. Unlike you I don't rush to judgement without having the facts. You're a liberal, right?
People pulling guns on each other in WalMart over notebooks.....Making America Great Again!

She pulled the gun over her daughter allegedly being assaulted, not the notebook. Liberals. smh

The stupid girl should've let go of the notebook. Called the store manager and whined their cases.
LIKE 99.9999999999% of more rational others would have done. But some 5 employees were there working it.
The gun was none required, period. It was not a life threatening event. It was a tussle like we see daily where shopping is involved.

Well, maybe not for the other CC carrying gun nutters in the store.

How do you know the gun wasn't required? Were you there? Do you have the whole story? I at least wrote the daughter was "allegedly being assaulted". Keyword is allegedly. The point is the mother didn't pull the gun over a notebook which is what I was responding to. She pulled it to protect her daughter. Perhaps the gun wasn't warranted which is what the word allegedly implies. Unlike you I don't rush to judgement without having the facts. You're a liberal, right?

Too many people do not understand physical violence. They see someone punching someone and think it is a small thing...easily accepted and not life threatening. Any time you punch someone you risk killing them....all it takes is for them to be hit in the wrong place, the throat for example, or the head, and they can die. We had a case here with the former Mayor Daley's nephew. He got into an altercation with a guy outside a bar. One punch was thrown, by the Mayor's nephew, the man he hit fell down and hit his head on the concrete, putting him into a coma......he never woke up and he died.

So anytime someone gets physical, they are putting you in danger. As one martial arts instructor told me.....they could hit you and detach a retina, knock you down, knock out teeth.....ever been to the dentist lately and see how much that costs?

So any physical attack is serious. Do not attack people, punch people....it is dangerous...
People pulling guns on each other in WalMart over notebooks.....Making America Great Again!

She pulled the gun over her daughter allegedly being assaulted, not the notebook. Liberals. smh

The stupid girl should've let go of the notebook. Called the store manager and whined their cases.
LIKE 99.9999999999% of more rational others would have done. But some 5 employees were there working it.
The gun was none required, period. It was not a life threatening event. It was a tussle like we see daily where shopping is involved.

Well, maybe not for the other CC carrying gun nutters in the store.

How do you know the gun wasn't required? Were you there? Do you have the whole story? I at least wrote the daughter was "allegedly being assaulted". Keyword is allegedly. The point is the mother didn't pull the gun over a notebook which is what I was responding to. She pulled it to protect her daughter. Perhaps the gun wasn't warranted which is what the word allegedly implies. Unlike you I don't rush to judgement without having the facts. You're a liberal, right?

Too many people do not understand physical violence. They see someone punching someone and think it is a small thing...easily accepted and not life threatening. Any time you punch someone you risk killing them....all it takes is for them to be hit in the wrong place, the throat for example, or the head, and they can die. We had a case here with the former Mayor Daley's nephew. He got into an altercation with a guy outside a bar. One punch was thrown, by the Mayor's nephew, the man he hit fell down and hit his head on the concrete, putting him into a coma......he never woke up and he died.

So anytime someone gets physical, they are putting you in danger. As one martial arts instructor told me.....they could hit you and detach a retina, knock you down, knock out teeth.....ever been to the dentist lately and see how much that costs?

So any physical attack is serious. Do not attack people, punch people....it is dangerous...

Could not have said it better myself. If a stranger starts a physical altercation you have to assume the worst. You have no idea what that person is capable of or what unfortunate thing can happen. People (liberals) need to stop acting like one punch or grabbing someone is no big deal. I have a friend who got punched during an argument over a parking spot. He spent more than a month sucking food through a straw. Another guy got punched at a baseball game here. He ended up in a coma when his head his the concrete.
People pulling guns on each other in WalMart over notebooks.....Making America Great Again!

She pulled the gun over her daughter allegedly being assaulted, not the notebook. Liberals. smh

The stupid girl should've let go of the notebook. Called the store manager and whined their cases.
LIKE 99.9999999999% of more rational others would have done. But some 5 employees were there working it.
The gun was none required, period. It was not a life threatening event. It was a tussle like we see daily where shopping is involved.

Well, maybe not for the other CC carrying gun nutters in the store.

How do you know the gun wasn't required? Were you there? Do you have the whole story? I at least wrote the daughter was "allegedly being assaulted". Keyword is allegedly. The point is the mother didn't pull the gun over a notebook which is what I was responding to. She pulled it to protect her daughter. Perhaps the gun wasn't warranted which is what the word allegedly implies. Unlike you I don't rush to judgement without having the facts. You're a liberal, right?

Too many people do not understand physical violence. They see someone punching someone and think it is a small thing...easily accepted and not life threatening. Any time you punch someone you risk killing them....all it takes is for them to be hit in the wrong place, the throat for example, or the head, and they can die. We had a case here with the former Mayor Daley's nephew. He got into an altercation with a guy outside a bar. One punch was thrown, by the Mayor's nephew, the man he hit fell down and hit his head on the concrete, putting him into a coma......he never woke up and he died.

So anytime someone gets physical, they are putting you in danger. As one martial arts instructor told me.....they could hit you and detach a retina, knock you down, knock out teeth.....ever been to the dentist lately and see how much that costs?

So any physical attack is serious. Do not attack people, punch people....it is dangerous...

Could not have said it better myself. If a stranger starts a physical altercation you have to assume the worst. You have no idea what that person is capable of or what unfortunate thing can happen. People (liberals) need to stop acting like one punch or grabbing someone is no big deal.

Also...another point....I have a friend who was a cop in the Air Force....he goes into a bar to make arrests during a fight, and gets punched in the back.....after everyone is cuffed, another cops says...Hey, there is a knife in your back.....

His vest had slowed the knife, and his adrenaline kept him from feeling it right away. You do not know if the person punching you is punching you with a fist, or if they have a small knife in their hands.....you won't know till the end of the fight.
People pulling guns on each other in WalMart over notebooks.....Making America Great Again!

She pulled the gun over her daughter allegedly being assaulted, not the notebook. Liberals. smh

The stupid girl should've let go of the notebook. Called the store manager and whined their cases.
LIKE 99.9999999999% of more rational others would have done. But some 5 employees were there working it.
The gun was none required, period. It was not a life threatening event. It was a tussle like we see daily where shopping is involved.

Well, maybe not for the other CC carrying gun nutters in the store.

How do you know the gun wasn't required? Were you there? Do you have the whole story? I at least wrote the daughter was "allegedly being assaulted". Keyword is allegedly. The point is the mother didn't pull the gun over a notebook which is what I was responding to. She pulled it to protect her daughter. Perhaps the gun wasn't warranted which is what the word allegedly implies. Unlike you I don't rush to judgement without having the facts. You're a liberal, right?

Too many people do not understand physical violence. They see someone punching someone and think it is a small thing...easily accepted and not life threatening. Any time you punch someone you risk killing them....all it takes is for them to be hit in the wrong place, the throat for example, or the head, and they can die. We had a case here with the former Mayor Daley's nephew. He got into an altercation with a guy outside a bar. One punch was thrown, by the Mayor's nephew, the man he hit fell down and hit his head on the concrete, putting him into a coma......he never woke up and he died.

So anytime someone gets physical, they are putting you in danger. As one martial arts instructor told me.....they could hit you and detach a retina, knock you down, knock out teeth.....ever been to the dentist lately and see how much that costs?

So any physical attack is serious. Do not attack people, punch people....it is dangerous...

Could not have said it better myself. If a stranger starts a physical altercation you have to assume the worst. You have no idea what that person is capable of or what unfortunate thing can happen. People (liberals) need to stop acting like one punch or grabbing someone is no big deal. I have a friend who got punched during an argument over a parking spot. He spent more than a month sucking food through a straw. Another guy got punched at a baseball game here. He ended up in a coma when his head his the concrete.

I remember this when it was first reported....a Russian woman is mugged....the attacker is pulling on her purse trying to take it, she fights back. The mugger hits her on her back and runs away......she goes to her parent's home, and as she turns around to take of her coat, her mother starts screaming...there was a butcher knife sticking out of her neck.....it missed everything vital.....there is a photo in the link....

The mugging victim with a six-inch knife in her back... and she didn't even notice | Daily Mail Online

It's REAL: Russian doctors confirm picture of mugging victim with a six-inch knife in her back is genuine

An extraordinary picture that has gone around the world of a knife plunged into the back of a woman mugging victim is genuine, it was revealed by doctors in Moscow tonight.

Julia Popova, 22, was stabbed by a mugger as she walked home from work one day last autumn - but she was so traumatised by the attack that she walked home without realising the knife was embedded in her, just a fraction of an inch from her spinal cord.

In the image, blood is shown gushing from the wound as surgeons stare in awe, apparently preparing to operate to remove the six-inch blade.



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