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Women Giving up Seats on American Airliners for Religious Accomodation?

I have lived my entire life interacting with, knowing and being friends with Muslims. Not ever did any of them try to subject me to Sharia law, or persecute me, or in fact treat me with kindness. On the other hand, I was told by a Catholic classmate in first grade that we couldn't be friends because I had killed Christ.

At the same time, you can't..or I think shouldn't......judge all by what one Catholic said to you.
am not Catholic, but am Christian, and I would never even think that, much less say it to you.
I have lived my entire life interacting with, knowing and being friends with Muslims. Not ever did any of them try to subject me to Sharia law, or persecute me, or in fact treat me with kindness. On the other hand, I was told by a Catholic classmate in first grade that we couldn't be friends because I had killed Christ.

At the same time, you can't..or I think shouldn't......judge all by what one Catholic said to you.
am not Catholic, but am Christian, and I would never even think that, much less say it to you.

Oh, I don't. Not at all. I apologize if I didn't make that clear - part of my point was, in fact, that I don't hate Catholics, or in fact have any over-arching impression of Catholics in general due to that particular bad experience with a Catholic. My fiancee's family is Catholic, they're some of the most amazing and wonderful people I've met in my life. I hold absolutely no ill will towards anyone simply due to their religion. I judge people on who they are, not what God they believe (or don't believe) in.
They probably belong on the no-fly list. Problem solved.

I have lived my entire life interacting with, knowing and being friends with Muslims. Not ever did any of them try to subject me to Sharia law, or persecute me, or in fact treat me with kindness. On the other hand, I was told by a Catholic classmate in first grade that we couldn't be friends because I had killed Christ.

At the same time, you can't..or I think shouldn't......judge all by what one Catholic said to you.
am not Catholic, but am Christian, and I would never even think that, much less say it to you.

Oh, I don't. Not at all. I apologize if I didn't make that clear - part of my point was, in fact, that I don't hate Catholics, or in fact have any over-arching impression of Catholics in general due to that particular bad experience with a Catholic. My fiancee's family is Catholic, they're some of the most amazing and wonderful people I've met in my life. I hold absolutely no ill will towards anyone simply due to their religion. I judge people on who they are, not what God they believe (or don't believe) in.

Ahh okay. I could have misunderstood your other post, but am glad to know you feel how you do now. I basically feel the same, but on the other side of the spectrum. (meaning you are Atheist, and I am Christian)
Your reflexive use of the word "hatred" in response to any rejection, dismissal, intolerance or dislike of some group, sect or ethnicity is typical of the race-pimp orientation.
?????????? Why do you have an avatar with a dog pooping on the American Flag?? GLASNOST
I have lived my entire life interacting with, knowing and being friends with Muslims. Not ever did any of them try to subject me to Sharia law, or persecute me, or in fact treat me with kindness. On the other hand, I was told by a Catholic classmate in first grade that we couldn't be friends because I had killed Christ.

At the same time, you can't..or I think shouldn't......judge all by what one Catholic said to you.
am not Catholic, but am Christian, and I would never even think that, much less say it to you.

Oh, I don't. Not at all. I apologize if I didn't make that clear - part of my point was, in fact, that I don't hate Catholics, or in fact have any over-arching impression of Catholics in general due to that particular bad experience with a Catholic. My fiancee's family is Catholic, they're some of the most amazing and wonderful people I've met in my life. I hold absolutely no ill will towards anyone simply due to their religion. I judge people on who they are, not what God they believe (or don't believe) in.

No one ever said it's not prudent to call out when groups do stupid or evil things.

I am catholic and my lady is Russian orthodox and if either of those do something stupid or evil I will be on here ripping them te exact same way I go after Muslims. I have two daughters and want for them to only be happy but without a doubt I would be fearful if one day we met her boyfriends parents and I saw a burka.
..... my use of the word "hatred" is perfectly applicable - hatred has a distinct meaning: Irrational, intense dislike ....
In the interest of understanding and communication between 'man' (humanity) both domestic and international, I hereby forbid all Americans the use of the words:

* 'hate',
* 'awesome',
* 'basically',
* 'irregardless',
* 'multiple',
and 'like' - other than its' proper use.

I also forbid them use of the phrases,:

* 'in terms of',
* 'you know',
and 'know what I mean/sayin'.

?????????? Why do you have an avatar with a dog pooping on the American Flag?? GLASNOST
I was inspired to action by your suggestion that people should put their dirty feet on 'American flag' flip-flops.

Sorry. I never suggested any such thing.

Especially since mine is an animated gif.
Flip Flops are meant to be worn - Dogs are meant to eat and shit.

gifs can't be worn. YOU are the first to complain about my flipflops and I have had them there since 2008. We both know you are not begin honest.
BTW I am sorry your feet are filthy. Mine are sparkling clean.........maybe you should wash yours.

Also I imagine many here would disagree with you about what dogs are meant for.....starting with Coyote
gifs can't be worn.
So you think intentionally squashing the American flag beneath your feet is less demeaning than a dog without conscience shitting on it?

YOU are the first to complain about my flipflops
YOU are the first to complain about my dog. Anyway, it was you who came to me. Are you perhaps an underachiever? A inferiority complex? A chip on your shoulder?
Why Most Buddhist Nuns and Monks Are Celibate

In Theravada Buddhism monks are not permitted to so much as shake hands with a woman; nor may a nun touch a man. The revered Thai monk Ajaan Fuang (1915-1986) said, "The reason the Buddha didn't allow monks to touch women is not that there's anything wrong with women. It's because there's something wrong with the monks: They still have mental defilements, which is why they have to be kept under control." Mahayana celibate orders generally are not quite so strict about not touching.

Good God of Abraham people, stop seeing Muslims in every thread...

I had no idea that Buddhists were strict about that.

Ajaan Fuang got that part right about men having "mental defilements'. Which I suppose is a nice Buddhist way of saying we can file crap unless it's about sex or sports or power tools. Great phrase isn't it?

You know what is interesting? The position of women in all this. Whether it's Christians, Muslims, Jews or Buddhists. Women are covered up or seperated or not to be touched because men can't possibly be expected to "not defile" themselves or control their urges. It touches upon the issue of rape too, where women are blamed for being to scantily dressed.

Yeah...what freakin century are you talking about....muslims think that, a tiny number of jews do, and a tiny group of christians.....muslims still stone women to death......

you ass clowns are constantly making excuses for muslims.....what is with that....?
Because they are smug and snug in their American homes and they know it will not be them being stoned to death.
You are making making the same mistake here as many others by assuming that the woman's referring to them as monks MAKES them monks.

That was simply her word to describe them and we have no way of knowing if she knows enough about Islam to know what to call them.


You are making the same mistake as many other posters have by not actually reading the article.

The woman didn't identify them as "monks".

I read not only the article but similar accounts from other news agencies. The very title of the article QUOTES her as saying she was forced to move for men she described as Monks..

There has been absolutely no confirmation that they are Buddhist.

If you read the article, you'd know that she did not actually meet the men in question, and was informed that they were monks by the airline representative at the gate.

Which means a $15/hr gate agent is who everyone is believing that in no way were these paki's Muslims?

It's reasonable to wonder if they are Muslims and really this whole story is a mess until someone puts a microphone In front of this gate agent.


No, as I said before - reason has nothing to do with it.

You wouldn't recognize reason if it were a two by four smacking you along side the head. You would rather just babble about hatred like a parrot.

These men were described as "monks" by an hourly employee who is not an expert in such matters, and this was repeated by the women in question who is also not an expert in such matters, and who said she was removed to accommodate Monks. Despite the complete lack of PROOF that they were Monks, and despite the fact that the vast majority of Pakistanis are Muslim, you insist they are Buddhist. Who is actually being logical here and who isn't?

Your entire premise that the objection to an ideology is an act of hatred is as irrational as all get up. Are there any OTHER totalitarian ideologies towards which any resistance you describe as hatred, especially considering that the central tenets demand war against all who do not submit, and call for killing those who abandon the ideology? An Ideology is either a choice or it isn't, and if it is a choice, then rejecting it is not an act of hatred any more than rejecting any other political or religious choice people make. If it ISN'T a choice -- the implication inherent in all your conditioned responses about bigotry and hatred -- then that, alone, should provide a very salient example of why it should be opposed. You are not intelligent enough to engage in the type of dialectics necessary to understand these matters but that is where thinking people begin by way of analysis.

Is something a free choice or isn't it? If it isn't a choice as in cases of skin color or gender, then prejudices such as these men showed are acts of bigotry and hatred. If it IS a choice, should these choices allow those engaging in them to therefore limit the choices of others, simply because they have made them? You are simply indulging in a form of underhanded agitprop when you attempt to posit that it is those who REJECT the inherent bigotry of Islam who are the true haters. Islam hates anything that isn't Islam. The Q'ran is a veritable operating manual in that regard.
You've made it clear that you're going assume whatever fills your hatred resovoir. "Reason" has nothing to do with it.
Your reflexive use of the word "hatred" in response to any rejection, dismissal, intolerance or dislike of some group, sect or ethnicity is typical of the race-pimp orientation. But I will ask that you not flatter the object of your protective spirit by assuming I harbor such passionate feelings as hatred, which is the emperor of human emotion, either for Muslims or for any other fanatical cultists. I simply dislike them because I see them for what they are and I have the good sense to fear them because I am aware of their ultimate objective.

The America I was raised in espoused freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion, meaning anyone is free to worship any imaginary entity one chooses -- provided the elements of such worship do not in any way impose upon the ordinary functions of other citizens or in any way affect the normal social order.

I am a confirmed Catholic but I've been an atheist since age fourteen. There is nothing about the most deeply committed practice of Catholicism that imposes on or interferes in any way with the routine habits and movements of others. I also know that Orthodox Jews are affected by certain proscriptions in the practice of their faith but I have never heard of these proscriptions imposing in any way on non-Jews. I believe this is because these Orthodox Jews carefully avoid social situations wherein their special needs or practices could in any way offend or inconvenience non-Jews.

However, many (most?) Muslims are obnoxiously aggressive about their so-called Sharia laws, the most prominent manifestation of which isolates them from the American social mainstream by requiring their women to conceal themselves from head to toe.

I gave little thought to Muslims until the morning of September 11, 2001. Since then I have learned that I, along with all other "infidels," are the object of murderous loathing by a sufficient percentage of fanatical Muslims to cause me to fear them and to regard them all with suspicion. More recently, having seen how they've behaved in Germany and in France, and having heard about their rapacious, assaultive conduct in Sweden and Denmark, I am convinced that Americans should be prepared to deal with the same kind of behavior in our Country if these barbarians are allowed to gain a substantial foothold.

I am convinced the way to offset this potential is to tolerate absolutely none of their distinguishing habits and characteristics. Nip them in the bud. Let them know the U.S. will not tolerate any of their exclusive and aggressive nonsense.

However, many (most?) Muslims are obnoxiously aggressive about their so-called Sharia laws, the most prominent manifestation of which isolates them from the American social mainstream by requiring their women to conceal themselves from head to toe.

When you start to use terms like "most", then aren't you buying into stereotyping? Judging them on the basis of some? Muslims come from many different countries with different cultures. Not all Jews are Orthodox. Not all Muslims are that conservative. Muslims travel by plane as frequently as any other group. If even a significant minority of them made a stink about being seated next to strange women - we'd be hearing about it. Instead, we hear about a handful of cases - barely any - that get blown up in the media.
Because from the airline's POV, they can move the woman, presumably to an empty seat, or they can try to find 2 seats next to a man, and move the monks and the other 2 passengers. The first choice is a lot simpler.

You are making making the same mistake here as many others by assuming that the woman's referring to them as monks MAKES them monks.

That was simply her word to describe them and we have no way of knowing if she knows enough about Islam to know what to call them.


You are making the same mistake as many other posters have by not actually reading the article.

The woman didn't identify them as "monks".

I read not only the article but similar accounts from other news agencies. The very title of the article QUOTES her as saying she was forced to move for men she described as Monks..

There has been absolutely no confirmation that they are Buddhist.

If you read the article, you'd know that she did not actually meet the men in question, and was informed that they were monks by the airline representative at the gate.

Which means a $15/hr gate agent is who everyone is believing that in no way were these paki's Muslims?

It's reasonable to wonder if they are Muslims and really this whole story is a mess until someone puts a microphone In front of this gate agent.

Don't you think it's likely that the monks in question would have identified themselves to the agent, explained their beliefs in their request for different seating?
?????????? Why do you have an avatar with a dog pooping on the American Flag?? GLASNOST
I was inspired to action by your suggestion that people should put their dirty feet on 'American flag' flip-flops.

Sorry. I never suggested any such thing.

Especially since mine is an animated gif.
Flip Flops are meant to be worn - Dogs are meant to eat and shit.

gifs can't be worn. YOU are the first to complain about my flipflops and I have had them there since 2008. We both know you are not begin honest.
BTW I am sorry your feet are filthy. Mine are sparkling clean.........maybe you should wash yours.

Also I imagine many here would disagree with you about what dogs are meant for.....starting with Coyote

Besides, I like your sparkly flip flops and my dogs would like them too...but I fear they would chew them ;)

Actually - the many avatars of dogs pooping on things are getting old and tiresome. No creativity.
gifs can't be worn.
So you think intentionally squashing the American flag beneath your feet is less demeaning than a dog without conscience shitting on it?

YOU are the first to complain about my flipflops
YOU are the first to complain about my dog. Anyway, it was you who came to me. Are you perhaps an underachiever? A inferiority complex? A chip on your shoulder?

I think dogs have conscience, but..it's the human component that creates the memes. :)

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