Women on Women Bias


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday yesterday to give her reaction to The View's female hosts after they railed her for having what they perceived as a "demented" smile throughout the latest GOP debate. She noted that as a guest on the "pro-female" show a few months ago, nothing negative was said about her appearance and wondered if they'd like to say that to her face the next time she is on.

Fiorina accurately assessed the situation -- pointing out the obvious -- that liberal women only tolerate other liberal women:

There's nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general, and to Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman.

"So, of course, there's a double standard," she added.

Fiorina said she and other conservative women, like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, "are long used to this."

But Fiorina remains resolved to continue the fight and push forward:

It will not stop me, it will not scare me. And maybe the ladies of The View -- if I come back on again -- we'll see if they have the guts to say that to my face.

Is she right, do you think?
Women on women...Have said political chat is highly sexualized. :) "Carson on top of Trump in latest polls..." ;)
Maybe this election will finally remove all doubt that the media doesn't deserve any trust. They say that this is how totalitarian governments get started.....first with the corruption of the media. The only thing keeping the media safe is the fact that Americans are living so well that they don't get upset enough to burn their asses out of their offices. We're intentionally given easy lives to keep us from becoming violent. Fat, lazy, and ignorant by design.
Women on women...Have said political chat is highly sexualized. :) "Carson on top of Trump in latest polls..." ;)
Big surprise. Delta sees sex everywhere. Tell us, do those smiley heads that follow you everywhere have genitals or do they just feeeel sexy?
The media - and especially liberals - are flummoxed by people who defy their expectations (aka "prejudices"). A conservative Black person, a conservative-Republican woman, a Republican Jew, a conservative actor/actress.

Any objective person reading his legal opinions or seeing Clarence Thomas speak in public would immediately see that he is an intelligent, insightful person, who carefully forms his views and opinions after careful thought. To read the media accounts of him and his legal opinions, you would think he was a borderline psychotic idiot. Because he is a conservative Black.

Compare his treatment with that of Justices Kagan and Sotomayor (not to mention Ginsburg, who gets a pass because she's jewish and has cancer) - who are, mediocre schlubs only nominated because they were guaranteed Liberal votes on all controversial cases until they DIE.

Sarah Palin is an intelligent, outspoken woman who was dragged into politics by a bad situation locally, and dragged into national politics by a desperate Republican presidential candidate. She is no more or less controversial than any other fairly intelligent person whose every public utterance would be scrutinized, dissected, and held up to public ridicule if it were the least bit unusual. And yet, how is she portrayed in the media? A laughingstock. Only because she is a conservative woman.

Compare her treatment to that of that Wasserman-Schultz person, who is - if you can believe it - more of a walking gaffe machine than VP Biden. And yet where have you read anyone even hinting that she's a little bit unbalanced or dare we say, stupid? But, O Yeah, she's a Democrat, so she's all right.

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