Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

Oh, it's only okay to accuse people of promoting rape if it's a blatant LIE and propaganda tactic..

Dare to use it honestly, and shut the F*** up, bastard!

Just like it's okay for HIM to talk about abusing his ex girlfriend and force her into getting an abortion...but don't YOU dare mention it..that would be TACKY!
The fall of the state of California, just like Michigan, was because jobs went away. Jobs went away because of unregulated free trade. And it wasn't just automotive manufacturing that went overseas. What is Boeings biggest competitor? Lockhead??? Whoever it is, its a European company, and the Pentagon under Bush tried to give the contract to the foreign company.

oh thats the reason....jobs went away....:lol:....yea no shit Bo.....but then we have had Democrats in the State Legislator out here saying that aint so.....Companies are leaving at the same pace they were 20-30 years ago.....and these guys are running things,pretty out of touch is what they are.....its called excessive taxing and regulations imposed on the Companies Bo....California is no longer business friendly.....and your buddies actually sit around in Sacramento and wonder why is this happening....but wait....they did work on something to fix it.....now kids who have outgrown their car seats.....have to go back into them........yea that helped....even businesses that are making money are leaving because its better and cheaper elsewhere.....here is the top 6 responses the OC Register got in a poll of small business they conducted.....on why you are or might be leaving California......

1-We will go where we can operate profitably.
2-The way things are going we’ll have to move out of state just to survive.
3-Nevada and other states offer a much more friendly climate.
4-Ease of communication, travel and shipping make relocating less onerous.
5-If I am (still in business in 2014), it will be in another state. The business and regulatory climate in CA is too oppressive.
6-I already moved as much as possible out of CA, but I will not abandon my clients here and will keep a satellite office.
We are over populated. We'd be better off if 1 out of every 2 pregnacies were aborted.

And this thread is for women who are pro choice. If you are not, scram. :lol:

Why not practice what you preach? It seems you could abort your life, how is it better than anyone else's?

Do you know it is illegal to suggest someone take their life? If I do it, you could be liable? Be careful you christian you. And don't be so attached to a seed in my womb that it makes you want a real living human being to die. What a hypocrite.

Oh I'm all for euthenasia. Aren't you guys against that too? If I have a painful incurable desease and I want to end my life, you guys want to force me to live through the pain rather than just take a pill or recieve a shot and go to sleep?

P.S. Based on your comment, you clearly don't realize the difference between a seed in the first trimester and a living breathing human being. There is a difference.

I'm telling you to practice what you preach and when did I become a Christian?
We will fight you to the death to not allow you to take our rights away.

You would fight (if you were to really fight for anything instead of just mouthing off) on behalf of death, and any talk of 'rights' from the likes of you rings quite hollow when you would so callously take away the most fundamental life from others.
You want to be insensitive and hateful to homosexuals, that's fine by me, shows me your true colors, how about calling right wingers n*****s or c**ts? Wouldn't that work also?

Grow a pair pussy.

Shut the fuck up, you death-worshipping fucking bigot.

He is such an ass, like dumb ass liberals it's okay for him to use slurs but those on the right aren't allowed. He might want to get a clue on how his ignorance is bigotry. What an asshole!
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We will fight you to the death to not allow you to take our rights away.

You would fight (if you were to really fight for anything instead of just mouthing off) on behalf of death, and any talk of 'rights' from the likes of you rings quite hollow when you would so callously take away the most fundamental life from others.

I found two women who agree with me on this subject:

A Donna B wrote to me:

Since taking over the House in 2011, Republicans have done everything in their power to declare war on the middle class, seniors and women.

Is Donna B wrong?

And then a Diana D wrote to me:

What are Republicans so afraid of that they won’t even give women a seat at the table to discuss women’s issues? Frankly, it doesn't matter what their excuse is. Never in my lifetime have I seen Republicans in Congress so determined to silence women and deny us access to basic preventative health care.

Is she wrong too?
Since they are just extensions of your imagination, and you are always wrong, then yes..they are wrong.
Now you want me to frame the topic to your liking? Instead of you attacking women's rights, you want me to say this is about the first amendment?

You republicans are masters of controlling the topic. Sorry, this is about women's rights, not the first amendment.

The hearing had nothing to do with womens rights.
It's about how James Carville changed the topic to womans health care.
The left have been trying to make it into womans health care.
Facts a Facts sealybobo.
The hearing was about the 1st amendment not womens health care.
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The 2nd half of the meeting had women speaking. There was suppose to be 3 men and 3 women but one woman did not show up. She was probably angry because she found out it was not about women's contraception.
It's the Democrats who are masters at spinning and controlling the topic. Carville's e-mail is a perfect example.
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Since they are just extensions of your imagination, and you are always wrong, then yes..they are wrong.

Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

She wondered aloud “why extremists are always focusing on women—the reason is a mystery to me,” but it’s the same the world over, no matter what the ideology. “They all want to somehow control … the decisions we make about our own body. It’s hard to believe even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and reject efforts to marginalize any one of us.”
Since they are just extensions of your imagination, and you are always wrong, then yes..they are wrong.

Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

She wondered aloud “why extremists are always focusing on women—the reason is a mystery to me,” but it’s the same the world over, no matter what the ideology. “They all want to somehow control … the decisions we make about our own body. It’s hard to believe even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and reject efforts to marginalize any one of us.”

Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.
Since they are just extensions of your imagination, and you are always wrong, then yes..they are wrong.

Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

...tell the stories of women who would be helped by comprehensive reproductive healthcare, particularly affordable access to contraception through insurance....

I would like to take this opportunity to take a step back to exactly two years ago and acknowledge the tremendous difference that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is making and will continue to make in women's lives everywhere.

This law, also known as health reform or OBAMACARE, will benefit over 45 million women in our country through increased access to preventive care services without copays and deductibles. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act's new requirements that private insurance and Medicare cover these services without cost-sharing, by the time the law is fully implemented in 2014, women will benefit from, among other services: mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, pre and post natal care, flu shots, regular well-baby, well-child and well-woman visits, domestic violence screening, and the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives.

Progressives faught for and got you this stupid!

And just as we will not be silenced when we are verbally attacked for speaking out, we will not go back to a society without this care. My colleagues and friends at my university who struggle with polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, unintended pregnancy, and even the terrible consequences of sexual assault understand what it's like for someone else to make their health care decisions for them. New moms who need to space their children, young women who are starting their careers, and low income women who struggle to afford basic necessities understand the need to control their reproduction.

look forward to never again hearing about a friend who lost her ovary to a tennis ball-sized cyst because she couldn't afford to keep paying for contraception out of pocket. I look forward to the unintended pregnancy rate in our country, which is stuck at half of all pregnancies, finally declining. I look forward to more women surviving breast and cervical cancer because they were diagnosed early. I look forward to the end of gender rating in insurance, which can inflate premiums for young women by 150% compared to their male counterparts, and which costs women of all ages an extra $1 billion per year. And I look forward to knowing that when my friends choose to start their families, they will not be faced with the 87% of individual insurance plans that do not currently cover maternity care, and they will not be labeled as having a "preexisting condition" if it turns out they need a C-section.

Sandra Fluke is a third-year law student at Georgetown University Law Center and has served as President of Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice.
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Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

...tell the stories of women who would be helped by comprehensive reproductive healthcare, particularly affordable access to contraception through insurance....

I would like to take this opportunity to take a step back to exactly two years ago and acknowledge the tremendous difference that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is making and will continue to make in women's lives everywhere.

This law, also known as health reform or OBAMACARE, will benefit over 45 million women in our country through increased access to preventive care services without copays and deductibles. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act's new requirements that private insurance and Medicare cover these services without cost-sharing, by the time the law is fully implemented in 2014, women will benefit from, among other services: mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, pre and post natal care, flu shots, regular well-baby, well-child and well-woman visits, domestic violence screening, and the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives.

Progressives faught for and got you this stupid!

And just as we will not be silenced when we are verbally attacked for speaking out, we will not go back to a society without this care. My colleagues and friends at my university who struggle with polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, unintended pregnancy, and even the terrible consequences of sexual assault understand what it's like for someone else to make their health care decisions for them. New moms who need to space their children, young women who are starting their careers, and low income women who struggle to afford basic necessities understand the need to control their reproduction.

look forward to never again hearing about a friend who lost her ovary to a tennis ball-sized cyst because she couldn't afford to keep paying for contraception out of pocket. I look forward to the unintended pregnancy rate in our country, which is stuck at half of all pregnancies, finally declining. I look forward to more women surviving breast and cervical cancer because they were diagnosed early. I look forward to the end of gender rating in insurance, which can inflate premiums for young women by 150% compared to their male counterparts, and which costs women of all ages an extra $1 billion per year. And I look forward to knowing that when my friends choose to start their families, they will not be faced with the 87% of individual insurance plans that do not currently cover maternity care, and they will not be labeled as having a "preexisting condition" if it turns out they need a C-section.

Sandra Fluke is a third-year law student at Georgetown University Law Center and has served as President of Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice.


PS..there is no evidence that reproductive health care *helps* anyone. In fact, since PP went into business, abortions, out of wedlock birth, single parent households, crime, child abuse, child murder...have all INCREASED.

Also, explain to me the yard stick by which you measure "benefit"..when women already have access to free reproductive care in this country? This idiotic plan doesn't provide them with anything they don't already have...and it hasn't helped with any of the problems that were supposed to be greatly reduced or eliminated. I think we even have the same number of botched abortion deaths now as we did before abortion was legal...though the number was never huge anyway. That's just another lie.
Since they are just extensions of your imagination, and you are always wrong, then yes..they are wrong.

Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

She wondered aloud “why extremists are always focusing on women—the reason is a mystery to me,” but it’s the same the world over, no matter what the ideology. “They all want to somehow control … the decisions we make about our own body. It’s hard to believe even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and reject efforts to marginalize any one of us.”

Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

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