Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

Is Hillary wrong too?

Hillary Clinton: It

She wondered aloud “why extremists are always focusing on women—the reason is a mystery to me,” but it’s the same the world over, no matter what the ideology. “They all want to somehow control … the decisions we make about our own body. It’s hard to believe even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and reject efforts to marginalize any one of us.”

Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

Yes, we know you cant give away your liberties fast enough. Corruption is no concern as long its your guys, youve been very clear
Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

Yes, we know you cant give away your liberties fast enough. Corruption is no concern as long its your guys, youve been very clear

Fact is jackoff, the GOP can not undo what they have done. Mitt can't flip flop and say that he is now in favor of birth control or collective bargaining. So you will lose in November.

Liberties. :cuckoo: You think anyone is buying that argument? Republicans talk about liberties and freedom and Democrats talk about fairness. And America understands your idea of freedom is to return us to the days when there is a small ruling class and the masses are poor surfs. And you think you will be someone who benefits from this? Wake up stupid. :lol:

President Obama has opened the first significant lead of the 2012 campaign in the nation’s dozen top battleground states, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, boosted by a huge shift of women to his side.

In the fifth Swing States survey taken since last fall, Obama leads Republican front-runner Mitt Romney 51%-42% among registered voters just a month after the president had trailed him by two percentage points.

The biggest change came among women under 50.
Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

Yes, we know you cant give away your liberties fast enough. Corruption is no concern as long its your guys, youve been very clear

Fact is jackoff, the GOP can not undo what they have done. Mitt can't flip flop and say that he is now in favor of birth control or collective bargaining. So you will lose in November.

Liberties. :cuckoo: You think anyone is buying that argument? Republicans talk about liberties and freedom and Democrats talk about fairness. And America understands your idea of freedom is to return us to the days when there is a small ruling class and the masses are poor surfs. And you think you will be someone who benefits from this? Wake up stupid. :lol:

President Obama has opened the first significant lead of the 2012 campaign in the nation’s dozen top battleground states, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, boosted by a huge shift of women to his side.

In the fifth Swing States survey taken since last fall, Obama leads Republican front-runner Mitt Romney 51%-42% among registered voters just a month after the president had trailed him by two percentage points.

The biggest change came among women under 50.

Crystal balls are fun!!! Which brand are you using. Is that ole Bias you are wearing?

I am not a poll smoker such as you. Too many instances in history that show your Rah Rah rally the troops is fucking meaningless.

You get ill if others don't do as you wish they would, such as vote? Seems like there might be a new disease inflecting many these days causing the same. So, (LOL) who do you insist they vote for? Hum?

( Wow. :cuckoo: )

Crap, am I the only one left on the planet that doesn't have a list of things I want you all to do as I command, least I become ill too or get all chaosy on you all? :lol:
You want to be insensitive and hateful to homosexuals, that's fine by me, shows me your true colors, how about calling right wingers n*****s or c**ts? Wouldn't that work also?

Grow a pair pussy.

Can't stand on your merit and resort to name calling and attacking the messenger, interesting tactic.

I don't give a fuck about you right wing retards enough to not resort to name calling. You can all eat a dick.

I have tried very hard to discuss/debate with right wingers but it is pointless. Now I only come here to make sure the left isn't being bullied by you right wing liars and fools. Or like todays poll shows, just how out of touch and unpopular your positions are.

I have been doing this for 30 years. Nothing will change your minds. My job is to just make sure independents or undecideds don't buy your bullshit.
You get ill if others don't do as you wish they would, such as vote? Seems like there might be a new disease inflecting many these days causing the same. So, (LOL) who do you insist they vote for? Hum?

( Wow. :cuckoo: )

Crap, am I the only one left on the planet that doesn't have a list of things I want you all to do as I command, least I become ill too or get all chaosy on you all? :lol:

If the GOP win, all of our lives get worse. The rich get richer and the masses get poorer.

But the right wing brainwashed voters watched the GOP drive our economy off a cliff and they still say vote GOP?

Vote for Romney? A return to the Bush policies?

If you aren't warning people not to vote GOP, you should start. No big deal though. Looks like we're not going to need your help. :lol:

Blaming Obama for the economy is like blaming the breakfast cook in the morning for your hangover.
If the GOP win, all of our lives get worse. The rich get richer and the masses get poorer

First, that doesn't sound worse for the rich, so how do "all our lives get worse?"

Second, I'll fix it for you based on reality.

The rich get richer and the masses get jobs

What a pleasant change that would be. Hmmm, seems the part on all our lives getting worse was completely wrong...
Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

Yes, we know you cant give away your liberties fast enough. Corruption is no concern as long its your guys, youve been very clear

So I just heard that the Supreme Court ruled that if you are the passanger in a car, the police can ask you for ID. Even if you did nothing wrong, they can bother you. And if you don't have ID, or if you have outstanding parking tickets, they can arrest you and you can be strip searched?

Is that what you call liberties and freedom?

Am I free to have an abortion?

And I hear the GOP are trying to pass a law that says it is illegal to lie to the cops. So the Courts ruled not too long ago that Fox News can lie but I can't? How free am I?

And can I build a mosque 2 blocks away from ground zero?

You right wingers make me laugh. Your own party is taking away your freedom and liberties.
Well that is a lie.
The hearing was about the first amendment not womens health. The Democratic women tried to turn it into womens health.
The name of the hearing was - Lines crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The hearing was not about womans rights on health care.
The Democratic woman acted like spoiled rotten two year olds because they could not get their way.
They also proved that they do not like the constitution.

I was really scatching my head over your post ... Gee Whiz, who could be THAT dense.

Then I saw your location. SE AZ, sez it all.

You're still mad about 1070 and white supremacist Pearce. :cuckoo:
Women are marginalized when you tell them their babies are worthless.
Women are marginalized when you tell them sex means nothing.
Women are marginalized when you tell them they can't control themselves.
Women are marginalized when you lie to them about abortion.
Women are marginalized when you allow the abortion industry to prey upon them.
Women are marginalized when they are coerced into abortion and when their abusers hide their crimes with abortion.

Progressives marginalize and victimize women ever minute of every day of the week.

Ha! Now you know that you are in the minority you right wing wacko. You claimed that I/we hate women? Funny, because the GOP are suffering from a 19 point gender gap among women. That means you are a fringe thinker. Women 2-1 disagree with you.

You guys are just loud. Your numbers are actually small.

And because the GOP have attacked womens rights, we are going to win in November, stupid.

This is the first time any candidate has shown a signifigant lead in a poll. What made the difference? Women! Thank you ladies! I only started this thread to rally your support and votes this November. We will put these right wing radicals in their place. Out of power.

And we will take back the House, keep the Senate and recall Scott Walker.

You fools thought 2010 was a mandate? No one shows up to midterms. Just wait until November. I can't.

Yes, we know you cant give away your liberties fast enough. Corruption is no concern as long its your guys, youve been very clear

I asked you some questions. Do you think the GOP are protecting your liberties?

The Supreme Court ruled that if you are the passanger in a car, the police can ask you for ID. Even if you did nothing wrong, they can bother you. And if you don't have ID, or if you have outstanding parking tickets, they can arrest you and you can be strip searched?

Is that what you call liberties and freedom?

And I hear the GOP are trying to pass a law that says it is illegal to lie to the cops. Can I say no comment or would that get me strip searched too?

So the Courts ruled not too long ago that Fox News can lie but now we can't? How free are the GOP trying to make us stupid?

You right wingers make me laugh. Your own party is taking away your freedom and liberties.
You can't count to two, you misogynist pile of crap.

I didn't create this thread because I hate women stupid. Men who don't vote make me sick too.

But this thread is about the GOP's attack on women specifically. That's why I specifically called out women. Because the GOP are directly attacking them. Why can't you get that? Is it because you are stupid or are you just trying to spin this to something that it is not because you know I'm right.

Proof I'm right is that by a 2-1 margain, women agree that the GOP are attacking their rights. Sorry I'm right. You will have to get use to it. It happens a lot.

Stop being a dummy and saying I hate women. It only makes you seem dumber each time you do it. Stick with the topic. Either you want to argue that the GOP aren't attacking women or you are ok with people that don't vote. Which is it retard?
You can't count to two, you misogynist pile of crap.

I didn't create this thread because I hate women stupid. Men who don't vote make me sick too.

But this thread is about the GOP's attack on women specifically. That's why I specifically called out women. Because the GOP are directly attacking them. Why can't you get that? Is it because you are stupid or are you just trying to spin this to something that it is not because you know I'm right.

Proof I'm right is that by a 2-1 margain, women agree that the GOP are attacking their rights. Sorry I'm right. You will have to get use to it. It happens a lot.

Stop being a dummy and saying I hate women. It only makes you seem dumber each time you do it. Stick with the topic. Either you want to argue that the GOP aren't attacking women or you are ok with people that don't vote. Which is it retard?

You're not being specific enough, obviously anyone with at least half a brain can see you hate everyone who doesn't worship Obama. You hate lots of men and women who vote.
You can't count to two, you misogynist pile of crap.

I didn't create this thread because I hate women stupid. Men who don't vote make me sick too.

But this thread is about the GOP's attack on women specifically. That's why I specifically called out women. Because the GOP are directly attacking them. Why can't you get that? Is it because you are stupid or are you just trying to spin this to something that it is not because you know I'm right.

Proof I'm right is that by a 2-1 margain, women agree that the GOP are attacking their rights. Sorry I'm right. You will have to get use to it. It happens a lot.

Stop being a dummy and saying I hate women. It only makes you seem dumber each time you do it. Stick with the topic. Either you want to argue that the GOP aren't attacking women or you are ok with people that don't vote. Which is it retard?

You're not being specific enough, obviously anyone with at least half a brain can see you hate everyone who doesn't worship Obama. You hate lots of men and women who vote.

True. Its hard to like people who think you are going to hell and who harm the entire American Middle Class.

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