Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

And by survival of the "race" you mean that white race, That is really what this is all about

The Birth Dearth: The Sad but True Reason Why What’s Happening in Texas Right Now Shouldn’t Surprise You | by Ajah Hales | An Injustice! (aninjusticemag.com)

By the 80s, the abortion debate intersected with one of America’s most pressing issues at the time — changing demographics. That’s right, people were losing their shit over the browning of America long before Trump.
In 1987, Ben Wattenberg, former advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson and a heavy hitter within the Democratic Party, published a very popular book called The Birth Dearth. The book purports:
“The major problem confronting the United States today is there aren’t enough white babies being born. If we don’t do something about this and do it now, white people will be in the numerical minority and we will no longer be a white man’s land.”

When critics called him a white supremacist, he instead claimed that he was a cultural chauvinist, and that western European culture just happened to be the best one in existence.

Mr. Wattenberg saw the birth dearth as a solvable problem, and offered three potential solutions. The first was paying American women to have babies. He said this plan was untenable because “we would have to pay women of all colors to have babies.” Darn those pesky citizenship laws!
His second option was to increase our immigration quotas. This too was flawed, because most of the people coming to America in the 80s were people of color. His third option was the one he thought made the most sense: \
The third thing we could do is remember that sixty percent of the fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that sixty percent of life alive, that would solve our birth dearth.”
Wattenberg peddled soft eugenics dressed up as concern for the economy and democracy across the globe. Becoming the world’s most powerful nation was, to Wattenberg, due to the efforts, values and contributions of white men, particularly Western Europeans.
We have four adopted children, all insured, attend very good schools and eat pretty damn good.

Which child are you doing that for ya fckn leftie flaming jackass?

You really need to STFU, you influence nobody
That is your kids . Do you support policies and programs that provide that for all kids,? I don;t think so
This title speaks loudly for American attitudes. No less than half the population will be expected to fall into line with the dogma of extremist politics and beliefs.

I woman dying for lack of a lifesaving abortion will be held up as making the sacrifice for the god!
Lying pos. abortion is allowed in those cases. Pos
We have four adopted children, all insured, attend very good schools and eat pretty damn good.

Which child are you doing that for ya fckn leftie flaming jackass?

You really need to STFU, you influence nobody
Two thanks. One is in the doctorate program and one is in grad school. Fucktard.

Now to the topic if women can't be allowed to control themselves does that mean the government can mandate birth control and forced sterilization if it feels like? I mean they have no right yo self control right.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

Sexual promiscuity you post about, would that include sex outside of one...er two...er three marriages?
Two thanks. One is in the doctorate program and one is in grad school. Fucktard.

Now to the topic if women can't be allowed to control themselves does that mean the government can mandate birth control and forced sterilization if it feels like? I mean they have no right yo self control right.

Gfy. How's that? You're not a woman...or possibly and very possible, pretend to be, so don't try and tell me how women think.

Ya pussified loon
Two thanks. One is in the doctorate program and one is in grad school. Fucktard.

Now to the topic if women can't be allowed to control themselves does that mean the government can mandate birth control and forced sterilization if it feels like? I mean they have no right yo self control right.
Eat a bar of shit child abuser.
Gfy. How's that? You're not a woman...or possibly and very possible, pretend to be, so don't try and tell me how women think.

Ya pussified loon
Howdy folks, a woman here. I can tell you how one woman thinks. About abortion - I'm still too pissed to think straight. I want the blood of some fucking conhole on my hands. If I could pick it would be Greg Abbott, that fucking cripple. I wheel his crippled ass right over the border into Juarez and leave him there. Some political opportunist who implements the wet dreams of religious yahoos into law. On my fucking dime. You wanna get on fucking front row seat in heaven, get it on with little baby Cheeeesus, get there on your own fucking dime, you cheapskate . Not on the backs of women and gay folks.
You don't like abortion - don't have one. Stay out of other people's private business.
Eat a bar of shit child abuser.
Why do you say stuff like that? It's just stupid. Nobody would eat a bar of shit. Where would you even get a bar of shit? Do you expect anybody to mold shit into a bar? Just like guys always asking people to suck their dick. Suck my dick. How old are you anyhow? Like twelve?
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

^ One major reason conservatism is doomed.
Why do you say stuff like that? It's just stupid. Nobody would eat a bar of shit. Where would you even get a bar of shit? Do you expect anybody to mold shit into a bar? Just like guys always asking people to suck their dick. Suck my dick. How old are you anyhow? Like twelve?
You do.
Then, tell us what percentage of the general population can bear a human child.
It's more than 15% but not terribly high. Men can't, girls who aren't yet menstruating can't. Women that have stopped can't. Of the women that are left, some will just be barren. Some will have had surgery removing the reproduction organs. What's left?

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