Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

Women are coerced to abort a fetus by either husbands or boyfriends who do not want the additional responsibility or expense of a child; by parents who are ashamed of a teen pregnancy or who seek to conceal incest or rape; or by counselors, pastors and health professionals who insist this is in a woman’s best interest even when she doesn’t think so. Consider the pressures women face to abort a child:

"45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics said they urged abortion, including 37 percent of married men, according to the report “Forced Abortion in America” that compiled much of the research on this topic.

"Women are often threatened by male companions who take them to their abortion appointment, according to eyewitness accounts at abortion clinics. And women are also encouraged to abort their fetus by the staff at these clinics who have a vested interest in selling the procedure.

"Pressure to abort can consist of badgering a pregnant woman until she concedes, intimidation, blackmail and even violence. An astounding 64 percent of women say they were intensely pressured to abort their fetus, according to a 2004 study published in the Medical Science Monitor. Hundreds of women have come forward to tell their tale - and some of these stories have led to convictions of coercers."

EDITORIAL: Forced to abort - Washington Times

I have a buddy dating this dingbat. One minute they love each other and the next they are calling the cops on each other. Anyways, one day they are breaking up and to punish him, she says she's pregnant and going to have an abortion.

He wanted to kill her! He wanted that child. But to punish him, she got an abortion.

And I would suggest that the world is better off. She's dingbat who does cocaine and parties all the time and she loves to do exstacy. She's a party girl. Do you really want her having a child? Do you think the world is better off with all the kids strippers have? Those girls running around having sex for money and doing drugs. Don't you think women like this should not have kids? Or would you prefer they just raise the next generation of strippers?

I think I'd find better friends, maybe the world would be better off without those two, we should just execute them both.
i get told by "them" that by voting 3rd Party i am wasting a vote.....i feel if you vote the same old fuckers every few years your wasting the vote...not me.....

If you get what Ron Paul is saying then you can not in good conscience vote for Romney or Paul. Just like you can't vote for Obama. So vote for Paul.

My advice is to join the Democratic party. If everyone leaves the GOP who only serve the rich and bible thumpers, then they will be forced to change their ways. Right now they don't have to because they got enough of you middle class Americans conned into thinking you belong to the GOP.

And once 80% of us are voting Democratic, here is now we take our country back. If a Democrat serves the rich and not We the People, we recall them. But right now Republicans voters are defending republican politicians who are doing this very thing. Two great examples, Snyder in Michigan and Walker in Wisconsin. Where are you stupid middle class republicans on Citizens United???

What we don't do is reward the GOP for sabotaging the recovery ever since Democrats took control. We don't replace the party that can't with the party that won't.

i was born into a Democratic family Bo....in the 80's i was pretty much a Democrat, i did not care what the Republicans thought, could care less, i voted a Democratic ticket all the way.....i thought Reagan was an Asshole.....but around 96-97 things started changing....guys like Rdean and Chris started taking over the Party.....getting to far left for me....so i left and i will never go back until people like the 2 i just mentioned leave.....since i look at the Republicans with equal disdain,i will vote 3rd party probably for the rest of my days.....your wasting your time Bo.....the Democrats can care less about you and me....they are no different than the Republicans....they both want to tell you how to live....just different methods....one is in front of you...the other is doing it behind your back....

You started leaning left in 1997? That explains a lot. Right around that time they deregulated the media and that's when they started controlling the message. Even more proof you have been brainwashed. You mean to tell me when Newt and the GOP were acting like little bitches, trying to shut the government down because Clinton made him sit at the back of airforce one, and then they tried to bust Clinton for Monica when Newt was an even bigger scumbag? And that's when you started leaning left? What's wrong with you?

The Republicans and the corporate media got you conned buddy. They told you that Howard Dean was crazy and Michael Moore was evil and ruining America and you fell for it? They convinced you that your own government, made up of and for we the people is the problem when it fact, its the answer. When we take it back. Right now it is the problem because the rich own it! You can't deny that as a Ron Paul fan. You just believe in his ideas on how to fix the mess. I don't.

We don't want to tell you how to live your life. But you do live in a society so you do have to follow the rules Harry. What are the democrats trying to make you do?
Sadly, in this country you do.

I believe that is part of what is wrong with this country and if I were asked, "when did this country begin to fall apart?" I would say, "January 22, 1973".

That would be the date when I would say we started devaluing human life even though, it had to have happened before that particular day. And this country began to fall apart when we began to devalue the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

Instead of worshiping a fairytale, worship the earth.

Look at how far behind the radical muslims are? That is how Christians used to act 1000 years ago. Hopefully the young arabs will go through an enlightenment like we did in Europe and America and stop being so radical.
Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

Instead of worshiping a fairytale, worship the earth.

Look at how far behind the radical muslims are? That is how Christians used to act 1000 years ago. Hopefully the young arabs will go through an enlightenment like we did in Europe and America and stop being so radical.

Of course you do, you have proven your morals are extremely low in this thread, we would expect nothing less from you.

Sadly, in this country you do.

I believe that is part of what is wrong with this country and if I were asked, "when did this country begin to fall apart?" I would say, "January 22, 1973".

That would be the date when I would say we started devaluing human life even though, it had to have happened before that particular day. And this country began to fall apart when we began to devalue the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


The seed in my womb is not your brother or sister. This reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie. The preacher told Clint he couldn't throw all of his brothers and sisters into the streets. Clint said, "are they your brothers and sisters"? The preacher said yes. And Clint said, "good, then you won't mind them staying with you".

Reminds me of welfare. You righties want to cry about your unborn brothers and sisters but you don't give a crap about poor starving kids who are born to deadbeat Americans. Instead you are cutting their parents off. Fuck the kids, right Immie? So don't worry about my seed unless you are willing to help me pay for it, BROTHER.
You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

Instead of worshiping a fairytale, worship the earth.

Look at how far behind the radical muslims are? That is how Christians used to act 1000 years ago. Hopefully the young arabs will go through an enlightenment like we did in Europe and America and stop being so radical.

Of course you do, you have proven your morals are extremely low in this thread, we would expect nothing less from you.


But still you would want people like me raising a child rather than aborting?
Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


The seed in my womb is not your brother or sister. This reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie. The preacher told Clint he couldn't throw all of his brothers and sisters into the streets. Clint said, "are they your brothers and sisters"? The preacher said yes. And Clint said, "good, then you won't mind them staying with you".

Reminds me of welfare. You righties want to cry about your unborn brothers and sisters but you don't give a crap about poor starving kids who are born to deadbeat Americans. Instead you are cutting their parents off. Fuck the kids, right Immie? So don't worry about my seed unless you are willing to help me pay for it, BROTHER.

You have no idea what my stance on Welfare is and you just now proved you are not that smart. I'm not at all opposed to Welfare, except I do believe it should be a hand up rather than your idea of a tool for enslavement.

I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

Instead of worshiping a fairytale, worship the earth.

Look at how far behind the radical muslims are? That is how Christians used to act 1000 years ago. Hopefully the young arabs will go through an enlightenment like we did in Europe and America and stop being so radical.

Of course you do, you have proven your morals are extremely low in this thread, we would expect nothing less from you.


But still you would want people like me raising a child rather than aborting?

Your lack of morality is not the fault of your offspring. There is always hope for your offspring as long as it lives.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.


The seed in my womb is not your brother or sister. This reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie. The preacher told Clint he couldn't throw all of his brothers and sisters into the streets. Clint said, "are they your brothers and sisters"? The preacher said yes. And Clint said, "good, then you won't mind them staying with you".

Reminds me of welfare. You righties want to cry about your unborn brothers and sisters but you don't give a crap about poor starving kids who are born to deadbeat Americans. Instead you are cutting their parents off. Fuck the kids, right Immie? So don't worry about my seed unless you are willing to help me pay for it, BROTHER.

You have no idea what my stance on Welfare is and you just now proved you are not that smart. I'm not at all opposed to Welfare, except I do believe it should be a hand up rather than your idea of a tool for enslavement.


If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.
The seed in my womb is not your brother or sister. This reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie. The preacher told Clint he couldn't throw all of his brothers and sisters into the streets. Clint said, "are they your brothers and sisters"? The preacher said yes. And Clint said, "good, then you won't mind them staying with you".

Reminds me of welfare. You righties want to cry about your unborn brothers and sisters but you don't give a crap about poor starving kids who are born to deadbeat Americans. Instead you are cutting their parents off. Fuck the kids, right Immie? So don't worry about my seed unless you are willing to help me pay for it, BROTHER.

You have no idea what my stance on Welfare is and you just now proved you are not that smart. I'm not at all opposed to Welfare, except I do believe it should be a hand up rather than your idea of a tool for enslavement.


If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.

Women are coerced to abort a fetus by either husbands or boyfriends who do not want the additional responsibility or expense of a child; by parents who are ashamed of a teen pregnancy or who seek to conceal incest or rape; or by counselors, pastors and health professionals who insist this is in a woman’s best interest even when she doesn’t think so. Consider the pressures women face to abort a child:

"45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics said they urged abortion, including 37 percent of married men, according to the report “Forced Abortion in America” that compiled much of the research on this topic.

"Women are often threatened by male companions who take them to their abortion appointment, according to eyewitness accounts at abortion clinics. And women are also encouraged to abort their fetus by the staff at these clinics who have a vested interest in selling the procedure.

"Pressure to abort can consist of badgering a pregnant woman until she concedes, intimidation, blackmail and even violence. An astounding 64 percent of women say they were intensely pressured to abort their fetus, according to a 2004 study published in the Medical Science Monitor. Hundreds of women have come forward to tell their tale - and some of these stories have led to convictions of coercers."

EDITORIAL: Forced to abort - Washington Times

I have a buddy dating this dingbat. One minute they love each other and the next they are calling the cops on each other. Anyways, one day they are breaking up and to punish him, she says she's pregnant and going to have an abortion.

He wanted to kill her! He wanted that child. But to punish him, she got an abortion.

And I would suggest that the world is better off. She's dingbat who does cocaine and parties all the time and she loves to do exstacy. She's a party girl. Do you really want her having a child? Do you think the world is better off with all the kids strippers have? Those girls running around having sex for money and doing drugs. Don't you think women like this should not have kids? Or would you prefer they just raise the next generation of strippers?

I think I'd find better friends, maybe the world would be better off without those two, we should just execute them both.

At least be glad they don't breed.
You have no idea what my stance on Welfare is and you just now proved you are not that smart. I'm not at all opposed to Welfare, except I do believe it should be a hand up rather than your idea of a tool for enslavement.


If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


Then you don't matter.
Seriously, life isn't that precious.

You post shit like this and you don't like being told what an immoral piece of shit you are?

It all boils down to that very question Unkotare.

Is life so precious that we should ban abortion? I don't think so. I feel more pitty for a baby turtle that hatches in the sand and almost makes it to the ocean but then a seagull swoops down and eats the little guy. I feel more bad for that turtle than I do a seed that was just fertilized. Sorry if the truth hurts. You want to truth, right? I notice a lot of pro choice people don't like to engage pro lifers. Well i hope you enjoy because I like to tell it like it is.

And some people just shouldn't have children.

Or if I'm 18 and I'm a girl and I have a full ride basketball scholarship to Harvard and I get knocked up. While regretable, I'm getting an abortion and going to Harvard. That fertilized seed isn't that precious. And if it isn't to me, what is it to you?

In fact, this world is overpopulated. And we sit by knowing people in Africa are suffering yet we do nothing. Why? Because the world isn't perfect. People die. Every second probably.

And none of you pro lifers were anti Iraq war. Didn't seem to bother you guys that maybe 1 million people died for GW's mistake. But you care about unborn seeds? So you pick and choose when you are moral and when you are not.

How many pro lifers have ever said we should turn the middle east into a parking lot? But they care about life. Ok. I care more for the Iraqi 20 year old or grandmother than I do a seed. So I guess I care about life when it is actually alive and you care about the unborn but don't care about human suffering, starvation, torture, amputations or death.
You started leaning left in 1997?

The Republicans and the corporate media got you conned buddy. They told you that Howard Dean was crazy and Michael Moore was evil and ruining America and you fell for it? They convinced you that your own government, made up of and for we the people is the problem when it fact, its the answer. When we take it back. Right now it is the problem because the rich own it! You can't deny that as a Ron Paul fan. You just believe in his ideas on how to fix the mess. I don't.

We don't want to tell you how to live your life. But you do live in a society so you do have to follow the rules Harry. What are the democrats trying to make you do?

i started leaning left in 97?....are you that stupid Bo?.....if i said i was a Democrat up until the mid nineties and then kicked this piss ant party to the curb....how in the fuck did i start leaning left when i was already LEFT?.....and i told you about your fucking masters Bo.....they tell you one thing and do the opposite behind your back.....but YOU cant see that because they have got you.....your hooked dude....i am not....look at the fucking crap you post....you sound like a fucking walking ad for these guys.....you tell everyone what they believe,who they vote for,even when someone tells you they dont,you just keep right on saying they do.....your gone Bo.....your Democrat fodder,and one day....your fucking eyes will be opened....probably when they fleece you for everything your worth.....geezus christ do you even realize how fucking controlled you seem to be....read what your posting....
You started leaning left in 1997?

The Republicans and the corporate media got you conned buddy. They told you that Howard Dean was crazy and Michael Moore was evil and ruining America and you fell for it? They convinced you that your own government, made up of and for we the people is the problem when it fact, its the answer. When we take it back. Right now it is the problem because the rich own it! You can't deny that as a Ron Paul fan. You just believe in his ideas on how to fix the mess. I don't.

We don't want to tell you how to live your life. But you do live in a society so you do have to follow the rules Harry. What are the democrats trying to make you do?

i started leaning left in 97?....are you that stupid Bo?.....if i said i was a Democrat up until the mid nineties and then kicked this piss ant party to the curb....how in the fuck did i start leaning left when i was already LEFT?.....and i told you about your fucking masters Bo.....they tell you one thing and do the opposite behind your back.....but YOU cant see that because they have got you.....your hooked dude....i am not....look at the fucking crap you post....you sound like a fucking walking ad for these guys.....you tell everyone what they believe,who they vote for,even when someone tells you they dont,you just keep right on saying they do.....your gone Bo.....your Democrat fodder,and one day....your fucking eyes will be opened....probably when they fleece you for everything your worth.....geezus christ do you even realize how fucking controlled you seem to be....read what your posting....

I'm proud to be a progressive liberal Democrat Harry. I don't care what it sounds like to you. I'm firm in my convictions. You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

And sorry I'm not buying your Ron Paul bullshit either. How about first you convince enough Republicans to get him the nomination. If you can't even do that, shut the fuck up about Ron Paul.

When the Democrats let me down the way the GOP have let you down Harry, maybe then like you I will seek out and find a left version of Ron Paul. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Dennis Kucenich??? But right now I'm content with the Democratic party. I see no better alternative.

I'm not giving into any right wing bullshit. Not mitts, not Santorum and not Ron Paul. Good luck in November Harry.

And I don't care who they say they are voting for Harry. If they are coming here crying about abortion, I'm assuming they are voting for the GOP. And that is great for them Harry! The only women I really want to attract to this thread are women who like having the right to choose. Why'd you come here? Do you have a vajayjay Harry?
You have no idea what my stance on Welfare is and you just now proved you are not that smart. I'm not at all opposed to Welfare, except I do believe it should be a hand up rather than your idea of a tool for enslavement.


If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....
I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

The more people become like you, the better the world will be? What a fucking douchebag.

We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

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