Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

And if your ilk wants control over women's bodies you gotta bring something to the table besides your sanctimonious drivel. Like free childcare or child rearing pay.

If you don't want the responsibilty, then keep your legs firmly glued together.
Other people should never pay for YOUR refusal to be a self-governing, RESPONSIBLE individual!
Two thanks. One is in the doctorate program and one is in grad school. Fucktard.

Now to the topic if women can't be allowed to control themselves does that mean the government can mandate birth control and forced sterilization if it feels like? I mean they have no right yo self control right.
That's what it would mean.
Two thanks. One is in the doctorate program and one is in grad school. Fucktard.

Now to the topic if women can't be allowed to control themselves does that mean the government can mandate birth control and forced sterilization if it feels like? I mean they have no right yo self control right.
The government already mandates birth control and forced sterilization. They do it for wards of the state all the time.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

Morality is subjective...
Please cite cases from this century to back your statement.
Case citations? Which ones have been litigated? None. However, severely mentally compromised women that are in state custody are routinely given birth control. Why? Because they are so often raped. Particularly by workers at their facility. Sad, but it happens. It's not like they are going to complain. When there is a failure and the woman becomes pregnant, no one asks her if she wants an abortion. It's part of protocol. I know of one case, a young girl was in a vegetative state. She was raped by a janitor. Her parents requested that the child be brought to term so they would have a grandchild. That's the only one I know of where a severely compromised woman was allowed to have the baby.
When people talk about women controlling their own bodies, I always wonder why that concept is never extended to the developing women still in the womb?

......... or does this indicate only males can be aborted?
It indicates that people who talk about abortion as control of their own bodies are willfully ignorant and/or lying to themselves.
I just know some conholes will show up and compare forced birthing to having to wear a mask at certain places during Covid. I'm just waiting for the first guy to take his entitled bitch ass here so I can stomp him
Women that use abortion as an after the fact birth control should receive assistance in their inability to control themselves. A little snip would do wonders.

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