Women may not like Calif. sex law on consent. Testimonial.

Guys we are not in a man cave. A bunch of men telling women what is causing their sexual problems is not going to win a lot of hearts and minds.

What I do like about the op though is the absolute sense of confusion about sex and relationships. If forty percent of women sometimes fake not wanting to, how dishonest is that? Let's see, he wasn't what I expected or all my friends think he is a dog so I was really molested by this guy. Having buyers remorse is just part of life's learning curve not a get out of jail free card, anyone who claims they didn't do anything dumb and foolish in their youth is lying.

The sexual free for all is coming home to roost. Men don't learn to respect women and women have lost the art of charm. Choices are just things we can delete and start over with. I am all for sowing wild oats but I am also for harvesting a good crop.

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