Women For Trump, GOP Sees Surge In Women Running For Office.

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Women have had enough of the bullshit from the Socialists in this country. It was just a matter of time before the women in this country started standing up for decency, fairness, and smart policies which will help everyone. They understand American exceptionalism and MAGA. Trump has shown them how to win against the corrupt establishment they had come to accept.

LIbtardos, shouldn't have pissed the women off. They're coming for your commie hides.

"Republican women are helping to drive a 2020 surge in female House candidates, a sign of hope for GOP women who have seen their share of seats drop in recent years.

Data released this week by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University shows an overall uptick in women seeking seats in the House this year, with 490 filing to run so far. Democratic women still lead, with 295 filing to run.

But Republicans have greatly improved their numbers, with 195 women running in House races under the party’s banner this year. That’s up from a previous record of 133 during the Tea Party wave in 2010."

So now posts are just deleted by the moderators? Even ones that don’t violate the ToS? Free speech for me, but not for thee?

Troll posts are deleted by moderators. Either comment something worthwhile to the topic or leave the thread. We don't need snide remarks from the peanut gallery
My two former sisters in law are both angry at Joe and the DNC...they say they are voting for Trump...after bashing Trump for years they say they can't vote for Joe the finger.....I added the finger part..... ;)
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.
The pro-rape Trumpsters here are there usual projecting..

The body of evidence against Trump and the number of women is overwhelming...

I have said it all along Biden should agree to am investigation if Trump stops using every delay tactic in the book to stop any investigation on him.

Reade would have to give a sworn statement just like all Trump accusers (but many have already)...

Thing is you have no one who has accused Biden under oath. This is the same as all your other accusations, have you got someone else who going to lie for Trump and goto Jail...
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.

Betsy DeVos is in the middle of rape victims rights right now... The one of the most underreported crime in America.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.
Yeah the Meetoo movement are fighting for a woman now. All women must be heard, lol.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.

That authoritarianism you're whining about is what you Socialists are trying to sell and as the article points out, women are turning out in record numbers to fight you Socialists.

Good luck, you're going to need it as you prop up a senile old fool as your candidate.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.
That is why the Asians are eating our lunch in competition and every thing we make is getting very expensive to do. Lowering standards for qualifications to meet quotas demeans those who succeed. From weapons systems to science projects and on and on we are losing traction to the Far East. You now see we live off the "fiat currency".
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.
Yeah the Meetoo movement are fighting for a woman now. All women must be heard, lol.

Her case is very flimsy and unsupported. McConnell should go the Archives and get her complaint.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.

That authoritarianism you're whining about is what you Socialists are trying to sell and as the article points out, women are turning out in record numbers to fight you Socialists.

Good luck, you're going to need it as you prop up a senile old fool as your candidate.

You have no idea what my opinions are with respect to economics. Please note that the republicans are trying to subjugate women to cult rule. That's pretty authoritarian. I will not prop up a crazy conman with a whole history of sexual misconduct and support for insane conspiracy theories who has all but destroyed our leadership position in world affairs and made us an international laughing stock.
Her case is very flimsy and unsupported. McConnell should go the Archives and get her complaint.

Too late....the complaint was at the U. of Delaware and a couple of Creepy's goons already sneaked it out and into a shredder.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.

That authoritarianism you're whining about is what you Socialists are trying to sell and as the article points out, women are turning out in record numbers to fight you Socialists.

Good luck, you're going to need it as you prop up a senile old fool as your candidate.

You have no idea what my opinions are with respect to economics. Please note that the republicans are trying to subjugate women to cult rule. That's pretty authoritarian. I will not prop up a crazy conman with a whole history of sexual misconduct and support for insane conspiracy theories who has all but destroyed our leadership position in world affairs and made us an international laughing stock.

Ya, right, that's why a record number of women are being supported by the Republicans. "subjugate" Hillaryous. Just because you say something doesn't make it so. The article clearly points out women are being supported by Republicans.

Quit denying you're a Socialist. The entire Trump resistance is based on Socialism. Government nanny state to tell you how to think. Tell women what's acceptable. Which school you have to send your kids to.

Quit snorting the propaganda, your social justice Karen crap is getting old and your senile old Bidum will embarrass the Democrat party into oblivion resulting in a total Socialist party.
Women in this country have been standing up for decades for decency, fairness, and smart policies that help everyone, as well as against authoritarianism. This is why I have voted and will continue to vote for the party that opposes the republican party.

That authoritarianism you're whining about is what you Socialists are trying to sell and as the article points out, women are turning out in record numbers to fight you Socialists.

Good luck, you're going to need it as you prop up a senile old fool as your candidate.

You have no idea what my opinions are with respect to economics. Please note that the republicans are trying to subjugate women to cult rule. That's pretty authoritarian. I will not prop up a crazy conman with a whole history of sexual misconduct and support for insane conspiracy theories who has all but destroyed our leadership position in world affairs and made us an international laughing stock.
Prog women have fallen for the Stockholm Syndrome lock, stock and barrel. The elites and globalists have brainwashed these women and the whole population has suffered for it. They deserve no forgiveness when the system falls. Guys, do not be suckers again! You'll be a lot poorer so the sting of their insanity will still be with you.

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