Women Should Really Think Twice About False Accusations

If you don't have the list of questions, how do you 'know' its bullshit?
The timing and the fact that this has become a pattern for desperate dems at desperate times....LMFAO....high school?...and she doesn't even remember who's home she was at....please...tell me you are not swallowing this.....
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.

Yeah, but what if these women have passed lie detector tests backing the honesty of their accusations?

Polygraphs are a joke. Anyone can beat them.

Then is Trump demanding them? And why do security clearances frequently include them?

They can be intimidating to the jittery under interrogation.

"Results are not admissible in court," says Billy for the 15th time today.
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.

Yeah, but what if these women have passed lie detector tests backing the honesty of their accusations?

Polygraphs are a joke. Anyone can beat them.
that's why they aren't allowed in a courtroom.

Eye witness testimony certainly is.

Indeed. Who is her eyewitness?
Ar these men worried that any woman can be a threat by way of accusation? Or are they lacking confidence in themselves to be gentlemen?

Old Lady had it right. Treat everyone with respect and you cannot fear retribution.
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It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.
Show some balls Billy. You make all men look like they are driven by fear.
You hire the best people no matter sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation.

Just because a few women could lie, you do not punish all women. That is a small minded man.
Any employee could lie to get you in trouble.
If you don't have the list of questions, how do you 'know' its bullshit?
The timing and the fact that this has become a pattern for desperate dems at desperate times....LMFAO....high school?...and she doesn't even remember who's home she was at....please...tell me you are not swallowing this.....

I'm swallowing it.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
Yeah, by passing a polygraph test.
She paid for the test with an ex FBI agent...we do not know what she was asked during the test....it would not be admitted in any court of law anywhere....
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.
That's it, Billy, threaten us.

No threat. Just an observation of the survival element in human nature.
Here's another idea for you: Tell your male employees to show some respect for the women that work around them and to stay out of their pantaloons, physically and figuratively.

Is that really too much to ask?

Why take the chance at all?
Why are you so worried, Billy? Guilty conscience?
Your threats are just another example of how men will do their damndest to keep women in their place. I don't know a single woman who has made a false allegation and probably you don't either. It is handy to call all the women coming forward liars and use them as fuel to keep them in low paying pink collar jobs, though.
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.
That's it, Billy, threaten us.
Are you a liar making false allegations?
If not then this thread has nothing to do with you.
Show some balls Billy. You make all men look like they are driven by fear.
You hire the best people no matter sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation.

Just because a few women could lie, you do not punish all women. That is a small minded man.
Any employee could lie to get you in trouble
I have two openings in my office...if you think I will fill those positions with women you are crazy......not a chance......Me too is working but not for women....
It seems to be turning into a full blown fad, and frankly, they could find down the road that such a climate affects their employment possibilities.

I mean, if I were hiring in the current climate, I would be tres-reluctant to hire women for any top positions, particularly those working closely with myself.

Just a thought, ladies.
Show some balls Billy. You make all men look like they are driven by fear.
You hire the best people no matter sex, race, nationality or sexual orientation.

Just because a few women could lie, you do not punish all women. That is a small minded man.
Any employee could lie to get you in trouble.

I don't hire anyone. I retired from 9-to-5 shit 18 years ago. :113:
I do believe from now on women should report any abuse right away to the police and go to a hospital and or if at work report it right away, but it can mean being fired, but get an attorney and sue.
With cellphones having tape recorders, it shouldn't be hard to catch the perp in the act.
If you don't have the list of questions, how do you 'know' its bullshit?
The timing and the fact that this has become a pattern for desperate dems at desperate times....LMFAO....high school?...and she doesn't even remember who's home she was at....please...tell me you are not swallowing this.....

I'm swallowing it.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

Here's her account:

"Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home."

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

With REDACTED being Marc Judge. A man who admitted the following about his problems with drinking, his blackouts and his attempts to hook up with drunk girls at parties in highschool.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls.

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk, of getting drunk his first time at age 14, binge drinking at teen parties and a struggle with alcoholism.

His “immersion” into alcohol began the end of his sophomore year during a typical annual “beach week,” when Catholic high school students headed to the shore after school was out. “Now I had an opportunity to make some headway [with girls]. Most of the time everyone, including the girls, was drunk. If you could breathe and walk at the same time, you could hook up,” he wrote.

His drinking became so extreme that he had blackout episodes, and woke up on the floor of a restaurant bathroom with no memory of how he got there. Once “I had the first beer, I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated,” he wrote. "

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls

With Marc Judge, who has admitted to being black out drunk and having memory lapses denials due to alcohol consumption......being very specific: that he had no recollection.

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