Women have the right to control their own bodies.

No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.
I suggest you try delivering a zygote by C-section and raising it. Let me know how it does at school.
That has nothing to do with the fact the zygote is a human being. There are people on life support, but they don't cease being human beings.

Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?

Sure. Women wear miniskirts, lipstick, hairdos, perfume, loose blouses, boob jobs, fishnet stockings, finger nail paint, jewelry, makeup, waist sinchers, high heels, stretch pants up the crack, edible panties, pose in magazines and dance writhing in nightclubs then are surprised when the guys get aroused. o_O
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?

Women should be allowed to carry firearms to prevent them from being raped. If she and the male CHOOSE sex, they should then live with the consequence of that choice.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?

Sure. Women wear miniskirts, lipstick, hairdos, perfume, loose blouses, boob jobs, fishnet stockings, finger nail paint, jewelry, makeup, waist sinchers, high heels, stretch pants up the crack, edible panties, pose in magazines and dance writhing in nightclubs then are surprised when the guys get aroused. o_O
Not going to take any responsibility for the sex act, are you?

No, this one is fine. It's somewhat entertaining to see, yet again, this back and forth going nowhere discussion. Each side is firmly entrenched and immovable.

And what, you didn't like my thought on what can happen if Roe v Wade is overturned?
I'm not sure what all this "leave it to the states" stuff is about. There is nothing wrong with federal legislation to leave abortion to hell alone.
Abortion (or healthcare for that matter), is not a federal government jurisdiction. It SHOULD be a state issue.

No. It is a private decision between a woman and her doctor concerning a medical procedure.
Bullshit. In almost all cases, abortion is a lifestyle choice; it is a medical decision only in the same sense that a boob job or a tummy tuck is. The woman and her doctor are talking about killing a third person because the woman finds him or her as inconvenient as small breasts of too much belly fat.

A “lifestyle” choice? That is what you think having a child is? How about this: the choice of whether or not to have a child is the most monumental decision a woman can ever make. More important than marriage, career, and certainly more than a boob job.
Killing your child is a lifestyle decision some people think a woman is entitled to. The child she is nurturing inside of her is not part of her body but a distinct human being identifiable by its unique DNA which is different from the mother's.
You can't argue with people like that. It's not that they don't think it's human.they simply don't care. That's the truth. Why else would they want to kill them after they're born.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Saul Alinsky lives. Somehow to Progs promoting civility and proper sexual intimicies is a theocracy. Then stop charging the taxpayer. For the resulting school, medical care, food, and an place to live at. The constitution beliefs says nothing about this. Combine this with what we spend on sexual diseases and we can lower our problems hugely in a period of time. But there will be a painful adjustment. You steal from those who are responsible even with their own problems and put the onus of christian guilt on them if they disagree. Well I just disagreed. So we are not a theocracy. We help by volunteering, not by force.
Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Saul Alinsky lives. Somehow to Progs promoting civility and proper sexual intimicies is a theocracy.
Regardless of the theocracy issue, we don't need government telling us how to fuck.

Then stop charging the taxpayer. For the resulting school, medical care, food, and an place to live at.
Works for me. I've always opposed state welfare because there will always be busybodies eager to use it to force their values on the less fortunate.
You steal from those who are responsible even with their own problems and put the onus of christian guilt on them if they disagree. Well I just disagreed. So we are not a theocracy. We help by volunteering, not by force.

No, if laws are involved, so is force. Laws aren't voluntary. Sorry.
They're godless pagans.

Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Liar. I cited biology. Human life. Homo sapiens.
Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Liar. I cited biology. Human life. Homo sapiens.

All your word games will fail. You can't have a theocracy.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Don't act so ignorant. Those are babies who WILL NOT survive--you would rather see the poor thing suffer for however long? It already happens every day all over this country, quietly and compassionately, with the parents' agreement. It has always happened. It never should have been brought forward as a law.
There is a young woman. Can't recall her name. Her mother was raped, but she decided to have the child anyway. That child grew up to be a beautiful, talented and caring woman. She also won the title of MISS PENSYLVANIA. She was one of those you wish to kill. Who the hell gave you the right? The words have not been invented to describe how much you disgust me.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Unlss it's rape, the woman is 100 percent responsible. She has the option to say no. If she doesn't say yes, then no sex and no baby. But you dumb ass liberals wouldn't dream of asking a girl to say no. You want her to have sex, get pregnant, then murder her baby. Like I said. You disgust me. Welcome to my ignore list. You're in good company.
unless she's using a turkey baster, the man is a part of this also. anyone putting this soley on the woman is just being an intentional ass.
If women would stop behaving like sluts and wait until they're married before having sex, there would be few abortions.
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Settle down. You can't have a theocracy.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Saul Alinsky lives. Somehow to Progs promoting civility and proper sexual intimicies is a theocracy. Then stop charging the taxpayer. For the resulting school, medical care, food, and an place to live at. The constitution beliefs says nothing about this. Combine this with what we spend on sexual diseases and we can lower our problems hugely in a period of time. But there will be a painful adjustment. You steal from those who are responsible even with their own problems and put the onus of christian guilt on them if they disagree. Well I just disagreed. So we are not a theocracy. We help by volunteering, not by force.

Conservatives seeking to compel conformity through force of law predicated on subjective, wrongheaded perceptions of what manifests as ‘civility’ and ‘proper sexual intimacy’ is both theocracy and authoritarian.

Indeed, rightists are in no position to decide what is or is not ‘proper’ – that they attempt to do so is the epitome of rightwing arrogance.

It’s the right privacy that safeguards citizens from the theocratic authoritarianism and arrogance common to most conservatives.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Saul Alinsky lives. Somehow to Progs promoting civility and proper sexual intimicies is a theocracy. Then stop charging the taxpayer. For the resulting school, medical care, food, and an place to live at. The constitution beliefs says nothing about this. Combine this with what we spend on sexual diseases and we can lower our problems hugely in a period of time. But there will be a painful adjustment. You steal from those who are responsible even with their own problems and put the onus of christian guilt on them if they disagree. Well I just disagreed. So we are not a theocracy. We help by volunteering, not by force.

Conservatives seeking to compel conformity through force of law predicated on subjective, wrongheaded perceptions of what manifests as ‘civility’ and ‘proper sexual intimacy’ is both theocracy and authoritarian.

Indeed, rightists are in no position to decide what is or is not ‘proper’ – that they attempt to do so is the epitome of rightwing arrogance.

It’s the right privacy that safeguards citizens from the theocratic authoritarianism and arrogance common to most conservatives.
Come on....You want to get "paid" for ph ukn up. Its normal. Proper is decided by the resources available. Look at the people coming here from all over the world to get the free stuff. The crazy thing is that there are a lot of Americans who have not used the system or gamed the system. Do what you gotta do without getting "paid". Then spew your sentences while on your high horse.
Well. Look at this. 60 pages of leftist loonies trying to convince us that young women should not wait to have sx, or at least use birth control. Why are they so opposed to young women acting responsibly? It almost like they WANT women to get pregnant, then kill their babies. Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Grown men not taking responsibility for their own actions is more the issue. Men are every bit as responsible for unwanted pregnancies as women, yet you ignore the responsibilities men have.
Unlss it's rape, the woman is 100 percent responsible. She has the option to say no. If she doesn't say yes, then no sex and no baby. But you dumb ass liberals wouldn't dream of asking a girl to say no. You want her to have sex, get pregnant, then murder her baby. Like I said. You disgust me. Welcome to my ignore list. You're in good company.
unless she's using a turkey baster, the man is a part of this also. anyone putting this soley on the woman is just being an intentional ass.
If women would stop behaving like sluts and wait until they're married before having sex, there would be few abortions.

You tell 'em, Cat! I'm sure that will solve the problem!
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?

Sure. Women wear miniskirts, lipstick, hairdos, perfume, loose blouses, boob jobs, fishnet stockings, finger nail paint, jewelry, makeup, waist sinchers, high heels, stretch pants up the crack, edible panties, pose in magazines and dance writhing in nightclubs then are surprised when the guys get aroused. o_O
Not going to take any responsibility for the sex act, are you?

No. I'm a victim of my urges. The only reason why men and women get together at all is hormones. Or as the Hindus put it, man is electric while the woman is magnetic (attracts). While the woman really wants romance, a nest, a home and a family, two seconds after the sex is over (literally, count them...one ...two), a guys mind is right back on sports, cars, stereos, beer, boats and the like. Any guy that tells you otherwise is lying to you.
You're the one that needs to settle down. If you think being pro life is equal to desiring a theocracy, you're dumber than an empty box of Coco Puffs.
You're the dumbass who keeps injecting religion into it.
It's basic biology, dumbo. It's amazing how you idiots claim the right denies science when it comes to global warming, yet you idiots can't accept basic biology. You're indoctrinated.

That's not what we're talking about. You keep citing your religious beliefs as justification for laws. It doesn't work that way. We aren't a theocracy. Sorry.
Liar. I cited biology. Human life. Homo sapiens.

All your word games will fail. You can't have a theocracy.
Looks like another one to put on ignore.

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