Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

I didn't create this thread because I hate women stupid. Men who don't vote make me sick too.

But this thread is about the GOP's attack on women specifically. That's why I specifically called out women. Because the GOP are directly attacking them. Why can't you get that? Is it because you are stupid or are you just trying to spin this to something that it is not because you know I'm right.

Proof I'm right is that by a 2-1 margain, women agree that the GOP are attacking their rights. Sorry I'm right. You will have to get use to it. It happens a lot.

Stop being a dummy and saying I hate women. It only makes you seem dumber each time you do it. Stick with the topic. Either you want to argue that the GOP aren't attacking women or you are ok with people that don't vote. Which is it retard?

You're not being specific enough, obviously anyone with at least half a brain can see you hate everyone who doesn't worship Obama. You hate lots of men and women who vote.

True. Its hard to like people who think you are going to hell and who harm the entire American Middle Class.

See there you go, I don't think it's possible for you to hate less people, but you can at least be more honest and make sure everyone knows all the people you hate.
You're not being specific enough, obviously anyone with at least half a brain can see you hate everyone who doesn't worship Obama. You hate lots of men and women who vote.

True. Its hard to like people who think you are going to hell and who harm the entire American Middle Class.

See there you go, I don't think it's possible for you to hate less people, but you can at least be more honest and make sure everyone knows all the people you hate.

I was told not to say I hate anyone, but you people know who you are.

Hey, where is your outcry about your liberties?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.
True. Its hard to like people who think you are going to hell and who harm the entire American Middle Class.

See there you go, I don't think it's possible for you to hate less people, but you can at least be more honest and make sure everyone knows all the people you hate.

I was told not to say I hate anyone, but you people know who you are.

Hey, where is your outcry about your liberties?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.

Yes, those of us who think independently and don't just parrot DNC talking points, you hate. We know.

I was told this kind of stuff wouldn't happen under The Obama, surely he'll make it right.
See there you go, I don't think it's possible for you to hate less people, but you can at least be more honest and make sure everyone knows all the people you hate.

I was told not to say I hate anyone, but you people know who you are.

Hey, where is your outcry about your liberties?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.

Yes, those of us who think independently and don't just parrot DNC talking points, you hate. We know.

I was told this kind of stuff wouldn't happen under The Obama, surely he'll make it right.

I like you cons as much as you like us liberals.
See there you go, I don't think it's possible for you to hate less people, but you can at least be more honest and make sure everyone knows all the people you hate.

I was told not to say I hate anyone, but you people know who you are.

Hey, where is your outcry about your liberties?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.

Yes, those of us who think independently and don't just parrot DNC talking points, you hate. We know.

I was told this kind of stuff wouldn't happen under The Obama, surely he'll make it right.

And funny for someone who thinks independently, you sure sound exactly like Bush, Rush, Romney, Drudge and Fox News.
First of all, in any given election, women are the majority of voters. If women wanted to vote a monolithic bloc, then there's nothing men could do about it. But they do not. What you mean to say isn't that women who don't vote make you mad, but women who don't vote as you want them to make you mad. Second of all, the U.S. is a representative democracy. That means that, as I'm sure we're all aware, the general populace votes for politicians who they feel best serves their interest. That can be a man or a woman. The idea that only a female politician can act in the best regards to females in the U.S. is ridiculously flawed, since it labors under the assumption that any specific female candidate garners the majority of female votes and/or would better serve the general female public than a male.

Way off base! Where to begin.

First of all, I don't care which way women vote. If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

And women need to know that one or two Supreme Court seats might be up for grabs in the next 4 years. If the GOP appoint one or two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, they will overturn Roe V Wade.

But I do think that women will overwhelmingly decide to keep their right to choose for themselves.

Look at your unAmerican position on voting. You guys don't want the masses to show up. Remember going into poor ghettos and asking a few ignorant poor people about issues and they were not up on the issues. In other words you suggest they should't vote. But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed? Isn't that almost the same thing?

I thought in America all citizens should be encouraged to vote and we say that if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. What ever happened to that? Is it because Republicans always benefit from low voter turn out?

I want every citizen who can to show up and vote. Man or woman. If voter turn out is great, the Democrats will win.

That's why me and James Carville love that you are attacking women. Bigger voting block than Catholics I'll tell you that much. :lol:

Code for the more illegal votes the better.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

are you really gonna sit there and say that only one party has oppressed us? really?

:lol: Busted again, CG. Tell us again how you are not a conservative.
I was told not to say I hate anyone, but you people know who you are.

Hey, where is your outcry about your liberties?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that officials may strip-search people arrested for any offense, however minor, before admitting them to jails even if the officials have no reason to suspect the presence of contraband.

Yes, those of us who think independently and don't just parrot DNC talking points, you hate. We know.

I was told this kind of stuff wouldn't happen under The Obama, surely he'll make it right.

And funny for someone who thinks independently, you sure sound exactly like Bush, Rush, Romney, Drudge and Fox News.

I hate Bush, hate Rush, hate Romney, have never read Drudge and think Fox News is the worst of the mainstream media outlets.

Just because I hate your gods and heros too, doesn't mean i like the other party.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

Hey dummy. Look how way ahead of the issues I am. I brought this up long before it became the issue of the day.

And women have decided. For every 2 that agree with me, one agrees with you. That makes you a minority stupid. Fringe thinker.

Apparently it is you and your party that hates women, not me.
Yes, those of us who think independently and don't just parrot DNC talking points, you hate. We know.

I was told this kind of stuff wouldn't happen under The Obama, surely he'll make it right.

And funny for someone who thinks independently, you sure sound exactly like Bush, Rush, Romney, Drudge and Fox News.

I hate Bush, hate Rush, hate Romney, have never read Drudge and think Fox News is the worst of the mainstream media outlets.

Just because I hate your gods and heros too, doesn't mean i like the other party.

I smell a rat who's pitching the rights agenda. You will no doubt end up voting Romney. And I completely disagree with that decision.
Lefties who can't tell the difference between liberty and oppression make me sick. Just goes to show... some of us are dumbasses who need other idiots to email them with instructions on what to think... others of us rely on our own intellect to understand the issue.

are you really gonna sit there and say that only one party has oppressed us? really?

:lol: Busted again, CG. Tell us again how you are not a conservative.

There are 7 kinds of Republican idiots. Although she falls into several catagories, she also qualifies for the lowest of Republicans.

Extremely Idiotic Republicans:
These Republicans are Republicans because they think it’s cool. They have a Republican in one of the other groups listed, so they think they know what they’re talking about. They have terrible spelling and grammar but they expect you to believe whatever they say because they are saying it to you.

The reason why this type of Republican is an idiot:

It’s hard to tell if they ever made it past the 4th grade. Most of their posts are illegible. They don’t know anything about their position other than what they have heard their friends say. They think that Republicans are fiscally conservative because they say that they are, and call anyone that doesn’t agree with them sheep. They ignore all historical information that is contradictory to what they say. They are 100% blind to facts.

What to Remember when debating them:

No amount of facts or logic will ever convince them that their buddies are wrong. You could be a college professor and they will still think that your opinion isn’t credible. Instead of trying to argue with them try explaining Algebra to your dog. I’m sure it will be much more productive.
And funny for someone who thinks independently, you sure sound exactly like Bush, Rush, Romney, Drudge and Fox News.

I hate Bush, hate Rush, hate Romney, have never read Drudge and think Fox News is the worst of the mainstream media outlets.

Just because I hate your gods and heros too, doesn't mean i like the other party.

I smell a rat who's pitching the rights agenda. You will no doubt end up voting Romney. And I completely disagree with that decision.

I got tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and stopped after 1988 because it didn't make any difference. Congratulations, you've actually found an evil who's bad enough to vote for the lesser evil. I will vote for Romney, and I'm proud of it.
I hate Bush, hate Rush, hate Romney, have never read Drudge and think Fox News is the worst of the mainstream media outlets.

Just because I hate your gods and heros too, doesn't mean i like the other party.

I smell a rat who's pitching the rights agenda. You will no doubt end up voting Romney. And I completely disagree with that decision.

I got tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and stopped after 1988 because it didn't make any difference. Congratulations, you've actually found an evil who's bad enough to vote for the lesser evil. I will vote for Romney, and I'm proud of it.

So don't try to bullshit me. You and the "I hated Bush I'm a Ron Paul Supporters" liked being able to distance yourselves from the failed Bush and Romney polices but as I suspected, you will fall in line when they tell you who you can vote for.
On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet
I will be voting against Mitch though.

Okay, what is it going to take, hum? (LOL) How much, huh? What it going to take to buy your vote? Tell me now, what does your neighbor have that you don't have that I can redistribute to you to close this deal, hum? Say, you got a nice patio set yet? Your neighbor does . ... did, LOL. You got heath care for your pets yet, we can make your employees pay for that too. Oh, what about an apple iPud2, you're not an equal and life's not fair unless you got one of them thingies these days (tomorrow it will of course be something else). How about birth controllers, got enough of them? I can get you a crate of balloons and some coat hangers for free if you only vote for ME ME ME!

Not voting is like tossing free bribes away. :tongue:

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