Women have the right to control their own bodies.

The guy can always walk away.

Please, refute that.
For one, she is not a bitch. For another...rare as it might seem, I know some one who did die in childbirth, leaving an infant and grieving father. I know many woman who had serious complications with blood pressure and pre eclampsis. It is stilla very dangerous time for women and you dont have tbe rigbt to force it on them. Technically a pregnancy can be implantef in a man, but it is very high risk. I dont see the men, who are demanding a woman carry anunwanted pregnancy lining up to offer their bodies...do you?
She IS a bitch as she has acted like a dog in heat. Disgusting whore is actually more accurate.

You're so bitter about women, why even involve yourself in thinking about their lives.
Because their bad decisions cost me money. Their bad decisions create fatherless homes which are breeding grounds for criminals.
You see, you as a female never consider the multiples of knock-on negatives that your whorish behavior may create.

Seriously, guy. Get therapy. You have issues.
I bet your wife makes you sit down to pee.

3,459 posts. I predict that you will be gone before it reaches 8,000.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.
And therefore, it is HER choice.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
There weren't over 300,000 abortions performed on women that were impregnated by rape, incest or saving the woman's life. Lying idiot.

Dumbfuck.... your article doesn't say there were 300,000 abortions at Planned Parenthood that were paid for by tax dollars. You have a serious mental deficiency.
You're a liar. You lying jackals call normal ame people crazy simply because you can't deny the facts. You're very I'll, and you're lost. You're nothing but murdering demons.

Nutjob... your article still doesn't state anything you're claiming. It doesn't say any abortions at planned parenthood were paid for with tax dollars. Not even one.

Why are you pissed at me because you can't prove your bullshit??
Planned Parenthood is funded by tax dollars. Idiot.
Brain-dead cultist, abortions at Planned Parenthood are not.
You're a habitual liar and very ill. Bye.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
He bitches about them being on welfare and collecting food stamps.

Dumbfuck.... your article doesn't say there were 300,000 abortions at Planned Parenthood that were paid for by tax dollars. You have a serious mental deficiency.
You're a liar. You lying jackals call normal ame people crazy simply because you can't deny the facts. You're very I'll, and you're lost. You're nothing but murdering demons.

Nutjob... your article still doesn't state anything you're claiming. It doesn't say any abortions at planned parenthood were paid for with tax dollars. Not even one.

Why are you pissed at me because you can't prove your bullshit??
Planned Parenthood is funded by tax dollars. Idiot.
Brain-dead cultist, abortions at Planned Parenthood are not.
You're a habitual liar and very ill. Bye.


You still can't quote a single lie I've told and running away from me doesn't make your bullshit true.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
A woman has as much right to sex as the men do, buttercup. Nothing disgusting or moral about it either way.

I never claimed otherwise, you completely misunderstood my post.
Well, what DID you mean?

His comment was basically advocating using abortion as a birth control method. Zero regard for the human life that is created, zero regard for any consequences whatsoever, because hey, if she gets pregnant she can just kill the baby! That selfish, apathetic mindset is all that is wrong in this world, and leads to numerous problems, as we can see in the world today.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.
If you truly believed the nonsense you spew, you would have fled the U.S. a long ti.e ago in fear of G-d's wrath on such an evil and immoral country.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
A woman has as much right to sex as the men do, buttercup. Nothing disgusting or moral about it either way.

I never claimed otherwise, you completely misunderstood my post.
Well, what DID you mean?

His comment was basically advocating using abortion as a birth control method. Zero regard for the human life that is created, zero regard for any consequences whatsoever, because hey, if she gets pregnant she can just kill the baby! That selfish, apathetic mindset is all that is wrong in this world, and leads to numerous problems, as we can see in the world today.
It's a women's body who, until the baby inside her reaches being viable outside the womb, can terminate her pregnancy for any reason. My response to a sick misogynist asshole was quite appropriate, in my opinion.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.

Oddly we agree on this, maybe. But I believe in stsnding up for the woman too. I strongly support education and encouraging woman to choose to keep the baby and I support programs that help a woman do so, and help her continue her education if it is interrupted, and get the skills for a good job if pregnancy derails her life.

Unfortunately when people like you refer to them as sluts, whores, and worse, you close the door on education. When you oppose tbe easy availability of effective contraception and accurate education, you show us that concern has little to do with women or the welfare of families, but is instead a morality judgement leveled solely on the woman.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
And what dou YOU to help those women with their babies?
Stand up for the child and try to educate the ignorant lost souls that are told to take the easy way out by killing their child by the godless heathen like YOU.
Don't call Coyote a godless heathen. I'll beat you up.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.
Every sperm is sacred, a potential new life if allowed to follow it’s natural course in the right environment. That makes masturb action mass murder. M en need to learn to control their hands.
Me dumpin a nut in a sock and you lettin the guy who bought you three 'Jaeger Bombs' dump one in you have two drastically different outcomes.

A sperm, if allowed to continue in it’s natural environment will create a baby. You, jerking off in the bushes, are murdering millions of potential babies.
I really, really hope you were just trolling with that comment and that you didn’t actually believe what you said. I mean, of all the proabort talking points, that one BY FAR is the most idiotic, illiterate, embarrassingly ignorant one of all. If you don’t understand the difference between a sperm and a newly existing, genetically complete individual human being, then take a refresher course in basic biology and get back to us later.
The only difference is stage of development. In the proper environment a sperm will become a zygote. In the proper environment, a zygote will implant and become a baby.

A skin cell wont.
A braincell wont.

No other cells will become a baby.

Your arguments.
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.
Every sperm is sacred, a potential new life if allowed to follow it’s natural course in the right environment. That makes masturb action mass murder. M en need to learn to control their hands.
Me dumpin a nut in a sock and you lettin the guy who bought you three 'Jaeger Bombs' dump one in you have two drastically different outcomes.

A sperm, if allowed to continue in it’s natural environment will create a baby. You, jerking off in the bushes, are murdering millions of potential babies.
I really, really hope you were just trolling with that comment and that you didn’t actually believe what you said. I mean, of all the proabort talking points, that one BY FAR is the most idiotic, illiterate, embarrassingly ignorant one of all. If you don’t understand the difference between a sperm and a newly existing, genetically complete individual human being, then take a refresher course in basic biology and get back to us later.
The only difference is stage of development. In the proper environment a sperm will become a zygote. In the proper environment, a zygote will implant and become a baby.

A skin cell wont.
A braincell wont.

No other cells will become a baby.

Your arguments.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
To the prolifers here... have any of you noticed that the 'arguments' for abortion are getting worse, as time goes on? I mean, I remember debating this topic on discussanything, way back in 2002-2005. And I remember that there were some decent, tough debaters, who brought up arguments that were actually somewhat challenging. They had at least a modicum of knowledge and common sense. I don't know where those people went, but now in abortion debates I'm seeing so many completely idiotic, ignorant non-arguments that are embarrassing, to the point of where I feel I have to post a facepalm in just about every post. Like not understanding the difference between a sperm and a HUMAN BEING.

I'm truly beginning to wonder if proaborts are just mentally challenged people, as a whole. Either that or it's a form of blindness. It is remarkable.
Says you. Many others believe differently. And fortunately for them, you're not the arbitrator of morals.

Yes, and there are many murderers and rapists out there too, so what's your point? Sane, decent people understand that using abortion as a birth control method is wrong and morally bankrupt.
At the risk of being repetitive.... again, according to you. Not everyone believes as you.

Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
What is the difference between slavery and forcing a woman to catry an unwanted pregnancy within her body?

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