Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

I smell a rat who's pitching the rights agenda. You will no doubt end up voting Romney. And I completely disagree with that decision.

I got tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and stopped after 1988 because it didn't make any difference. Congratulations, you've actually found an evil who's bad enough to vote for the lesser evil. I will vote for Romney, and I'm proud of it.

So don't try to bullshit me. You and the "I hated Bush I'm a Ron Paul Supporters" liked being able to distance yourselves from the failed Bush and Romney polices but as I suspected, you will fall in line when they tell you who you can vote for.

I said I'm going to vote for Romney, so how exactly did I "try to bullshit" you?
On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?
be careful what you wish for

Everyone knows it is the GOP who want low voter turn out and that Democrats win everytime more people show up. That is why the GOP always wins midterms.

Wasn't their a stronger than normal turnout in 2010?

See a pattern here? So the poor and middle class only have themselves to blame. I only put WOMEN who don't vote make me sick to draw attention but honestly anyone who doesn't vote makes me sick. Midterms are the rich/gop's secret weapon.

2012 240,926,957 53.6%
2010 235,809,266 37.8%
2008 231,229,580 56.8%
2006 220,600,000 37.1
2004 221,256,931 55.3
2002 215,473,000 37.0
2000 205,815,000 51.3
1998 200,929,000 36.4
1996 196,511,000 49.1
1994 193,650,000 130,292,822 75,105,860 38.8
1992 189,529,000 133,821,178 104,405,155 55.1
1990 185,812,000 121,105,630 67,859,189 36.5
1988 182,778,000 126,379,628 91,594,693 50.1
1986 178,566,000 118,399,984 64,991,128 36.4
1984 174,466,000 124,150,614 92,652,680 53.1
1982 169,938,000 110,671,225 67,615,576 39.8
1980 164,597,000 113,043,734 86,515,221 52.6
1978 158,373,000 103,291,265 58,917,938 37.2
1976 152,309,190 105,037,986 81,555,789 53.6
1974 146,336,000 96,199,0201 55,943,834 38.2
1972 140,776,000 97,328,541 77,718,554 55.2
1970 124,498,000 82,496,7472 58,014,338 46.6
1968 120,328,186 81,658,180 73,211,875 60.8
1966 116,132,000 76,288,2833 56,188,046 48.4
1964 114,090,000 73,715,818 70,644,592 61.9
1962 112,423,000 65,393,7514 53,141,227 47.3
1960 109,159,000 64,833,0965 68,838,204
On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?

Most prominent is Trump’s newly found belief that women should be punished for having abortions. I know, he walked it back, but what’s blurted first is usually more indicative of true beliefs than what’s denied later. he’s made a tentative peace with Paul Ryan, who believes Social Security is too generous and should be privatized. Ryan is in lock-step with the Republican party position, which has always been to cut, privatize, and means-test Social Security. All of these schemes would hurt women, who are the largest group of elderly in poverty.

It all adds up to one thing: if Donald Trump loves women, it’s mighty tough love indeed.
On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

Do you lie awake at night dreaming this stupid shit up?

He sure does.
be careful what you wish for

Everyone knows it is the GOP who want low voter turn out and that Democrats win everytime more people show up. That is why the GOP always wins midterms.

Wasn't their a stronger than normal turnout in 2010?
I've known you this long? Anyways, this thread is meant to get people to vote. Not just women. I just think it's an attention grabber title. Why would just women make me sick? I must be a woman hater. Then you find out I'm just trying to be provocative
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
Hey ladies! For the first time in my life I'm going to tell you to believe Republicans. Believe them when they say they will appoint conservatives who will take your right to choose away.

Ultimately if you get pregnant and having the baby isn't what you want to do, tough.

I guess if women don't care why should I?
be careful what you wish for

Everyone knows it is the GOP who want low voter turn out and that Democrats win everytime more people show up. That is why the GOP always wins midterms.

Wasn't their a stronger than normal turnout in 2010?
No. A lot of Republicans turned out but clearly if Obama won in 2012 & 2008, but not in 10 & 14, clearly stupid lazy Obama voters only vote every 4 years.

I didn't know I've known you for 5 years! Wow
First of all, in any given election, women are the majority of voters. If women wanted to vote a monolithic bloc, then there's nothing men could do about it. But they do not. What you mean to say isn't that women who don't vote make you mad, but women who don't vote as you want them to make you mad. Second of all, the U.S. is a representative democracy. That means that, as I'm sure we're all aware, the general populace votes for politicians who they feel best serves their interest. That can be a man or a woman. The idea that only a female politician can act in the best regards to females in the U.S. is ridiculously flawed, since it labors under the assumption that any specific female candidate garners the majority of female votes and/or would better serve the general female public than a male.

Yea but are men representing women properly in Washington? I don't think so.

And why are there so few women politicians? This might help explain it

Everyone Missed A Key Reason There Are So Few Women Leaders | HuffPost

In the business world, the number of female CEOs is actually falling. In the political world, well, things are not great.

For years, researchers have mostly pinned the blame on women themselves. Motherhood derails women’s careers, according to one argument. Or maybe women aren’t ambitious enough; they need to “lean in.” The New York Times recently said male-dominated boardrooms are the problem. Sexism does get highlighted as an explanation. Same with microaggressions.

Yet as so many women have come forward to tell stories of sexual harassment thanks to the Me Too movement, it’s become painfully clear that something else is going on. And it’s not women’s fault.

Sexual harassment plays a major role in keeping women down, but for all these years researchers have barely considered this as a factor.

The best way to combat harassment? The answer is simple, Dobbin writes in a recent article. “Hire and promote more women.”

The logic is easy to follow. “If all the important meetings have fifty percent women, none of them happen in strip clubs,” Dobbin told HuffPost.

So more women leaders leads to less harassment, but in the meantime harassment is leading more women to leave companies. It’s a pernicious cycle that researchers are only beginning to understand.
be careful what you wish for

Everyone knows it is the GOP who want low voter turn out and that Democrats win everytime more people show up. That is why the GOP always wins midterms.

Wasn't their a stronger than normal turnout in 2010?
I don't know but I just saw this

All of these candidates, if they win, are expected to do so on the backs of white suburban women. In the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, Democrats have a 55 percent to 37 percent lead over Republicans among female voters. Men favor Republicans by a narrower margin, 50 percent to 43 percent.

Democrats Expecting Big House, Gubernatorial Gains On Election Night | HuffPost

I can't believe we won't win the Senate too.
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.

Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.
Actually people in general who don't vote make me sick, but this email I got was from James Carville and it was addressed to women. I wanted to share it:

Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Last week it was a Congressional panel on women’s health with five men and no women. This week, it was the GOP presidential candidates debating what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their own health care choices.

This Republican War on Women has got to come to a stop. ....show these Republicans that we won’t let them get away with this nonsense.

It ain’t rocket science. If Congress wants to mess around with women’s health care, women have got to be part of the discussion. Maybe Republicans don’t get it. But looking at the numbers, I can tell you that voters do get it.

Look at how many women are running this year. Most of them are Democrats.

Women said they wanted to vote for a woman, just not that woman, referring to Hillary. Now is their chance to prove it. Lots of women on the ballot this year. Most of them with D's next to their names.

The Republicans only run white men


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