Women have the right to control their own bodies.

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
Yep. I want to honor and protect innocent life. In America today, that means I am a control freak. CRAZY.
Yes, especially when you and others should mind yer own business..Wanna save innocent people? There is no shortage of ones outside the womb...
because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
A zygote isn't a baby and a fetus isn't a baby.
Yeah it just an unenviable tissue mass. KILL IT.
Those are your unhinged thoughts, not mine.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Ain't never gonna happen.

It’s not going to happen because no one wishes to make it happen.
They should concentrate more on why a first world nation is having so many deaths after childbirth of both the mother and the child..

Exacty. There are so many ways our current society brutalises, murders or allow the deaths of it's people, yet these "pro-lifers" ignore what happens to any babies after they've forced women to go through the truama of an unwanted birthing process. Onece the kids born, they're abandoned by those who would insist on the pregnancy going full term.

Anyone who promises to take care of that child for a minimum of 18 years, preparing it to live a fruitful, useful life, THEIR opinions I'll take seriously.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
Yep. I want to honor and protect innocent life. In America today, that means I am a control freak. CRAZY.
Yes, especially when you and others should mind yer own business..Wanna save innocent people? There is no shortage of ones outside the womb...

Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum. Birthday doesn't mean lifeday. Idiot
You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum. Birthday doesn't mean lifeday. Idiot

A single human cell is alive, that doesn't make it a viable being.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
A zygote isn't a baby and a fetus isn't a baby.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
Corruption Everywhere

Those who ssupport the killing of a young human being use dehumanizing language in order to support the killing. Those who do not support the killing use language to emphasize the humanity of the life

No matter how those who support killing describe it, that's a human being in there just as each and every one of us was at any stage of our life.

If we were to ask any of those who support the killing of a human being whether they wanted to surrender their own right to life to somebody wanting to kill tjem, I can't imagine any would say yes. Those capable of introspection realize that their answer would be an emphatic no at ANY stage in their life.

Only those with a profound lack of self awareness would say no when it is their own life while saying yes when it is somebody else's.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
Give me the reference.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
A zygote isn't a baby and a fetus isn't a baby.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
Corruption Everywhere

Those who ssupport the killing of a young human being use dehumanizing language in order to support the killing. Those who do not support the killing use language to emphasize the humanity of the life

No matter how those who support killing describe it, that's a human being in there just as each and every one of us was at any stage of our life.

If we were to ask any of those who support the killing of a human being whether they wanted to surrender their own right to life to somebody wanting to kill tjem, I can't imagine any would say yes. Those capable of introspection realize that their answer would be an emphatic no at ANY stage in their life.

Only those with a profound lack of self awareness would say no when it is their own life while saying yes when it is somebody else's.

I'd say someone absolutely has the right to decide whether or not I take over their existence in order to ensure mine, knowing that they may well have to live with long term negative consequences or not survive the experienc at all.

A can't think of many who would choose to do so, nor can I think of ANYONE I'd we willing to ask or expect that that of.

In that respect I allocate myself the same "rights" I'd allocated an early pregnancy.

Once the fetus is at an age to live outside the womb, I personally don't think abortion is ok.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum. Birthday doesn't mean lifeday. Idiot

A single human cell is alive, that doesn't make it a viable being.
Correct. A single human cell isn't the same. When the egg and sperm become one, a human being begins life.
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
Give me the reference.
Ever read the chapter called "Genesis". It's when God created Adam and breathes life into his lungs...You sure you have a Bible to read?
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
Give me the reference.
Ever read the chapter called "genesis". It's when God created Adam and breathes life into his lungs...You sure you have a Bible to read?
Oh, so God breathed life into your lungs?
If everything goes correctly..
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum. Birthday doesn't mean lifeday. Idiot

A single human cell is alive, that doesn't make it a viable being.
Correct. A single human cell isn't the same. When the egg and sperm become one, a human being begins life.

I suggest you try delivering a zygote by C-section and raising it. Let me know how it does at school.
If the egg and sperm become one, everything has gone correctly. That's when human life begins.
Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum. Birthday doesn't mean lifeday. Idiot

A single human cell is alive, that doesn't make it a viable being.
Correct. A single human cell isn't the same. When the egg and sperm become one, a human being begins life.

I suggest you try delivering a zygote by C-section and raising it. Let me know how it does at school.
That has nothing to do with the fact the zygote is a human being. There are people on life support, but they don't cease being human beings.
I really feel sorry for you abortionists. Your ignorance is unbelievable.

I simply don't believe in forcing a human life into the world to put it through hell. We do that to so many already, why don't you focus on changing things to improve life for those who have completed the process and currently live outside the womb? Pro-lifers don't seem to give a damn once the kids are actually born, they just abandon them to whatever nightmare awaits them.

When we can take care of those we already have, we can advocate to deliver others to our perfect world.

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