Women want to be taken seriously at the workplace but dress inappropriately

This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

You haven't indicated what kind of company this is. Jeans would have to be appropriate. As for them being tight, that's really none of your business. If you lack the self-control to keep your libido in check, that's on YOU, not her.

In fact, you are SO out of line here, that you should be bitch slapped into next week for your comments in this thread.
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.
I understand the “frustration” in working with an attractive woman, but I believe men and women should dress COMFORTABLY (to them) so they can work better.
It’s actually good for you to get used to attractive women! After awhile, it won’t be a big deal ...
like it is for men from Saudi Arabia who are only used to seeing women completely covered, then freak out when they see some female curves/skin in public or the workplace!
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Tell her how you feel.

We dont need more black unemployment.
I mean Trump can only do so much!!

You never know she might promote him if he gives her the right raise...:777:
Oh man, I was working at this one place, and this girl had a bodacious body and wore cootchie cutters n heels.
She wanted dudes to see her move, poetry in motion.
What's the word for that kind of build? Buxom.
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Tell her how you feel.

We dont need more black unemployment.
I mean Trump can only do so much!!

You never know she might promote him if he gives her the right raise...:777:

That would depend on if she was a freak.
He could skyrocket or stay in the mailroom.
Anywhere i've ever worked there's been a few hoochie mommas.
You give em a wink and insinuate and they love it!!!
Would you enjoy working in this office?


Know what I saying?
They did get to smoke and drink on the job
Like beauty, "inappropriate" is in the eye of the beholder. The bottom line of course is corporate profits. If a woman's (or a man's) attire is detrimental to the smooth running of an organization and impacts profits and if the woman (or man) refuses to conform to corporate (or governmental) policy, the only remedy is termination of employment. Why is that so hard to understand? On the other hand if a woman's attire offends some sissie man and has no bearing on the profit margin it should not be a problem. Maybe the corporation should consider firing the sissie to keep the organization running smoothly.
Anywhere i've ever worked there's been a few hoochie mommas.
You give em a wink and insinuate and they love it!!!

Not where I work. They would shoot you in the face. Then probably eat you. Some of those bitches are faaaaaaaaat. But there is truth in how you dress dictating how you are taken. If a chick wants you to look at her face she shouldn't make such a big show of her boobs and ass. In the end all we are are highly developed animals, but animals just the same. Boy animals naturally look at female animals goods. Could you imagine if we were like dogs running around sniffing each others butts?
They dress to provoke us then they call 911 what the fuck . The devil in red lipstick. me too shit.pfff..
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This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Sounds like you don’t like this job very much with your recent threads. Unless she’s violated the dress code you’re just gonna have to put the lid on your hormones.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a dream job as of a couple weeks ago?

being turned on is uncontrollable. Im human
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Sounds like you don’t like this job very much with your recent threads. Unless she’s violated the dress code you’re just gonna have to put the lid on your hormones.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a dream job as of a couple weeks ago?

It is but I am in the PRE-PRE-PRE Phase but still getting paid
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Sounds like you don’t like this job very much with your recent threads. Unless she’s violated the dress code you’re just gonna have to put the lid on your hormones.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a dream job as of a couple weeks ago?

being turned on is uncontrollable. Im human

Being aroused my be uncontrollable. How you react to that arousal is 100% under your control.
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Didnt you just start this job and said you were going to be more professional this time?

I am being professional but being a straight male pretty women who wear tight clothes and have sexy feet turns me on

So you cant control yourself.

No because I am straight man who likes a pretty woman with a nice ass and pretty feet
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Didnt you just start this job and said you were going to be more professional this time?

I am being professional but being a straight male pretty women who wear tight clothes and have sexy feet turns me on
So you're a pervert with a foot fetish that can't control himself.

You better quit and find a job working construction with men that wear boots.

I am a straight man who likes sexy women
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.
Seriously? You are objecting to a nice looking lady dressing nicely?

Enjoy the sights and STFU.


I do enjoy the sight and loves when she comes to my area.
This woman on my job who is a supervisor with her own office walks around with tight jeans and high heels with her feet out looking all good. Very attractive woman and a prime candidate for Peach Pie activities but if she is a manager not why dress more professional? Nothing should be tight on a woman's body inside the office and more importantly I dont want to be TURNED ON at work.

Didnt you just start this job and said you were going to be more professional this time?

I am being professional but being a straight male pretty women who wear tight clothes and have sexy feet turns me on

So you cant control yourself.
He better or he'll be fired so quick that his head will spin. He best work on his control skills quick. Until companies place dress codes on their employee's, then these things will go on in life. Uniforms are probably the best action for companies, but who wants a nation that looks like a communist controlled country ??? Nobody.

My friend's brother-in-law got fired for harassment or the pursuit of a female employee/co-worker, and another feller I know committed suicide because he was told to quit harassing or pursuing a female co-worker.

If single and think you might have a chance with a single female co-worker, then it best to be decent about it, let her know, and honor any rejection in the situation. If can't handle that then get help quick or get fired.

Remember there is always more fish in the sea.
Or just see a shrink about his uncontrollable foot fetish.

I like nice feet so what's wrong with that

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