WOman sees man with gun, so runs over him with her car. Police won't charge her

Looks like the brainwashing is taking effect. The left wants everyone to hate guns and people with guns. They would have you believe people with guns are evil unless they are protecting high ranking liberals. The children of today will especially freak out when they see people with guns.
Of course you hope you won't need it. No question there.

I just wonder what kind of world you guys see out there that would bring you to that drastic of a habit. I can't even imagine what that world looks like. Or if you're in that hell, why you don't move. That's why I call it a paranoia problem.

It's a world of being prepared, not much to get overly excited about really. Seeing people carry guns isn't all that scary.

Remember this? "The best defense from a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"...or car in this case.

I'm as pro gun as you can get, that doesn't mean I think people should be free to use them against others for criminal purposes. Now if the woman was just driving along and saw a guy with a gun and ran him over she should be put in prison for murder. In this case it would appear we had a guy with a fake gun up to no good and the lady did what she could to stop him. I have no complaints here.

Yeah I've heard that statement before. I have my own wording: "the answer to gun violence is ..... more guns!

Or as a wiser wag put it, "like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline". I mean, think about it.

So, the answer to criminals with guns isn't good people with guns able to defend themselves? What should we fight armed criminals with? Rocks? Should we try to run from them and hope for the best? What if they come into our house in the middle of the night and corner us in our bedroom? Still no right to defend ourselves with guns? I guess the left feels that while thousands will die needlessly because police can't help them in time, it's worth it in the long run if we can slightly decrease the number of guns in the hands of criminals.

You are saying that Obama should not have armed Secret Service. I mean, if the answer is not more guns, then why should he have them? His biggest threat is a bad guy with a gun and he is constantly surrounded with more guns.

Are we all less worthy than politicians when it comes to fighting for our lives?
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Looks like the brainwashing is taking effect. The left wants everyone to hate guns and people with guns. They would have you believe people with guns are evil unless they are protecting high ranking liberals. The children of today will especially freak out when they see people with guns.

Who said anything about "hating guns"? Who said anything about "evil"? :confused:

Is everything "good" and "evil" in your world?
Actually ----- that kind of attitude is prolly exactly the problem. "Good"; "Evil". "Black"; "White". "Us"; "Them".
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this is amazing....so according to the lefties in this thread, if i see someone whom i believe is suspicious or may commit a crime, i can run them over


you can't even make a citizens arrest based on that
Now that the incredulity is fading, we should probably as a few routine questions:

1.) How did she "know" he was going to shoot the children?

2.) If I walk down a street carrying my own shotgun (mine's real), am I fair game for any woman with a car?

everyone is fair game for any woman with a car.


Are you still using this as a weapon?

Damn. Get over it or get some real power in your life.

If the gun was not concealed then there generally is no special carry permit required. It was a toy, not even a real gun. If he had not posed any threat to her she should be charged for running him over.

I dont think I have ever seen you post something that makes sense. Nice job.

Now that the incredulity is fading, we should probably as a few routine questions:

1.) How did she "know" he was going to shoot the children?

2.) If I walk down a street carrying my own shotgun (mine's real), am I fair game for any woman with a car?

3.) Why is the woman's act NOT "assault with a deadly weapon", and/or "attempted murder"?

OK, just being devil's advocate here.

Why would you walk around an urban area with a long gun? Even a "sawed off" 'long gun'?

Not that I've never done it, I just knew to keep it encased in an ambiguous container. Trench coats are helpful in this endeavor during in climate weather as well.

I'm not going to second guess the woman's judgment on this story so far considering what I've read. If I saw an armed person wielding a weapon in public I would likely go in the opposite direction, unless I was convinced he was about to commit a heinous crime.

She obviously was convinced.
Now that the incredulity is fading, we should probably as a few routine questions:

1.) How did she "know" he was going to shoot the children?

2.) If I walk down a street carrying my own shotgun (mine's real), am I fair game for any woman with a car?

3.) Why is the woman's act NOT "assault with a deadly weapon", and/or "attempted murder"?

OK, just being devil's advocate here.

Why would you walk around an urban area with a long gun? Even a "sawed off" 'long gun'?

Not that I've never done it, I just knew to keep it encased in an ambiguous container. Trench coats are helpful in this endeavor during in climate weather as well.

I'm not going to second guess the woman's judgment on this story so far considering what I've read. If I saw an armed person wielding a weapon in public I would likely go in the opposite direction, unless I was convinced he was about to commit a heinous crime.

She obviously was convinced.

Or crazy as a hat full of shit.
clearly, gun owners should only travel by tank.

Or maybe just carry their pistols in their holsters.

Not looking like a thug would probably be advisable also.

So if a black guy has it in his holster, does that make him a thug?

Now remember, it would be a black with a gun.

Were you born a pathetic douchebag, or have you worked hard to become one?

Racist asshole.
She may not have to worry about the cops, but wait till his lawyer get a hold of everything she owns. You can't just run over someone for what they might do.
Now that the incredulity is fading, we should probably as a few routine questions:

1.) How did she "know" he was going to shoot the children?

2.) If I walk down a street carrying my own shotgun (mine's real), am I fair game for any woman with a car?

3.) Why is the woman's act NOT "assault with a deadly weapon", and/or "attempted murder"?

OK, just being devil's advocate here.

Why would you walk around an urban area with a long gun? Even a "sawed off" 'long gun'?

Not that I've never done it, I just knew to keep it encased in an ambiguous container. Trench coats are helpful in this endeavor during in climate weather as well.

I'm not going to second guess the woman's judgment on this story so far considering what I've read. If I saw an armed person wielding a weapon in public I would likely go in the opposite direction, unless I was convinced he was about to commit a heinous crime.

She obviously was convinced.

Or crazy as a hat full of shit.

That's entirely possible as well.

That's why I'm reserving judgment. It's up to the local authorities to decide whether or not she acted irrationally and committed a crime, or if she took actions a reasonable person thought was necessary to prevent a violent crime.
Sorry bout that,

1. He didn't have a good reason to be wagging around a fake shot gun, my judgment tells me she did the right thing, could you image what if she went to jail and was questioned, "What you in for?", "Well I ran over this guy carrying a shot gun towards some kids..." and they threw me in the slammer.
2. That's not justice to me, neither was it to the Grand Jury from what county she was in.

This is the pertinent information from the article.

She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

According to that statement from the Detective she made the right call and was in fear of being shot.
Yeah I've heard that statement before. I have my own wording: "the answer to gun violence is ..... more guns!

Or as a wiser wag put it, "like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline". I mean, think about it.

Actually I think you do need to think about but with a more realistic mind.

First of all our criminal element represents approximately 1% of our population yet does 98% of the crime. They aren't going to be disarmed in their activities regardless of laws you pass. If they can't get a gun they use a bat, a knife, a sword or even an airsoft gun. Anything to get the advantage over their chosen victim. But they have the advantage of surprise along with that intimidation of having a weapon you don't. Normal people don't have that advantage of surprise against them. Therefore being prepared for any event is the most logical conclusion a person could make, and that means arming yourself at all times.

Defenseless citizens have no recourse and therefor are at the whim of the criminal element when they arrive with superior weaponry. The absolute best defensive weapon a good citizen can have on hand is a gun. It not only counter acts the criminals highest power weapon it trumps anything the less than intelligent criminal can round up.

More guns in good peoples hands are not adding gas to the fire, it's adding fire extinguisher's to counter the fire starters.

I'm afraid that analogy doesn't work. You'd need something like an anti-gun -- a device which would render nearby guns useless. Then you'd have an analogical fire extinguisher.

-- which is kind of a fascinating idea; I'm tempted to poll the site on a question like, "if you could walk around with either a gun or an anti-gun, which would you choose?"

But fighting guns with more guns is just escalation, not equalization. Wouldn't matter what the weapon was; if everyone walked around with a knife, then everyone would have the means and opportunity to stab someone. All they would need would be motive. And they probably wouldn't have to wait long. At the root of all this is the culture of violence and the value of might-makes-right, but we'll have to leave it there lest we wend off topic.

Well when you don't have a f*cking anti-gun device your best option is to have one yourself.

Might makes absolute right when it comes to self defense. Only an idiot would walk into a gun fight with a set of chopsticks thinking the other people are cheating so they have an advantage.

Guns are the number one weapon of choice to defend yourself against the number one weapon the criminals may bring to the fight. Arm yourself with whatever else you may want to but in the end the gun is your best option.
She may not have to worry about the cops, but wait till his lawyer get a hold of everything she owns. You can't just run over someone for what they might do.

Of course you can't. But if he was making a threat to her by purporting to point a gun directly at her, then it's a matter of what he already did.
Actually I think you do need to think about but with a more realistic mind.

First of all our criminal element represents approximately 1% of our population yet does 98% of the crime. They aren't going to be disarmed in their activities regardless of laws you pass. If they can't get a gun they use a bat, a knife, a sword or even an airsoft gun. Anything to get the advantage over their chosen victim. But they have the advantage of surprise along with that intimidation of having a weapon you don't. Normal people don't have that advantage of surprise against them. Therefore being prepared for any event is the most logical conclusion a person could make, and that means arming yourself at all times.

Defenseless citizens have no recourse and therefor are at the whim of the criminal element when they arrive with superior weaponry. The absolute best defensive weapon a good citizen can have on hand is a gun. It not only counter acts the criminals highest power weapon it trumps anything the less than intelligent criminal can round up.

More guns in good peoples hands are not adding gas to the fire, it's adding fire extinguisher's to counter the fire starters.

I'm afraid that analogy doesn't work. You'd need something like an anti-gun -- a device which would render nearby guns useless. Then you'd have an analogical fire extinguisher.

-- which is kind of a fascinating idea; I'm tempted to poll the site on a question like, "if you could walk around with either a gun or an anti-gun, which would you choose?"

But fighting guns with more guns is just escalation, not equalization. Wouldn't matter what the weapon was; if everyone walked around with a knife, then everyone would have the means and opportunity to stab someone. All they would need would be motive. And they probably wouldn't have to wait long. At the root of all this is the culture of violence and the value of might-makes-right, but we'll have to leave it there lest we wend off topic.

Well when you don't have a f*cking anti-gun device your best option is to have one yourself.

Might makes absolute right when it comes to self defense. Only an idiot would walk into a gun fight with a set of chopsticks thinking the other people are cheating so they have an advantage.

Guns are the number one weapon of choice to defend yourself against the number one weapon the criminals may bring to the fight. Arm yourself with whatever else you may want to but in the end the gun is your best option.

I don't think you grasp my point here, and it's got nothing to do with choice of weapon.

That being, it's not necessary to walk into the fight in the first place. When you're not IN a fight, then the question of who's armed with what is irrelevant. Same goes for looking for a fight. Why would we be walking around looking for a fight? Your sentence bolded above assumes that you're already in a fight, or about to be. Why are we assuming that?

I don't usually do this but I agree with Pete here:
Why would you walk around an urban area with a long gun? Even a "sawed off" 'long gun'?

Not that I've never done it, I just knew to keep it encased in an ambiguous container.
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