Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Lolol! Could this be the same old Biddy who once chastised me for ignoring others? Say it isn't so.
LOL Yes, it is. I suggested you not to put people on ignore because they have different opinions from you. That is not why Dog is on ignore.
I never put anyone on ignore for disagreeing with me. And yet you took exception to it. Why? Because they were liberals? Is that why you were upset?
Dog zeros in with personal insults the minute he spots me in a thread, and he digs up arguments from years ago. At least I think it's a he--he carries grudges and attacks more like a girl.
Which is more than you had any business knowing, so stick your nose back where it belongs and I'll handle my business, thanks very much.
I took exception to your continual bossing people around like you do.

That is not a personal attack, even if you whine that it is in hopes that the statement addressing your pattern of behavior will get removed.
I didn't need your statements to be removed; I removed you instead. I don't usually leave folks on ignore for long, but it looks like you can't learn how to keep your fat troll mouth shut.
So bye again.
I love the way you like to announce you have somebody on ignore while responding to them. Thats almost as good as when you announce to everybody that you have reported somebody.

It takes me back to the 6th grade when there always seemed to be that one little bitch girl with her hands on her hips pulling the same shit
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Is that innocent human being occupying and using your body for nine months? Does a person have a right to take over your body against your will?

You act as if the preborn baby is a criminal, as if the baby intentionally took up residence in your womb. Do you not see how silly that is? The preborn baby is 100% innocent. Unlike in a situation of a person invading your home, intentionally, the baby did nothing of the sort.

In fact, in 99% of cases it was your own actions that brought that baby into existence. So that illogical, weak excuse doesn't work anymore. These days - unless one is mentally retarded or has lived in a cave their entire life - everyone knows that sex can cause pregnancy, it is one of the potential consequences. So when you have sex KNOWING that pregnancy is a potential consequence, you are tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy. To claim otherwise is the height of immaturity, stupidity or a complete refusal to accept reality, cause and effect.

It's akin to playing russian roulette - holding a gun to your head that has one bullet and 5 empty chambers, and then getting mad when it doesn't turn out the way you want... and refusing to accept the reality when it DOES happen. The only reason people think that way is because they have been brainwashed to think that way. But thankfully, there seems to be an awakening happening, more people are realizing how utterly stupid it is to think you can do something and not be accountable for the KNOWN consequences.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.

Oddly we agree on this, maybe. But I believe in stsnding up for the woman too. I strongly support education and encouraging woman to choose to keep the baby and I support programs that help a woman do so, and help her continue her education if it is interrupted, and get the skills for a good job if pregnancy derails her life.

Unfortunately when people like you refer to them as sluts, whores, and worse, you close the door on education. When you oppose tbe easy availability of effective contraception and accurate education, you show us that concern has little to do with women or the welfare of families, but is instead a morality judgement leveled solely on the woman.
I never used the terms "slots or "whores". I accept responsibility for my actions, and I believe everyone should. Murder isn't the answer.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

Yes, but only if that control does not significantly harm another sentient being.

Before the fetus is sentient - abortion should be legal.

But once the fetus is sentient (I am going to assume from the start of brain activity - 11 weeks or so - until the scientific community agrees on a different week), the mother should lose control of being able to 'dispose' of the fetus from that moment on wards (unless her life is in danger).
Sentient at eleven weeks? Really?

Probably not.

But until the scientific community - as a group, not just isolated scientists - comes out and states a definitive date when they believe sentience begins, I am erring on the said of caution.

And that is when brain activity begins - 10-12 weeks.

'According to the American Pregnancy Association, most women find out they're pregnant during their fourth to seventh week of pregnancy.'

Here's Exactly How The GOP's "Heartbeat" Bill Would Stifle Abortion Access

That gives most women PLENTY of time to arrange an abortion be fore the 11'th week. And if that is not enough time - tough.

I will NEVER agree to an abortion so long as there is a reasonable chance that the fetus is sentient (outside of the woman's life is in danger).
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
LOL. It’s my responsibility. LOL.
If it isnt your responsibility then why are you trying to interfere in their decisions?
Lol. Killing bothers me Heinrich Himmler.
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
LOL. It’s my responsibility. LOL.
If it isnt your responsibility then why are you trying to interfere in their decisions?
Lol. Killing bothers me Heinrich Himmler.
Oh...you are another one of those who's concern ends at birth and defaults to cheesy Hitler references.
It's a good thing to hold people accountable for their actions. It makes for a more progressive society. It's sadly funny how so-called "progressives" actually end up condoning a "regressive" society.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.
Don't call Coyote a godless heathen. I'll beat you up.
You're a retarded jellyfish.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.

According to science, childbirth carries higher health risks than abortion.
Yeah so kill it.

You get to choose if a woman risks her health as life, but she doesn't? Have you any idea what percentage of pregnacies end in miscarriage? Nature also makes choices on when to maintain a pregnancy. An estimated 50% of pregnancies miscarry. 30% of recognised pregnancies miscarry.

While I don't advocate abortion be considered a birthcontrol method of choice, it is an improvement on simply leaving a child on a mountain side to die in the elements, which is what used to happen to children if parents felt they couldn't take care of them or they'd simply be sold to the highest bidder.

We no longer live in times when we must choose which of our born children is most likely to survive to adulthood in order to decide which to nurture and which to neglect or abandon.

Life is messy and hard choices are inevitable. Those choices should be made by the peron they most impact.

The way to decrease or end abortions is to create a society where such a choice isn't needed, not by removing a woman's ability to make that choice over her body.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
That's true.

But since fathers are not allowed to save the life of their child, nor kill their child, they aren't any where near being equal partners.

Both men AND women have to deal with the cards nature deal. But you're right, men are not equal partners in the control of a woman's body, nor should they be.

Unless of course, they want women to be the one's to decide which men are steralized or castrated. I suspect you prefer that men continue to be the one's to make that decision?
Well, when you put it that way....

Yes tempting... :20:
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.
Don't call Coyote a godless heathen. I'll beat you up.
You're a retarded jellyfish.
Just WHERE in that post do you get the idea that I said women are weak or incapable of taking care of themselves?
C'mon, parse those words.
You think a woman can’t control herself. She is just too weak. She is going to have unprotected sex. Then when she does you want to make the father responsible for her actions, but you don’t believe the father has any say in whether his child lives or dies. You can’t have it both ways any longer.

Abortion is legalized murder. You don’t get to murder your baby anymore.
? I said the sperm donor needs to be held equally responsible. Does that infer that the man is too weak to control himself and that he will have unprotected sex? My point was that both male and female are responsible, not just the woman for spreading her legs, as some here have so charmingly put it.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Is that innocent human being occupying and using your body for nine months? Does a person have a right to take over your body against your will?

You act as if the preborn baby is a criminal, as if the baby intentionally took up residence in your womb. Do you not see how silly that is? The preborn baby is 100% innocent. Unlike in a situation of a person invading your home, intentionally, the baby did nothing of the sort.

In fact, in 99% of cases it was your own actions that brought that baby into existence. So that illogical, weak excuse doesn't work anymore. These days - unless one is mentally retarded or has lived in a cave their entire life - everyone knows that sex can cause pregnancy, it is one of the potential consequences. So when you have sex KNOWING that pregnancy is a potential consequence, you are tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy. To claim otherwise is the height of immaturity, stupidity or a complete refusal to accept reality, cause and effect.

It's akin to playing russian roulette - holding a gun to your head that has one bullet and 5 empty chambers, and then getting mad when it doesn't turn out the way you want... and refusing to accept the reality when it DOES happen. The only reason people think that way is because they have been brainwashed to think that way. But thankfully, there seems to be an awakening happening, more people are realizing how utterly stupid it is to think you can do something and not be accountable for the KNOWN consequences.
Having nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that government cannot compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, regardless how many times you keep posting this.
Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Well said.

I've only ever met one woman who seemed to use it as a form of birth (and husband) control. On her third abortion, they would only agree to carry it out if she agreed to be steralised at the same time. She did.

Many so called "pro-life" people, don't seem to realise it's a really tough decision for 99.99% of women with an ongoing emotional impact.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
A zygote isn't a baby and a fetus isn't a baby.
Calling them children or baby's does not make it so. if there was any way to separate women from the pregnancy so men or other women could carry until birth or natural rejection we would not be having this conversation. cant think of anything worse than having government get to decide to take control of what any one man or woman does with there own body. but if a man gets a woman pregnant & she would rather have an abortion than have his child that proves 100% that he made a poor choice, so included in that no abortion law then the government should have full control of the mans body for as long as she is pregnant ,including if a child is born & as long as the women has the responsibility for the child. don't think it would be a good law but at least a fair law.
I understand the biology just fine. The question is whether a fetus is a separate legal person, with rights that should be protected by the government.
Legality has nothing to do with what is defined as human life. We're talking about human lives here.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
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Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
Of course you claimed that. When you said...

"Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt."

... you don't arbitrate morality. You don't decide decency. Our society decides those. And our society, built on the foundation of the forefathers who structured our society and the generations who built upon that, have decided it's acceptable for women to choose for themselves whether or not to terminate their own pregnancies up until the time the unborn child could viably survive outside of the woman, with limited exceptions.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
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