Women Punching..

Batterers pull this kind of crap, it is a well documented and recognized tactic..they push, pull, slap...the whole intent is to initiate an attack, so then they can say "she hit me first".

Don't hit women. If you're telling yourself it's okay if she hits you first, then you're a batterer, because it's still not okay, unless you are literally incapable of defending yourself in any other way. That guy had no business hitting her in the face, and he had no business shoving her.

Excuse me, but were you there? According to the statement of the guy's mother who was at the game with him, her son was defending her. She claimed that they were being harassed by that group throughout the entire game and they escalated things as the game was letting out. Maybe she isn't being truthful, but we don't really know that since there is no video documenting what happened earlier.

Everyone is jumping all over this guy and making assumptions about him without knowing the whole story.

I don't give a shit what the story is, I saw him hit her in the face.

There's no justification for it.

But piece of shit abusers and batterer wannabes will argue till the cows come home that she probably had it coming.

It's what you fuckchops always do. It's what cops do, too.

And that is why women get the shit beat out of them in this country, and then get killed. Because assholes ALWAYS think she has it coming, and ALWAYS refuse to act on it.

Fact: Battering is not mutual[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. If women choose to use violence against the partner, either in self-defense or anger, the intent is not domination or intimidation. Women who choose to use violence against the male batterer face more severe consequences by the criminal justice system. "[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Educate yourself, assholes.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]http://stoprelationshipabuse.org/pdfs/The%20Truth%20About%20Domestic%20Violence.pdf[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]"
She must be doing something to provoke his/her violence
. A victim of battering is never to blame for another person's choice to use violence. Problems exist in any relationship, but the use of violence to resolve them is never acceptable.


Fact: Battering is not mutual[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. If women choose to use violence against the partner, either in self-defense or anger, the intent is not domination or intimidation. Women who choose to use violence against the male batterer face more severe consequences by the criminal justice system. "[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Educate yourself, assholes.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]http://stoprelationshipabuse.org/pdfs/The%20Truth%20About%20Domestic%20Violence.pdf[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]"
She must be doing something to provoke his/her violence
. A victim of battering is never to blame for another person's choice to use violence. Problems exist in any relationship, but the use of violence to resolve them is never acceptable.


And this has what to do with some likely drunk assholes at a football game, exactly? Or are you now claiming the man and woman involved were in a romantic relationship, which is what your link seems to be discussing?
Even in the heat of anger, batterers make the choice to hit. They do not go "crazy" or "lose control", but know who to hit, where to hit, when to hit, and how hard to hit, to accomplish their goals. Men in domestic violence treatment groups, when they are honest with themselves, admit they use arguments or stress as an excuse to use abusive tactics to control their partner. "


[FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial][FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial]Victims provoke their abusers.
[/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]Fact: [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]Batterers use violence or other abusive behavior because they have learned that it can control their partners. Regardless of what his partner does, an abuser's response is [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]totally [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]his decision.
"She provoked me" is only an attempt to shift the blame and responsibility to the victim. No one can "make" him behave abusively. An abuser may not like his partner's behavior or may disagree strongly with something she says. However, nothing she does or says gives him permission to commit a crime against her. "

Batterers pull this kind of crap, it is a well documented and recognized tactic..they push, pull, slap...the whole intent is to initiate an attack, so then they can say "she hit me first".

Don't hit women. If you're telling yourself it's okay if she hits you first, then you're a batterer, because it's still not okay, unless you are literally incapable of defending yourself in any other way. That guy had no business hitting her in the face, and he had no business shoving her.

Excuse me, but were you there? According to the statement of the guy's mother who was at the game with him, her son was defending her. She claimed that they were being harassed by that group throughout the entire game and they escalated things as the game was letting out. Maybe she isn't being truthful, but we don't really know that since there is no video documenting what happened earlier.

Everyone is jumping all over this guy and making assumptions about him without knowing the whole story.

I don't give a shit what the story is, I saw him hit her in the face.

There's no justification for it.

But piece of shit abusers and batterer wannabes will argue till the cows come home that she probably had it coming.

It's what you fuckchops always do. It's what cops do, too.

And that is why women get the shit beat out of them in this country, and then get killed. Because assholes ALWAYS think she has it coming, and ALWAYS refuse to act on it.

She did have it coming. Don't want to get hit? Don't lunge at the guy and try hitting him three times. It's really that simple.
[FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial][FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial]Victims provoke their abusers.
[/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]Fact: [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]Batterers use violence or other abusive behavior because they have learned that it can control their partners. Regardless of what his partner does, an abuser's response is [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]totally [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]his decision.
"She provoked me" is only an attempt to shift the blame and responsibility to the victim. No one can "make" him behave abusively. An abuser may not like his partner's behavior or may disagree strongly with something she says. However, nothing she does or says gives him permission to commit a crime against her. "


FACT: She provoked him, plain and simple. Stop using her gender as a crutch to justify her violent behavior.
Damn dont taz has been that homey lately, we've been agreeing on all fronts im bout to leave my wife for a MAAAAAAAAN baybay. Nah kidding but yo us nonpartisan gentleman must unite.
I can't help but wonder that in this time of lowered chivalry, morality and stressful times, if this sorta thing will happen more often or already does...?
I believe the rising frequency of reported incidents in which American men publicly stike women as viciously as they would strike another man is the result of the highly successful feminist and womens' equality movements and the increasingly common movies and tv dramas (E.g., G.I. Jane, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, etc.) which depict women as martial arts experts and physically equal to if not superior to men. These images are stored in the male subconscious and rise to the surface when engaged in heated confrontations with women.

Briefly stated, these deceptive but firmly imbedded images have the effect of canceling what were traditional male inhibitions against striking women.
I can't help but wonder that in this time of lowered chivalry, morality and stressful times, if this sorta thing will happen more often or already does...?

Do women feel more threatened by men than they used to..:dunno:

How would this indicate women feeling more threatened? If anything it would seem to indicate less threat; why would the woman have charged and attacked the man if she felt particularly threatened by him?

Being female should not be protection from retaliation if you swing at someone. :)

She didn't look threatened at all when she ran him down.
Sometimes they deserve it

Sometimes they deserve it.
Of course that's true. But unless it is absolutely unavoidable the best thing a man can do when confronted by an aggressive woman (or a rabid squirrel) is evade, escape, turn and run away. Get the hell out of there!

Do all you can to avoid lowering the boom on her. Because if you punch a woman you're asserting your primitive male superiority, which is exactly what she wants you to do and what she is doing her best to provoke you to do. And if you do it you will never live it down.
Yeah, don't hit her because that's what she WANTS you to do.

Fucking psycho pieces of shit.
I can't help but wonder that in this time of lowered chivalry, morality and stressful times, if this sorta thing will happen more often or already does...?
I believe the rising frequency of reported incidents in which American men publicly stike women as viciously as they would strike another man is the result of the highly successful feminist and womens' equality movements and the increasingly common movies and tv dramas (E.g., G.I. Jane, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, etc.) which depict women as martial arts experts and physically equal to if not superior to men. These images are stored in the male subconscious and rise to the surface when engaged in heated confrontations with women.

Briefly stated, these deceptive but firmly imbedded images have the effect of canceling what were traditional male inhibitions against striking women.

Television and music's effects on people are drastically overstated.

Do you watch Terminator and go ahead and buy a gun and start firing on people?

It's the same for most folks.
[FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial][FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial]Victims provoke their abusers.
[/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]Fact: [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]Batterers use violence or other abusive behavior because they have learned that it can control their partners. Regardless of what his partner does, an abuser's response is [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]totally [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]his decision.
"She provoked me" is only an attempt to shift the blame and responsibility to the victim. No one can "make" him behave abusively. An abuser may not like his partner's behavior or may disagree strongly with something she says. However, nothing she does or says gives him permission to commit a crime against her. "


FACT: She provoked him, plain and simple. Stop using her gender as a crutch to justify her violent behavior.

Figures you'd say this. Did you see how he unloaded on her right in the face? That was violent. Comparable to kicking a Pekingese across a room.
People who make those stupid claims are just justifying abuse.

Men who have that mindset like to keep the option of hitting a woman open, for themselves. Batterers PLAN to batter. It's not like "Omg I just can't help myself, this horrible woman is driving me to it!" though of course that's what they ALL say.

And they say it a thousand times in a thousand different ways, just like all the loons in this thread are.
Myth: [FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial][FONT=MLJBDP+Arial,Italic,Arial]Victims provoke their abusers. [/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]Fact: [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]Batterers use violence or other abusive behavior because they have learned that it can control their partners. Regardless of what his partner does, an abuser's response is [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial][FONT=MLJBBD+Arial,Bold,Arial]totally [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial][FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]his decision. [/FONT]
[FONT=MLJBAH+Arial,Arial]"She provoked me" is only an attempt to shift the blame and responsibility to the victim. No one can "make" him behave abusively. An abuser may not like his partner's behavior or may disagree strongly with something she says. However, nothing she does or says gives him permission to commit a crime against her. "[/FONT]


FACT: She provoked him, plain and simple. Stop using her gender as a crutch to justify her violent behavior.

Figures you'd say this. Did you see how he unloaded on her right in the face? That was violent. Comparable to kicking a Pekingese across a room.

And he was smiling when he did it. He wasn't surprised, or scared. He was having fun.

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