Women look better when they are in their place

WinterBorn you gave them an attribute of strength called independence.. “ they are more independent now”. Did you read what you wrote?

I gave them an attribute of strength for what women have always done. They raised our children. They kept the hearth & home. They cooked and cleaned and worried about their families.

The independence came much later.
I gave them an attribute of strength for what women have always done. They raised our children. They kept the hearth & home. They cooked and cleaned and worried about their families.

The independence came much later.
I asked you a question were they strong in the 40s or not? Same or more
I mentioned 2 attributes. Strength and independence. You asked about one of them.

Yes, women were strong in the 1940s.
No you said they are more independent now.. so if they weren’t independent back then they weren’t as strong.. according to your crap you wrote
No you said they are more independent now.. so if they weren’t independent back then they weren’t as strong.. according to your crap you wrote

Not what I said.

And you can be strong without being independent.

Women were strong in the 1940s. They were independent later.
Not what I said.

And you can be strong without being independent.

Women were strong in the 1940s. They were independent later.
Why do you keep giving them attributes of strength now but not back then, and say they are equally strong.. do you think before you post?
Why do you keep giving them attributes of strength now but not back then, and say they are equally strong.. do you think before you post?

What? Can you read?

They are strong now and were strong in the 1940s.

However, the level of independence enjoyed by women has grown a great deal since then.
What? Can you read?

They are strong now and were strong in the 1940s.

However, the level of independence enjoyed by women has grown a great deal since then.
Do you even understand you’re giving them an attribute of strength after the 1940s.. so they weren’t equal so you’re literally calling women of the 1940s weaker back then.
Do you even understand you’re giving them an attribute of strength after the 1940s.. so they weren’t equal so you’re literally calling women of the 1940s weaker back then.

Not at all. Not once have I said they were weaker in the 1940s, despite your best efforts.
See "Pandora's Box".
Pun/double entendre', intended.
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So they were less independent, but just as strong as woman today? Lol 😂

In some ways they were stronger in the 1940s. The hardships faced in the 1940s (and the decade before) were brutal. They faced them and survived them.

They also faced the deaths of their children much more often. The infant mortality rate in the 1940s was 47 out of 1,000 births. Today it is less than 7 per 1,000 births.

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