Women have the right to control their own bodies.

I really feel sorry for you abortionists. Your ignorance is unbelievable.

I simply don't believe in forcing a human life into the world to put it through hell. We do that to so many already, why don't you focus on changing things to improve life for those who have completed the process and currently live outside the womb? Pro-lifers don't seem to give a damn once the kids are actually born, they just abandon them to whatever nightmare awaits them.

When we can take care of those we already have, we can advocate to deliver others to our perfect world.
You assume every life goes through hell. That's a false assumption.

I wouldn't want to be parented by someone who was forced to go through the trauma of childbirth, nor would I wish to be raised by the state, I've seen the mess the state and unwilling parents produce.

Just take a look at any skid row setting. You can see what happens when things go wrong. I don't see prolifers ensuring these kids, born into messed up situations actually have a life worth living.
Yet, there are many people saved from abortion that have full productive lives. You are still assuming every life saved from abortion is a mess. You're mentally I'll in my opinion.

You made the statement about every life saved from abortion is a mess. I made no such statement. So by your standards, you're mentally I'll.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
Corruption Everywhere

The process from zygote to bady is a evolution from a two cells to a fully formed human. so choosing to base your argument on the tail end of that process is disengenuous to say the least.
Listen up, dipshitzky. That was a legal abortion. Was it a baby, or not? Sure looked like one to me. I stated that a fetus is alive before it is born. Can you refute this? No. You cannot. That was a baby they killed. You cannot watch that video and deny it without lying to yourself.

When someone sinks into name calling and insults, I really can't regard them as a viable intellent worthy of a thought out response. How feeble is your belief in your words that you don't regard those beliefs as weighty enough without dumping the distraction of insults into the mix?
Why should that bother you? You insulted yourself first, not to mention my intelligence. And you still haven't answered my question. Was that a baby?

You've not actually shown any intellignce for me to insult. You're opining about abortion, but don't know what a baby is? Seriously?
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Unlss it's rape, the woman is 100 percent responsible. She has the option to say no. If she doesn't say yes, then no sex and no baby. But you dumb ass liberals wouldn't dream of asking a girl to say no. You want her to have sex, get pregnant, then murder her baby. Like I said. You disgust me. Welcome to my ignore list. You're in good company.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.

How many years will it be before you become a grown man?
I really feel sorry for you abortionists. Your ignorance is unbelievable.

I simply don't believe in forcing a human life into the world to put it through hell. We do that to so many already, why don't you focus on changing things to improve life for those who have completed the process and currently live outside the womb? Pro-lifers don't seem to give a damn once the kids are actually born, they just abandon them to whatever nightmare awaits them.

When we can take care of those we already have, we can advocate to deliver others to our perfect world.
You assume every life goes through hell. That's a false assumption.

I wouldn't want to be parented by someone who was forced to go through the trauma of childbirth, nor would I wish to be raised by the state, I've seen the mess the state and unwilling parents produce.

Just take a look at any skid row setting. You can see what happens when things go wrong. I don't see prolifers ensuring these kids, born into messed up situations actually have a life worth living.
Yet, there are many people saved from abortion that have full productive lives. You are still assuming every life saved from abortion is a mess. You're mentally I'll in my opinion.

You made the statement about every life saved from abortion is a mess. I made no such statement. So by your standards, you're mentally I'll.
You're blocked. Bye.
I simply don't believe in forcing a human life into the world to put it through hell. We do that to so many already, why don't you focus on changing things to improve life for those who have completed the process and currently live outside the womb? Pro-lifers don't seem to give a damn once the kids are actually born, they just abandon them to whatever nightmare awaits them.

When we can take care of those we already have, we can advocate to deliver others to our perfect world.
You assume every life goes through hell. That's a false assumption.

I wouldn't want to be parented by someone who was forced to go through the trauma of childbirth, nor would I wish to be raised by the state, I've seen the mess the state and unwilling parents produce.

Just take a look at any skid row setting. You can see what happens when things go wrong. I don't see prolifers ensuring these kids, born into messed up situations actually have a life worth living.
Yet, there are many people saved from abortion that have full productive lives. You are still assuming every life saved from abortion is a mess. You're mentally I'll in my opinion.

You made the statement about every life saved from abortion is a mess. I made no such statement. So by your standards, you're mentally I'll.
You're blocked. Bye.
Lol! I've been waiting for that. I blocked the fool several replies before you did.
Correct. A single human cell isn't the same. When the egg and sperm become one, a human being begins life.

I suggest you try delivering a zygote by C-section and raising it. Let me know how it does at school.
That has nothing to do with the fact the zygote is a human being. There are people on life support, but they don't cease being human beings.

Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.

How many years will it be before you become a grown man?
lets just call them decades. it doesnt sound as bsd.
I suggest you try delivering a zygote by C-section and raising it. Let me know how it does at school.
That has nothing to do with the fact the zygote is a human being. There are people on life support, but they don't cease being human beings.

Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
She IS a bitch as she has acted like a dog in heat. Disgusting whore is actually more accurate.

You're so bitter about women, why even involve yourself in thinking about their lives.
Because their bad decisions cost me money. Their bad decisions create fatherless homes which are breeding grounds for criminals.
You see, you as a female never consider the multiples of knock-on negatives that your whorish behavior may create.

Seriously, guy. Get therapy. You have issues.
I bet your wife makes you sit down to pee.

3,459 posts. I predict that you will be gone before it reaches 8,000.
18,415...definitely sits to pee.
That has nothing to do with the fact the zygote is a human being. There are people on life support, but they don't cease being human beings.

Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.
Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
Legality has nothing to do with what is defined as human life. We're talking about human lives here.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Don't act so ignorant. Those are babies who WILL NOT survive--you would rather see the poor thing suffer for however long? It already happens every day all over this country, quietly and compassionately, with the parents' agreement. It has always happened. It never should have been brought forward as a law.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Don't act so ignorant. Those are babies who WILL NOT survive--you would rather see the poor thing suffer for however long? It already happens every day all over this country, quietly and compassionately, with the parents' agreement. It has always happened. It never should have been brought forward as a law.
After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

interesting article but i'd like more "generic" info. when i got to the 5th page of searches that was STILL "trump lies / democrats lie" i got tired and stopped looking for more information on the event itself and facts around it. if you have more news type links vs hate for the "other" side, please share. i'd like to read more to better understand.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Unlss it's rape, the woman is 100 percent responsible. She has the option to say no. If she doesn't say yes, then no sex and no baby. But you dumb ass liberals wouldn't dream of asking a girl to say no. You want her to have sex, get pregnant, then murder her baby. Like I said. You disgust me. Welcome to my ignore list. You're in good company.
unless she's using a turkey baster, the man is a part of this also. anyone putting this soley on the woman is just being an intentional ass.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Don't act so ignorant. Those are babies who WILL NOT survive--you would rather see the poor thing suffer for however long? It already happens every day all over this country, quietly and compassionately, with the parents' agreement. It has always happened. It never should have been brought forward as a law.
After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

interesting article but i'd like more "generic" info. when i got to the 5th page of searches that was STILL "trump lies / democrats lie" i got tired and stopped looking for more information on the event itself and facts around it. if you have more news type links vs hate for the "other" side, please share. i'd like to read more to better understand.
Try 'euthanasia.'
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Unlss it's rape, the woman is 100 percent responsible. She has the option to say no. If she doesn't say yes, then no sex and no baby. But you dumb ass liberals wouldn't dream of asking a girl to say no. You want her to have sex, get pregnant, then murder her baby. Like I said. You disgust me. Welcome to my ignore list. You're in good company.
And being 100% responsible means she's 100% in charge for deciding if she wants to terminate her pregnancy.
I simply don't believe in forcing a human life into the world to put it through hell. We do that to so many already, why don't you focus on changing things to improve life for those who have completed the process and currently live outside the womb? Pro-lifers don't seem to give a damn once the kids are actually born, they just abandon them to whatever nightmare awaits them.

When we can take care of those we already have, we can advocate to deliver others to our perfect world.
You assume every life goes through hell. That's a false assumption.

I wouldn't want to be parented by someone who was forced to go through the trauma of childbirth, nor would I wish to be raised by the state, I've seen the mess the state and unwilling parents produce.

Just take a look at any skid row setting. You can see what happens when things go wrong. I don't see prolifers ensuring these kids, born into messed up situations actually have a life worth living.
Yet, there are many people saved from abortion that have full productive lives. You are still assuming every life saved from abortion is a mess. You're mentally I'll in my opinion.

You made the statement about every life saved from abortion is a mess. I made no such statement. So by your standards, you're mentally I'll.
You're blocked. Bye.
Pussy gets beat down in debate. Pussy runs away. Tell me again how Planned Parenthood uses tax dollars to perform abortions -- backed up with a link that states no such thing.


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