Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Legality has nothing to do with what is defined as human life. We're talking about human lives here.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Ain't never gonna happen.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
This is a lie – as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Calling them children or baby's does not make it so. if there was any way to separate women from the pregnancy so men or other women could carry until birth or natural rejection we would not be having this conversation. cant think of anything worse than having government get to decide to take control of what any one man or woman does with there own body. but if a man gets a woman pregnant & she would rather have an abortion than have his child that proves 100% that he made a poor choice, so included in that no abortion law then the government should have full control of the mans body for as long as she is pregnant ,including if a child is born & as long as the women has the responsibility for the child. don't think it would be a good law but at least a fair law.

Better yet, with a no abortion law, have the government decide which men are steralised and which are allowed to procreate. With all female panels making the decisions.
Legality has nothing to do with what is defined as human life. We're talking about human lives here.
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
You may have replied to the wrong post, but your post is nonetheless a lie.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right are alone in propagating lies.
You think a woman can’t control herself. She is just too weak. She is going to have unprotected sex. Then when she does you want to make the father responsible for her actions, but you don’t believe the father has any say in whether his child lives or dies. You can’t have it both ways any longer.

Abortion is legalized murder. You don’t get to murder your baby anymore.
? I said the sperm donor needs to be held equally responsible. Does that infer that the man is too weak to control himself and that he will have unprotected sex? My point was that both male and female are responsible, not just the woman for spreading her legs, as some here have so charmingly put it.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
Corruption Everywhere

The process from zygote to bady is a evolution from a two cells to a fully formed human. so choosing to base your argument on the tail end of that process is disengenuous to say the least.
? I said the sperm donor needs to be held equally responsible. Does that infer that the man is too weak to control himself and that he will have unprotected sex? My point was that both male and female are responsible, not just the woman for spreading her legs, as some here have so charmingly put it.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
This is for those idiots who believe it's not a baby until it's born. Take a look at this short video and tell me that's not a baby. WARNING: Extremely graphic content. Watch at your own risk.
Corruption Everywhere
This misses the point.

Citizens are at liberty to believe a zygote is a ‘baby’ if they so desire – and no one seeks to compel them to believe otherwise.

The only issue is the illegal, un-Constitutional advocacy of those hostile to privacy rights to use the authority of the state to codify those beliefs.

It is a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional law that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby,’ not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections – a fact of law, not a belief.
? I said the sperm donor needs to be held equally responsible. Does that infer that the man is too weak to control himself and that he will have unprotected sex? My point was that both male and female are responsible, not just the woman for spreading her legs, as some here have so charmingly put it.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
So you are the reason they banned yard darts?
Ahhh. .Ok. I thought you were talking about making abortion illegal. My apologies.
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Ain't never gonna happen.

It’s not going to happen because no one wishes to make it happen.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Yes, people should mind their own business. The issue of forcing tax payers to participate in peoples' abortions should not even be on the table.
Their argument - believe it or not - is that killing one's baby is a constitutional right and therefore the poor must be given our money to enjoy that right. Using their argument I have the constitutional right to have a new Maserati every year but since I can't afford that, gov't must provide.

If lefties didn't have monumental stupidity going for them they'd have nothing at all.
A zygote isn't a baby and a fetus isn't a baby.
Yeah it just an unenviable tissue mass. KILL IT.
Calling them children or baby's does not make it so. if there was any way to separate women from the pregnancy so men or other women could carry until birth or natural rejection we would not be having this conversation. cant think of anything worse than having government get to decide to take control of what any one man or woman does with there own body. but if a man gets a woman pregnant & she would rather have an abortion than have his child that proves 100% that he made a poor choice, so included in that no abortion law then the government should have full control of the mans body for as long as she is pregnant ,including if a child is born & as long as the women has the responsibility for the child. don't think it would be a good law but at least a fair law.

Better yet, with a no abortion law, have the government decide which men are steralised and which are allowed to procreate. With all female panels making the decisions.
Sounds okay to me as long as I don't get stuck with the bill...
Abortion should be illegal.
So should income inequality...
I agree. I think it's wrong that some baseball players make millions and I made nothing when I played. That's just not right.
Does it even matter? Many of them want legislation passed that will allow them to kill them AFTER THEY'VE BEEN BORN!
EDIT: Hmm. Looks like I replied to the wrong post.
Ain't never gonna happen.

It’s not going to happen because no one wishes to make it happen.
They should concentrate more on why a first world nation is having so many deaths after childbirth of both the mother and the child..
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
So you are the reason they banned yard darts?
No that was the baby killers. They didn’t want more babies killed by lawn darts, so they killed them before they were born. Kill the baby to save the baby. Makes sense to the senseless.
because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
So you are the reason they banned yard darts?
No that was the baby killers. They didn’t want more babies killed by lawn darts, so they killed them before they were born. Kill the baby to save the baby. Makes sense to the senseless.
Why raise kids to send them off to war?
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
So you are the reason they banned yard darts?
No that was the baby killers. They didn’t want more babies killed by lawn darts, so they killed them before they were born. Kill the baby to save the baby. Makes sense to the senseless.
Why raise kids to send them off to war?
Yeah kill them in the womb instead.
My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.
So you are the reason they banned yard darts?
No that was the baby killers. They didn’t want more babies killed by lawn darts, so they killed them before they were born. Kill the baby to save the baby. Makes sense to the senseless.
Why raise kids to send them off to war?
Yeah kill them in the womb instead.
Saves on meals and dishes.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
Yep. I want to honor and protect innocent life. In America today, that means I am a control freak. CRAZY.
If they responsible, why does the father have no say in whether his child lives or dies?

because he isn't the one giving his body over to the process.
Are you one of those dumb women who doesn’t know how to prevent pregnancy, that OldLady speaks of?

My choice was to avoid dumb men who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and avoid dumb men whose egos are so fragile they feel the need to control others to try to make up for their inability to control themselves.
Yes, I’m the bad guy because I want to protect innocent baby’s lives. America today. Dumbed down.

You're a control freak. Let men focus n controling their penis while women focus on controling their uterus. As a man you have no idea what being pregnant and carrying a baby to term entails.
You have no idea that when the egg and sperm become one, a human life begins.

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