Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

I am particularly moved by their insistence that they don't hate women...except for those fucking whores that make them pay child support and this fucking **** who dares to call it "coercion" when they intimidate their underage fuck buddies into getting an abortion...
If you are voting GOP then your party is cruel to poor kids who's parents might be worthless. Is that any reason to punish the kids? Take away their free lunch programs?

So don't cry about a seed because once its born, as far as your party is concerned, its on its own.

Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....

Well, since both parties are liberal left wing havens of immorality what else can be said about those of us who refuse to vote for either one?

No, I meant HE didn't, lol.

Even he does if he gets his better half pregnant.

And I say better half, because us guys all know our other halves are the better half... well, when they are within hearing range that is. :D


Nope. It's still HER right, not his. He has no rights whatsoever where the pregnancy is concerned.

Although I don't doubt for a second that he's enough of a selfish, self-absorbed ass as to try to pressure a woman into having an abortion purely for his own convenience. His posts make the picture of him as a cad who sees women merely as tools for him to use crystal-clear.
Oh he already admitted that he would. Reference his statements regarding the slut he got pregnant some time ago...first he denied it was his, then he told her to abort, then (allegedly) it turned out she wasn't pregnant.

He's a charmer. All about the rights of women.
Sadly, in this country you do.

I believe that is part of what is wrong with this country and if I were asked, "when did this country begin to fall apart?" I would say, "January 22, 1973".

That would be the date when I would say we started devaluing human life even though, it had to have happened before that particular day. And this country began to fall apart when we began to devalue the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

Oh dear God!! What an absolute fool you are. You have no right to any female's uterus, no matter how many you impregnate. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, even you should know that.

And BTW, since you are over 40 surely you understand that your masturbation alone cannot and will never produce a human. Just thought you might like to know. :razz:

And this is completely aside from the fact that his evil Nazi-esque eugenics rant is completely and utterly false, not to mention long-since debunked.
I never call gay people faggots. I call right wingers that when I'm mad at them.

And I'm not sure why the right discriminates against gay people.

Because faggot is a very hateful and insensitive word.

Probably why I chose it.

You want to be insensitive and hateful to homosexuals, that's fine by me, shows me your true colors, how about calling right wingers n*****s or c**ts? Wouldn't that work also?
I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

The more people become like you, the better the world will be? What a fucking douchebag.

We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

So you believe in controlling what you want to talk about and the hell with everyone else's opinion? Interesting coming from someone who calls themselves a liberal.
I think the more liberal and less religious people become, the better this world will be.

The more people become like you, the better the world will be? What a fucking douchebag.

We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

Why not practice what you preach? It seems you could abort your life, how is it better than anyone else's?
The more people become like you, the better the world will be? What a fucking douchebag.

We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

So you believe in controlling what you want to talk about and the hell with everyone else's opinion? Interesting coming from someone who calls themselves a liberal.

Just more of the same. Scratch a man who fights for abortion, find an anti-female, racist, abusive piece of shit who is truly more titillated by the thought of women being forced into the stirrups to hide whatever it is they've done to them than they are in anyone's "rights".

You guys want to operate under the premise that the Democratic party is just as bad as the GOP. That shows how little you know.

actually it shows how little you know.....and it shows how controlled you are.....i have been living under Democratic rule since the 60's.....the Democrats have played a big part in destroying one of the greatest places to live on the planet.....and guess what Bo....they have fucked just as many people over as your buddies the Republicans.....they fucked the gays twice in the last 2 elections by telling them one thing,and doing another....cant see that can you.....of course not....your controlled not too....

A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll reveals the prolonged nominating battle is taking a toll on the GOP candidates and finds the president’s standing significantly improved from late last year.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is 53 percent, up 9 percentage points in four months. Matched up against his Republican opponents, he leads Mitt Romney by 10 points (53-43) and Rick Santorum by 11 (53-42). Even against a generic, unnamed Republican untarnished by attacks, Obama is up 5 percentage points. In November, he was tied.

Read more: Battleground Poll: GOP president?s race takes toll, Obama inches up - James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

i can give a flying fuck about any of those people you just mentioned......but i did notice you did not answer what i said in my post.....most controlled Democrats like yourself just cant seem to want to explain the fall of the State of California....because if you did, you would then have to say the words your programing just wont let you say...."Democrats have fucked up"......its kinda like watching Fonzi say he is ....sorry.....

The fall of the state of California, just like Michigan, was because jobs went away. Jobs went away because of unregulated free trade. And it wasn't just automotive manufacturing that went overseas. What is Boeings biggest competitor? Lockhead??? Whoever it is, its a European company, and the Pentagon under Bush tried to give the contract to the foreign company.

If you can read this and still not understand why we are broke, I don't know what more I can say:

Over Last 10 Years, General Electric's Effective Tax Rate Was 2.3 Percent | ThinkProgress

Over Last 10 Years, General Electric’s Effective Tax Rate Was 2.3 Percent
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
So you believe James Carville the Spinmeister? the Spinmeister? the Spinmeister?

Oh, ok.

O here is to the spinmeister the spinmeister, the spinmeister,

O here is to the spinmesiter, the best in the land.

He's handsome, he's jolly, he's married--o Golly!

O here is to the spinmeister the best in the land.


Funny because it was Rush, not James Carville that today was voted the most hated News Personality. Google it.

If he being honest or fair, people wouldn't hate him the way we do.

Don't you righties typically agree with everything Rush says?
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

Lefties who automatically assume THEIR opinions and positions represent ALL women's desires and best interests make me sick.

Big difference. My way doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to do. If you want to have the baby, have it.

YOUR WAY, forces us to have a baby we don't want. We will fight you to the death to not allow you to take our rights away, just because you believe in a fairytale.
Republicans use words like liberty and oppression to brainwash you. What a vague talking point.

And yes the GOP does rely on dumbasses who need other idiots (rush, drudge and Fox) to email you with instructions. I follow what they are saying with what you guys are saying and it turns out you all feel the exact same way. And you don't come up with these issues. Rush or Fox first makes an issue out of something and you suckers run with it.

And you call the media liberal when you are being brainwashed through a corporate controlled media. Fact.

And you don't use words like "Women's Rights", "Reproductive Rights" etc to brainwash? Really?


I love how the left, supposed champions of women's equality, are always the first ones to assume that women are stupid, unable to think and analyze and make independent decisions, and that their needs, interests, and desires are all interchangeable parts of some herd mentality.

If women were a race rather than a sex, I'd call this one-size-fits-all, "all women are alike and not as smart" attitude racism.

Most women, if given all the facts, are pro choice. Even if they would never abort a child themselves, they argee that they should have the choice. Right wingers are going to cost themselves the 2012 elections because of all the anti abortion legislation they are cramming down our throats. And a lot of the shit they passed will end up being unconstitutional or recalled on a ballot initiative.
Again you show your lack of intelligence. It is a well known fact, that I am not voting for either Democrat or Republican.

Maybe you should stop while you are so far behind.


no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....

Well, since both parties are liberal left wing havens of immorality what else can be said about those of us who refuse to vote for either one?


So you aren't a Republican because they are too left for you? Oh my bad accusing you of being a Republican earlier. Instead I should have realized you are just some bat shit crazy right wing radical extremist christian. The Christian version of Radical Muslims.
Oh he already admitted that he would. Reference his statements regarding the slut he got pregnant some time ago...first he denied it was his, then he told her to abort, then (allegedly) it turned out she wasn't pregnant.

He's a charmer. All about the rights of women.

Yeah, I'm dying to hear ALL about his opinions of what is and isn't in my best interests as a woman . . . right after I have dinner with Dr. Hannibal Lecter, in fact.
The more people become like you, the better the world will be? What a fucking douchebag.

We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

Why not practice what you preach? It seems you could abort your life, how is it better than anyone else's?

Do you know it is illegal to suggest someone take their life? If I do it, you could be liable? Be careful you christian you. And don't be so attached to a seed in my womb that it makes you want a real living human being to die. What a hypocrite.

Oh I'm all for euthenasia. Aren't you guys against that too? If I have a painful incurable desease and I want to end my life, you guys want to force me to live through the pain rather than just take a pill or recieve a shot and go to sleep?

P.S. Based on your comment, you clearly don't realize the difference between a seed in the first trimester and a living breathing human being. There is a difference.
no Immie.....Bobo says you vote Republican.....so you must vote Republican....if you dont agree with Bobo the walking talking Democratic ad.....then your obviously a Republican....i mean....what else can you be?....i have told this Democratic Automaton that i cant stand both parties a couple of times so far.....and yet he still says i am a righty and a Ron Paul guy....:lol:.....hes a walking talking posting Democratic sound byte.....

Well, since both parties are liberal left wing havens of immorality what else can be said about those of us who refuse to vote for either one?


So you aren't a Republican because they are too left for you? Oh my bad accusing you of being a Republican earlier. Instead I should have realized you are just some bat shit crazy right wing radical extremist christian. The Christian version of Radical Muslims.

Strike three, moron. Off to the dugout for you where you can fantasize of raping more women.

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Oh he already admitted that he would. Reference his statements regarding the slut he got pregnant some time ago...first he denied it was his, then he told her to abort, then (allegedly) it turned out she wasn't pregnant.

He's a charmer. All about the rights of women.

Yeah, I'm dying to hear ALL about his opinions of what is and isn't in my best interests as a woman . . . right after I have dinner with Dr. Hannibal Lecter, in fact.

That's the fucking point stupid! It should be your choice. Not mine and not the GOP or their extreme right wing base of voters.

If every woman showed up to vote on this one issue, you would lose. And you know it.

But women don't show up. If they did, tell me how a black radical socialist muslim community organizer with ties to terrorists from Kenya beat Hillary for the Democratic nomination?
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Well, since both parties are liberal left wing havens of immorality what else can be said about those of us who refuse to vote for either one?


So you aren't a Republican because they are too left for you? Oh my bad accusing you of being a Republican earlier. Instead I should have realized you are just some bat shit crazy right wing radical extremist christian. The Christian version of Radical Muslims.

Strike three, moron. Off to the dugout for you where you can fantasize of raping more women.


Stop with the rape accusations. First, no one would rape you. 2, You can't rape the willing. 3. Daily Kos poll: Americans oppose state-mandated rape for women seeking abortions

Daily Kos: Daily Kos poll: Americans oppose state-mandated rape for women seeking abortions

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