Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Just WHERE in that post do you get the idea that I said women are weak or incapable of taking care of themselves?
C'mon, parse those words.
You think a woman can’t control herself. She is just too weak. She is going to have unprotected sex. Then when she does you want to make the father responsible for her actions, but you don’t believe the father has any say in whether his child lives or dies. You can’t have it both ways any longer.

Abortion is legalized murder. You don’t get to murder your baby anymore.
Yes, if she chooses, a woman may still terminate a pregnancy. What planet are you living on right now?
So you think murdering your child is a privacy right. Nonsense.
Everything that goes on in my body is a "privacy right" - and none of your fucking business. It doesn't matter what you might think is in there, it's not your concern. My body is not owned by the government. Piss off.
View attachment 264521

:) - I'm not a girl. Nor much of an RBG fan, but the sentiment is appreciated.
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And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.

Imbecile.... try quoting the text from your own article that claims federal funds are being used to pay for abortions except for cases of rape, incest, or to save the woman's life.....

When you can't, you show everyone here that I didn't lie and that you're nothing but a mindless idiot.



Not crickets!

Anything but crickets!!!

You know what crickets means, right...?

There weren't over 300,000 abortions performed on women that were impregnated by rape, incest or saving the woman's life. Lying idiot.

Dumbfuck.... your article doesn't say there were 300,000 abortions at Planned Parenthood that were paid for by tax dollars. You have a serious mental deficiency.
You're a liar. You lying jackals call normal ame people crazy simply because you can't deny the facts. You're very I'll, and you're lost. You're nothing but murdering demons.

Nutjob... your article still doesn't state anything you're claiming. It doesn't say any abortions at planned parenthood were paid for with tax dollars. Not even one.

Why are you pissed at me because you can't prove your bullshit??
Yes, they can choose not to have sex until they are ready to be a parent

As can men.
Yep, the point is, both are willing participants in the act, so both share the responsibility. If she agrees to have sex, then she agrees there is a risk of pregnancy. What you are saying is, both can be willing participants, but if she gets pregnant, and the man wants to be a father to the child, the woman can deny him his child.

You're saying that the man doesnt matter in this scenario, and that his desires do not count, so, if you are going to give sole authority to the woman over the pregnancy, then she needs to be the one to decide to have control over her body, and not have sex. If she is willing to have sex, and take the risk of getting pregnant, and shut the man out of the decision making process, then she needs to abstain.

I'm saying a woman can deny a man's demand to use her body as an incubater for his offspring. It's a process that throws a woman's body and life into a spin for a minimum of 9 months, can leave her with serious medical issues for the rest of her life and can kill her. No person has the right to impose that on another person in order to have their own gratification satisfied.

I'm not saying a man doesn't matter, I'm saying each one, both men and women, must deal with the cards nature has dealt them in terms of which aspect of procreation they have governance over.
I'm not sure I completely agree with that. Pregnancy in this day and age, in this country, is rarely fatal and doesn't cause life long health problems. Well, it did straighten my hair. While I understand your argument, I think it is half the man's and if there is no reason to think the woman is at medical risk, she should seriously consider having the child if he wants to take sole guardianship and raise it himself.
She should consider it, but it should be up to her to make that. The problem is that the man can exit at any time. And financial support is just that, financial, and realistically, with poor men and women may not begin to cover things. That is why it has to remain her decision.
Yes, ultimately I suppose it must be her decision, since she will bear the child. But I would hope every woman realizes that what is in her womb is not solely hers when she makes that decision. A man would have to take full legal responsibility for the child, LEGALLY, in my scenario. Not just a promise over dinner.
The lefties believe that they are God. Their philosophy is morality is up to the individual.
And Trumpsters think it's up to the government.
Government's duty is to protect citizens. Children in the womb are human beings. Murder a pregnant woman and you'll be charged with double murder.
"Government's duty is to protect citizens."

Fetuses are not citizens. Citizenship is bestowed upon birth.

Congrats, brain-dead cultist... you just destroyed your own argument.

And if people minded their own business we wouldn't be constantly dealing with a plethora of controversies both here and abroad. Why people simply can't just live and let live is beyond me. You talk about others controlling themselves better while you advocate for your control over other people.
Because they expect the tax payers to pay the tab. They want to be left alone? They need to be responsible for their own actions.
Stop lying. Except in extreme cases, tax payers are not paying for abortions.
Congress gives millions to Planned parenthood, then PP gives millions to Democrat campaigns. Nice game, taxpayers funding Democrat campaign coffers.
So? Planned Parenthood offers a wide variety of services other than abortion. By law, the federal funding they get doesn't go towards abortions except for in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the woman.
How do you know? Once that money get placed in their account, it gets lost in the pile. It would be hard to say that taxpayer money isnt used for abortion unless PP kept any government money separate from the rest of their money.

Do they do that?
It does not get "lost in a pile." They have to account for how their money is used. You must be a special kind of stupid to think no one in Congress is closely watching to ensure federal funding doesn't get used to perform abortions.
When you have a group of males who refuse to wear a condom and females who can't be bothered using the pill.....even though it's free and then abortion is used as birth control then that is a serious problem for many millions of people AKA VOTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The DEMs can say goodbye to winning the election in 2020.
Abortions wouldn't be required if men just learned to say no. Can anyone refute this?
It's the woman's body. That's what we're told. Therefore, she's responsible.
And therefore, it is HER choice.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
It's the woman's body. That's what we're told. Therefore, she's responsible.
And therefore, it is HER choice.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.
No that is exactly what you posted, in other words. You can’t have it both ways.

Besides, why would you want to murder your own child? Ugh! That’s sick!
Just WHERE in that post do you get the idea that I said women are weak or incapable of taking care of themselves?
C'mon, parse those words.
You think a woman can’t control herself. She is just too weak. She is going to have unprotected sex. Then when she does you want to make the father responsible for her actions, but you don’t believe the father has any say in whether his child lives or dies. You can’t have it both ways any longer.

Abortion is legalized murder. You don’t get to murder your baby anymore.
Yes, if she chooses, a woman may still terminate a pregnancy. What planet are you living on right now?
So you think murdering your child is a privacy right. Nonsense.
Everything that goes on in my body is a "privacy right" - and none of your fucking business. It doesn't matter what you might think is in there, it's not your concern. My body is not owned by the government. Piss off.
So when your husband is in you and you decide you don’t want it, you can kill him. Is that right?

Imbecile.... try quoting the text from your own article that claims federal funds are being used to pay for abortions except for cases of rape, incest, or to save the woman's life.....

When you can't, you show everyone here that I didn't lie and that you're nothing but a mindless idiot.



Not crickets!

Anything but crickets!!!

You know what crickets means, right...?

There weren't over 300,000 abortions performed on women that were impregnated by rape, incest or saving the woman's life. Lying idiot.

Dumbfuck.... your article doesn't say there were 300,000 abortions at Planned Parenthood that were paid for by tax dollars. You have a serious mental deficiency.
You're a liar. You lying jackals call normal ame people crazy simply because you can't deny the facts. You're very I'll, and you're lost. You're nothing but murdering demons.

Nutjob... your article still doesn't state anything you're claiming. It doesn't say any abortions at planned parenthood were paid for with tax dollars. Not even one.

Why are you pissed at me because you can't prove your bullshit??
Planned Parenthood is funded by tax dollars. Idiot.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.
Every sperm is sacred, a potential new life if allowed to follow it’s natural course in the right environment. That makes masturb action mass murder. M en need to learn to control their hands.
Me dumpin a nut in a sock and you lettin the guy who bought you three 'Jaeger Bombs' dump one in you have two drastically different outcomes.

A sperm, if allowed to continue in it’s natural environment will create a baby. You, jerking off in the bushes, are murdering millions of potential babies.
I really, really hope you were just trolling with that comment and that you didn’t actually believe what you said. I mean, of all the proabort talking points, that one BY FAR is the most idiotic, illiterate, embarrassingly ignorant one of all. If you don’t understand the difference between a sperm and a newly existing, genetically complete individual human being, then take a refresher course in basic biology and get back to us later.
Just WHERE in that post do you get the idea that I said women are weak or incapable of taking care of themselves?
C'mon, parse those words.
You think a woman can’t control herself. She is just too weak. She is going to have unprotected sex. Then when she does you want to make the father responsible for her actions, but you don’t believe the father has any say in whether his child lives or dies. You can’t have it both ways any longer.

Abortion is legalized murder. You don’t get to murder your baby anymore.
Yes, if she chooses, a woman may still terminate a pregnancy. What planet are you living on right now?
So you think murdering your child is a privacy right. Nonsense.
Everything that goes on in my body is a "privacy right" - and none of your fucking business. It doesn't matter what you might think is in there, it's not your concern. My body is not owned by the government. Piss off.
So when your husband is in you and you decide you don’t want it, you can kill him. Is that right?
Poor Gipper. It's been so long he thinks the man crawls all the way inside.
That is hardly her point. Men can go beat off also.
No, her point as is standard for split tails is to play the modern...independent woman... until some complication arises then play the damsel.
Western women are complete dog shit.
No. It is using exactly the same arguments you use to force women to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
Well maybe if they did the dumb asses would make smarter choices?
No....lol! Who am I kidding?
Women were chattel for thousands of years for a reason. When it comes to responsible, adult, critically planned choices...they are complete shit sticks.
The guy can always walk away.

Please, refute that.
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???
For one, she is not a bitch. For another...rare as it might seem, I know some one who did die in childbirth, leaving an infant and grieving father. I know many woman who had serious complications with blood pressure and pre eclampsis. It is stilla very dangerous time for women and you dont have tbe rigbt to force it on them. Technically a pregnancy can be implantef in a man, but it is very high risk. I dont see the men, who are demanding a woman carry anunwanted pregnancy lining up to offer their bodies...do you?
She IS a bitch as she has acted like a dog in heat. Disgusting whore is actually more accurate.

You're so bitter about women, why even involve yourself in thinking about their lives.
Because their bad decisions cost me money. Their bad decisions create fatherless homes which are breeding grounds for criminals.
You see, you as a female never consider the multiples of knock-on negatives that your whorish behavior may create.
Actually, their bad decisions are saving you money. Your money doesn't get spent on abortions, but it does get spent on fostering children who can't be raised by their parents.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
A woman has as much right to sex as the men do, buttercup. Nothing disgusting or moral about it either way.
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
A woman has as much right to sex as the men do, buttercup. Nothing disgusting or moral about it either way.

I never claimed otherwise, you completely misunderstood my post.
Any man who isn't man enough to take responsibility for what he does with his penis, should be castrated. That should decrease the abortion rates and clean up the gene pool. Why any man thinks a woman is responsible for his actions, I've no idea.
All that babel means fuck all logically. Keep your legs shut...whore...and you won't have to worry about men "taking responsibility".
Real simple. Ain't no one's fault but the woman who allows the man in.
Nah, why should a woman keep her legs shut when she has options to terminate her pregnancy. She doesn't have to keep her legs shut just because that pisses you off.
Horrible comment. Absolutely disgusting and morally bankrupt.
A woman has as much right to sex as the men do, buttercup. Nothing disgusting or moral about it either way.

I never claimed otherwise, you completely misunderstood my post.
Well, what DID you mean?
And therefore, it is HER choice.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Nothing is more endangered than the fetus of a liberal woman.

The science is against you. Morality is against you. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is against you.

History will condemn the baby killer for all time.

You say that as though conservatives never get abortions.


Not crickets!

Anything but crickets!!!

You know what crickets means, right...?

There weren't over 300,000 abortions performed on women that were impregnated by rape, incest or saving the woman's life. Lying idiot.

Dumbfuck.... your article doesn't say there were 300,000 abortions at Planned Parenthood that were paid for by tax dollars. You have a serious mental deficiency.
You're a liar. You lying jackals call normal ame people crazy simply because you can't deny the facts. You're very I'll, and you're lost. You're nothing but murdering demons.

Nutjob... your article still doesn't state anything you're claiming. It doesn't say any abortions at planned parenthood were paid for with tax dollars. Not even one.

Why are you pissed at me because you can't prove your bullshit??
Planned Parenthood is funded by tax dollars. Idiot.
Brain-dead cultist, abortions at Planned Parenthood are not.

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