Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
First of all, in any given election, women are the majority of voters. If women wanted to vote a monolithic bloc, then there's nothing men could do about it. But they do not. What you mean to say isn't that women who don't vote make you mad, but women who don't vote as you want them to make you mad. Second of all, the U.S. is a representative democracy. That means that, as I'm sure we're all aware, the general populace votes for politicians who they feel best serves their interest. That can be a man or a woman. The idea that only a female politician can act in the best regards to females in the U.S. is ridiculously flawed, since it labors under the assumption that any specific female candidate garners the majority of female votes and/or would better serve the general female public than a male.
Well that is a lie.
The hearing was about the first amendment not womens health. The Democratic women tried to turn it into womens health.
The name of the hearing was - Lines crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The hearing was not about womans rights on health care.
The Democratic woman acted like spoiled rotten two year olds because they could not get their way.
They also proved that they do not like the constitution.
First of all, in any given election, women are the majority of voters. If women wanted to vote a monolithic bloc, then there's nothing men could do about it. But they do not. What you mean to say isn't that women who don't vote make you mad, but women who don't vote as you want them to make you mad. Second of all, the U.S. is a representative democracy. That means that, as I'm sure we're all aware, the general populace votes for politicians who they feel best serves their interest. That can be a man or a woman. The idea that only a female politician can act in the best regards to females in the U.S. is ridiculously flawed, since it labors under the assumption that any specific female candidate garners the majority of female votes and/or would better serve the general female public than a male.

Way off base! Where to begin.

First of all, I don't care which way women vote. If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

And women need to know that one or two Supreme Court seats might be up for grabs in the next 4 years. If the GOP appoint one or two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, they will overturn Roe V Wade.

But I do think that women will overwhelmingly decide to keep their right to choose for themselves.

Look at your unAmerican position on voting. You guys don't want the masses to show up. Remember going into poor ghettos and asking a few ignorant poor people about issues and they were not up on the issues. In other words you suggest they should't vote. But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed? Isn't that almost the same thing?

I thought in America all citizens should be encouraged to vote and we say that if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. What ever happened to that? Is it because Republicans always benefit from low voter turn out?

I want every citizen who can to show up and vote. Man or woman. If voter turn out is great, the Democrats will win.

That's why me and James Carville love that you are attacking women. Bigger voting block than Catholics I'll tell you that much. :lol:
to be honest, people who vote for republicans and democrats make me sick (since we're 14 Trillion in debt).

There are a lot of us Democrats that want to do what you Ron Paul supporters want to do about the debt. We don't support Ron Paul, but we like a few of the things he has to say.

So after Obama wins, lets pressure our politicians to audit the federal reserve and solve the debt problem.

If you add up all the Ron Paul righties and us Liberals, we can make them do something about it.

Republicans only talk about the deficit and their only solutions are to cut social programs we love. Stop doing that.

Ron Paul supporters understand we are spending money abroad on military ventures, to protect corporate interests. So next year, join us in solving this problem. Get out of Iraq and Iran. Even bring the private contractors home. They cost us even more than soldiers do. Some are making $300K a year being private contractors in Iraq. We're paying for it!

And no war with Iran. If the GOP would stop talking about war with Iran, Oil speculators wouldn't be able to use it to jack up the oil prices. Ron Paul RINO's need to call out the GOP on this.

Maybe if a couple of your ideas work, maybe we'll try a few more. Baby steps.
Well that is a lie.
The hearing was about the first amendment not womens health. The Democratic women tried to turn it into womens health.
The name of the hearing was - Lines crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The hearing was not about womans rights on health care.
The Democratic woman acted like spoiled rotten two year olds because they could not get their way.
They also proved that they do not like the constitution.

Us liberals are on to you. You guys are trying to make this about the first amendment but that's just you trying to control the message. And people see right through it.

When this idea doesn't work, move on to Solyndra or ACORN, ok? Let us know when you want to create another issue during an election year rather than talk about jobs.
And I think if you ask a lot of men ages 18-40 if abortion should be legal, I'm sure the majority of us would say yes too.

But the GOP Government and Supreme Court doesn't work for We the People. They serve their constituents. Rich people and radical christians. Enough to at least keep the dirty south red for generations to come. They are used to being poor.
to be honest, people who vote for republicans and democrats make me sick (since we're 14 Trillion in debt).

There are a lot of us Democrats that want to do what you Ron Paul supporters want to do about the debt. We don't support Ron Paul, but we like a few of the things he has to say.

So after Obama wins, lets pressure our politicians to audit the federal reserve and solve the debt problem.

If you add up all the Ron Paul righties and us Liberals, we can make them do something about it.

Republicans only talk about the deficit and their only solutions are to cut social programs we love. Stop doing that.

Ron Paul supporters understand we are spending money abroad on military ventures, to protect corporate interests. So next year, join us in solving this problem. Get out of Iraq and Iran. Even bring the private contractors home. They cost us even more than soldiers do. Some are making $300K a year being private contractors in Iraq. We're paying for it!

And no war with Iran. If the GOP would stop talking about war with Iran, Oil speculators wouldn't be able to use it to jack up the oil prices. Ron Paul RINO's need to call out the GOP on this.

Maybe if a couple of your ideas work, maybe we'll try a few more. Baby steps.

Pressure our politicians by re-electing the people who piled on a record amount of debt?

That's an interesting strategy, just about all the voters I know of have gone by that strategy my whole life and look where that's gotten us.

Meh, i'll side with the ppl who don't vote.
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Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

are you really gonna sit there and say that only one party has oppressed us? really?
Republicans at war with me?

Why didn't someone tell me this before?

I guess I've just been lucky going out without my armor.

Based on your reply you probably have never read the Art of War? Or you don't understand the concept of winning a war without ever firing a shot? China is whipping the USA this way right now. And the GOP are waging class warfare on the middle class the same way too. Wake up. What happened to your 401K and home value?

The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting
Republicans at war with me?

Why didn't someone tell me this before?

I guess I've just been lucky going out without my armor.

Based on your reply you probably have never read the Art of War? Or you don't understand the concept of winning a war without ever firing a shot? China is whipping the USA this way right now. And the GOP are waging class warfare on the middle class the same way too. Wake up. What happened to your 401K and home value?

The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting
Nope. I know the Art of War well. Maybe that's why I never noticed the Republicans are at war with me.

I love it when posters use the "wake up" order with me.
Republicans at war with me?

Why didn't someone tell me this before?

I guess I've just been lucky going out without my armor.

Based on your reply you probably have never read the Art of War? Or you don't understand the concept of winning a war without ever firing a shot? China is whipping the USA this way right now. And the GOP are waging class warfare on the middle class the same way too. Wake up. What happened to your 401K and home value?

The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting
Nope. I know the Art of War well. Maybe that's why I never noticed the Republicans are at war with me.

I love it when posters use the "wake up" order with me.

And she's saying that purely because of your lack of a democrat endorsement.

She doesn't know if you're a doctor, doesn't know if you have a dozen masters degrees, knows absolutely nothing about you. Like all hyperpartisan hacks, solely voting different than her makes you less aware of reality.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

Republicans use words like liberty and oppression to brainwash you. What a vague talking point.

And yes the GOP does rely on dumbasses who need other idiots (rush, drudge and Fox) to email you with instructions. I follow what they are saying with what you guys are saying and it turns out you all feel the exact same way. And you don't come up with these issues. Rush or Fox first makes an issue out of something and you suckers run with it.

And you call the media liberal when you are being brainwashed through a corporate controlled media. Fact.
Based on your reply you probably have never read the Art of War? Or you don't understand the concept of winning a war without ever firing a shot? China is whipping the USA this way right now. And the GOP are waging class warfare on the middle class the same way too. Wake up. What happened to your 401K and home value?

The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting
Nope. I know the Art of War well. Maybe that's why I never noticed the Republicans are at war with me.

I love it when posters use the "wake up" order with me.

And she's saying that purely because of your lack of a democrat endorsement.

She doesn't know if you're a doctor, doesn't know if you have a dozen masters degrees, knows absolutely nothing about you. Like all hyperpartisan hacks, solely voting different than her makes you less aware of reality.
Yup. On the nose.
Well that is a lie.
The hearing was about the first amendment not womens health. The Democratic women tried to turn it into womens health.
The name of the hearing was - Lines crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The hearing was not about womans rights on health care.
The Democratic woman acted like spoiled rotten two year olds because they could not get their way.
They also proved that they do not like the constitution.

Us liberals are on to you. You guys are trying to make this about the first amendment but that's just you trying to control the message. And people see right through it.

When this idea doesn't work, move on to Solyndra or ACORN, ok? Let us know when you want to create another issue during an election year rather than talk about jobs.

I watched the hearing and it was about the 1st amendment.
It's the left who are against the constitution.
It is not about control it is about facts.
The hearing was called Lines crossed: Separation of Church and State.
Darrell Issa told the women that they could have their own hearing about womans health care but that this hearing was about the 1st amendment.
It's you liberals who can't or won't accept the truth. You have tunnel vision. It's our way or the highway mentality of the liberals. You all act like spoiled rotten children.
Yup. China is waging war on us right now and we are losing.

The Prez and the Dems are waging war on anyone who makes over $250,000 a year because they are "rich" and God know Barry and his boys want to spread the wealth and they could care who actually earned that wealth.

As for the GOP waging war on the middle class??

I think thats a load of bs as both parties are responsible for the shape this country is in.

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