Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....

As long as you aren't voting GOP then I'm happy. The rest I don't care about.
Who cares if he votes Republican. His one vote won't stop the beatdown that Obama is going to give Romney this November.

I'm sorry if this offends any of you. But sometimes the truth is offensive.
You started leaning left in 1997?

The Republicans and the corporate media got you conned buddy. They told you that Howard Dean was crazy and Michael Moore was evil and ruining America and you fell for it? They convinced you that your own government, made up of and for we the people is the problem when it fact, its the answer. When we take it back. Right now it is the problem because the rich own it! You can't deny that as a Ron Paul fan. You just believe in his ideas on how to fix the mess. I don't.

We don't want to tell you how to live your life. But you do live in a society so you do have to follow the rules Harry. What are the democrats trying to make you do?

i started leaning left in 97?....are you that stupid Bo?.....if i said i was a Democrat up until the mid nineties and then kicked this piss ant party to the curb....how in the fuck did i start leaning left when i was already LEFT?.....and i told you about your fucking masters Bo.....they tell you one thing and do the opposite behind your back.....but YOU cant see that because they have got you.....your hooked dude....i am not....look at the fucking crap you post....you sound like a fucking walking ad for these guys.....you tell everyone what they believe,who they vote for,even when someone tells you they dont,you just keep right on saying they do.....your gone Bo.....your Democrat fodder,and one day....your fucking eyes will be opened....probably when they fleece you for everything your worth.....geezus christ do you even realize how fucking controlled you seem to be....read what your posting....

I'm proud to be a progressive liberal Democrat Harry. I don't care what it sounds like to you. I'm firm in my convictions. You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

And sorry I'm not buying your Ron Paul bullshit either. How about first you convince enough Republicans to get him the nomination. If you can't even do that, shut the fuck up about Ron Paul.

When the Democrats let me down the way the GOP have let you down Harry, maybe then like you I will seek out and find a left version of Ron Paul. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Dennis Kucenich??? But right now I'm content with the Democratic party. I see no better alternative.

I'm not giving into any right wing bullshit. Not mitts, not Santorum and not Ron Paul. Good luck in November Harry.

And I don't care who they say they are voting for Harry. If they are coming here crying about abortion, I'm assuming they are voting for the GOP. And that is great for them Harry! The only women I really want to attract to this thread are women who like having the right to choose. Why'd you come here? Do you have a vajayjay Harry?

You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

actually it shows how little you know.....and it shows how controlled you are.....i have been living under Democratic rule since the 60's.....the Democrats have played a big part in destroying one of the greatest places to live on the planet.....and guess what Bo....they have fucked just as many people over as your buddies the Republicans.....they fucked the gays twice in the last 2 elections by telling them one thing,and doing another....cant see that can you.....of course not....your controlled not too....
i started leaning left in 97?....are you that stupid Bo?.....if i said i was a Democrat up until the mid nineties and then kicked this piss ant party to the curb....how in the fuck did i start leaning left when i was already LEFT?.....and i told you about your fucking masters Bo.....they tell you one thing and do the opposite behind your back.....but YOU cant see that because they have got you.....your hooked dude....i am not....look at the fucking crap you post....you sound like a fucking walking ad for these guys.....you tell everyone what they believe,who they vote for,even when someone tells you they dont,you just keep right on saying they do.....your gone Bo.....your Democrat fodder,and one day....your fucking eyes will be opened....probably when they fleece you for everything your worth.....geezus christ do you even realize how fucking controlled you seem to be....read what your posting....

I'm proud to be a progressive liberal Democrat Harry. I don't care what it sounds like to you. I'm firm in my convictions. You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

And sorry I'm not buying your Ron Paul bullshit either. How about first you convince enough Republicans to get him the nomination. If you can't even do that, shut the fuck up about Ron Paul.

When the Democrats let me down the way the GOP have let you down Harry, maybe then like you I will seek out and find a left version of Ron Paul. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Dennis Kucenich??? But right now I'm content with the Democratic party. I see no better alternative.

I'm not giving into any right wing bullshit. Not mitts, not Santorum and not Ron Paul. Good luck in November Harry.

And I don't care who they say they are voting for Harry. If they are coming here crying about abortion, I'm assuming they are voting for the GOP. And that is great for them Harry! The only women I really want to attract to this thread are women who like having the right to choose. Why'd you come here? Do you have a vajayjay Harry?

You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

actually it shows how little you know.....and it shows how controlled you are.....i have been living under Democratic rule since the 60's.....the Democrats have played a big part in destroying one of the greatest places to live on the planet.....and guess what Bo....they have fucked just as many people over as your buddies the Republicans.....they fucked the gays twice in the last 2 elections by telling them one thing,and doing another....cant see that can you.....of course not....your controlled not too....

A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll reveals the prolonged nominating battle is taking a toll on the GOP candidates and finds the president’s standing significantly improved from late last year.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is 53 percent, up 9 percentage points in four months. Matched up against his Republican opponents, he leads Mitt Romney by 10 points (53-43) and Rick Santorum by 11 (53-42). Even against a generic, unnamed Republican untarnished by attacks, Obama is up 5 percentage points. In November, he was tied.

Read more: Battleground Poll: GOP president?s race takes toll, Obama inches up - James Hohmann - POLITICO.com
It is a waste of time for women to have voting rights. They will only vote the same as their husbands. Women would be better set spending that time in the kitchen.
Women really are second class citizens. What do they make 60 cents for every dollar a man makes?

And notice we went with a black guy before we went for a woman president.
I'm proud to be a progressive liberal Democrat Harry. I don't care what it sounds like to you. I'm firm in my convictions. You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

And sorry I'm not buying your Ron Paul bullshit either. How about first you convince enough Republicans to get him the nomination. If you can't even do that, shut the fuck up about Ron Paul.

When the Democrats let me down the way the GOP have let you down Harry, maybe then like you I will seek out and find a left version of Ron Paul. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Dennis Kucenich??? But right now I'm content with the Democratic party. I see no better alternative.

I'm not giving into any right wing bullshit. Not mitts, not Santorum and not Ron Paul. Good luck in November Harry.

And I don't care who they say they are voting for Harry. If they are coming here crying about abortion, I'm assuming they are voting for the GOP. And that is great for them Harry! The only women I really want to attract to this thread are women who like having the right to choose. Why'd you come here? Do you have a vajayjay Harry?

You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

actually it shows how little you know.....and it shows how controlled you are.....i have been living under Democratic rule since the 60's.....the Democrats have played a big part in destroying one of the greatest places to live on the planet.....and guess what Bo....they have fucked just as many people over as your buddies the Republicans.....they fucked the gays twice in the last 2 elections by telling them one thing,and doing another....cant see that can you.....of course not....your controlled not too....

A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll reveals the prolonged nominating battle is taking a toll on the GOP candidates and finds the president’s standing significantly improved from late last year.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is 53 percent, up 9 percentage points in four months. Matched up against his Republican opponents, he leads Mitt Romney by 10 points (53-43) and Rick Santorum by 11 (53-42). Even against a generic, unnamed Republican untarnished by attacks, Obama is up 5 percentage points. In November, he was tied.

Read more: Battleground Poll: GOP president?s race takes toll, Obama inches up - James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

i can give a flying fuck about any of those people you just mentioned......but i did notice you did not answer what i said in my post.....most controlled Democrats like yourself just cant seem to want to explain the fall of the State of California....because if you did, you would then have to say the words your programing just wont let you say...."Democrats have fucked up"......its kinda like watching Fonzi say he is ....sorry.....
Women really are second class citizens. What do they make 60 cents for every dollar a man makes?

And notice we went with a black guy before we went for a woman president.
yea they are 2nd class till you wanna stick your 16 inches in them.....right Bo?.....
Women in the Post Office make just as much as a man......so i guess your wrong.....
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....

As long as you aren't voting GOP then I'm happy. The rest I don't care about.

sure you dont.....thats why your making all these accusations against everyone who is not a Democrat and has said they are not GOP .....
And you decide if you choose to get an abortion and you leave us alone. I don't know why you guys care. It isn't like you value life. Not even close. If you did care about life, you wouldn't have supported the Iraq war for profit and oil. How many soldiers died so oil and defense contractors could get rich?

hey Bobo how many Soldiers died in the 60's in Vietnam in that fucked up War started by your darlings?....who got rich then?....

Yes. And the Republicans back then were the non interventionists. What happened to that? Today the GOP are the war mongers. Fighting wars so we can steal oil and get rich off defense contractors.

Stop talking ancient history.

oh its always ancient history when the Democrats are at fault.....hey Bo a question.....if Obama and your buddies get us involved in another conflict.....will we see you here bad mouthing these guys for doing so?......or will you just be trying to justify their actions?.....
What a perfect example of the mind set of Dems............Boob, get your button that says I'm a Democrat and proud of it.

People like you are the very reason I left the Dem party. Please continue showing what a great representative of the party you are. Biggest difference is you say it, most of the others are too scared to actually type what they think or believe.

Second class female citizen.
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
So you believe James Carville the Spinmeister? the Spinmeister? the Spinmeister?

Oh, ok.

O here is to the spinmeister the spinmeister, the spinmeister,

O here is to the spinmesiter, the best in the land.

He's handsome, he's jolly, he's married--o Golly!

O here is to the spinmeister the best in the land.

I have a buddy dating this dingbat. One minute they love each other and the next they are calling the cops on each other. Anyways, one day they are breaking up and to punish him, she says she's pregnant and going to have an abortion.

He wanted to kill her! He wanted that child. But to punish him, she got an abortion.

And I would suggest that the world is better off. She's dingbat who does cocaine and parties all the time and she loves to do exstacy. She's a party girl. Do you really want her having a child? Do you think the world is better off with all the kids strippers have? Those girls running around having sex for money and doing drugs. Don't you think women like this should not have kids? Or would you prefer they just raise the next generation of strippers?

I think I'd find better friends, maybe the world would be better off without those two, we should just execute them both.

At least be glad they don't breed.

If they are having sex, there is potential, just execute them and find better friends.
Women really are second class citizens. What do they make 60 cents for every dollar a man makes?

And notice we went with a black guy before we went for a woman president.

Well Democrats have done a good job of making women second class citizens, they are all for women that know their proper place.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

Lefties who automatically assume THEIR opinions and positions represent ALL women's desires and best interests make me sick.
If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


Then you don't matter.

It appears that you are knowledgable enough to realize that on the next pitch you were going to strike out.

Good for you. You're learning. Proof that there is hope for even the biggest morons.

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Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

Republicans use words like liberty and oppression to brainwash you. What a vague talking point.

And yes the GOP does rely on dumbasses who need other idiots (rush, drudge and Fox) to email you with instructions. I follow what they are saying with what you guys are saying and it turns out you all feel the exact same way. And you don't come up with these issues. Rush or Fox first makes an issue out of something and you suckers run with it.

And you call the media liberal when you are being brainwashed through a corporate controlled media. Fact.

And you don't use words like "Women's Rights", "Reproductive Rights" etc to brainwash? Really?


I love how the left, supposed champions of women's equality, are always the first ones to assume that women are stupid, unable to think and analyze and make independent decisions, and that their needs, interests, and desires are all interchangeable parts of some herd mentality.

If women were a race rather than a sex, I'd call this one-size-fits-all, "all women are alike and not as smart" attitude racism.

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