Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

Now you want me to frame the topic to your liking? Instead of you attacking women's rights, you want me to say this is about the first amendment?

You republicans are masters of controlling the topic. Sorry, this is about women's rights, not the first amendment.
I'm wondering where Immie is attacking women's rights. Could you link to that, please?

Me too and when did I become a Republican? God Help Me or God Help the SOB who registered me to vote as a Repblican.


when ever you disagree with the diehards here....your obviously the "other" party....what else can you be?....
I've voted in every election since 1976, state, local and federal. I actually worked quite a few democratic campaigns when I lived in Chicago. Once I got out of that God-forsaken hole, I realized how I had indeed been brainwashed for many years.

Dems are sheep and follow the leader blindly, even if he leads you off a cliff.

People who judge women based on bullsh*t articles make me sick.

You right wingers followed GW off a cliff. Defended him even when you were in free fall. Are you kidding me?

Know why people down south vote Republican? Because they are used to being poor.

I judge anyone, man or woman, who doesn't vote.

and you also judge them when they dont vote the way you want them to vote.....
Or if we could split up the country. California, Michigan, Illinois, New York, Massachussets, and all the other Blue states start one country and the red states start their own.

I don't really appreciate Americans like you either. Not at all.

You are not just an unworthy citizen, you have now proven yourself to be absolutely unamerican. Get the fuck out of my country, you scumbag. I didn't say you were unworthy because I disagree with your position, but you were too stupid to understand that and decided to go further in revealing what an unamerican failure of a human being you are.
Oh, and I hope the rapture comes and takes all of you to hell. Isn't that where you think God comes and takes all the believers and leaves the rest of us here? Sounds like it would be heaven on earth without conservatives.

Where did I post anything about religion? You just looking for any excuse to promote your bigotry and insecurity, shithole?
Or if we could split up the country. California, Michigan, Illinois, New York, Massachussets, and all the other Blue states start one country and the red states start their own.

I don't really appreciate Americans like you either. Not at all.

You are not just an unworthy citizen, you have now proven yourself to be absolutely unamerican. Get the fuck out of my country, you scumbag. I didn't say you were unworthy because I disagree with your position, but you were too stupid to understand that and decided to go further in revealing what an unamerican failure of a human being you are.

I guess her panties are in a wad.

The blue states have trouble paying their bills.

Red states' credit beats the blues' - credit scores & politics - MSN Money
I'm wondering where Immie is attacking women's rights. Could you link to that, please?

Me too and when did I become a Republican? God Help Me or God Help the SOB who registered me to vote as a Repblican.


when ever you disagree with the diehards here....your obviously the "other" party....what else can you be?....

You know that everybody who doesn't go along with the "moderate" progressive agenda is an....


Unregulated free markets. HA! How has that worked so far?

Name one before you dive off the cliff.

You want to go even more unregulated and more free than from 2003-2006? You are insane. They deregulated and sent 7 million jobs overseas and you want to go even further?

And even though your tax breaks didn't work, you want us to give the rich even more tax breaks? Wow!

Its funny because your way can never fail. No matter how much we deregulate and no matter how bad things get because of it, you'll just continue to insist that we just haven't deregulated enough. I know this because I have debated with the head of the Michigan Libertarian party for Ron Paul. Makes no sense.

Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer and richer and the middle class became the working poor because you deregulated and sent those high paying jobs overseas. And now you blame Obama because those jobs came back at $10 hr? Wasn't that your fucking goal?
If Ron Paul's ideas are so good,
Sooooo, now I'm a Ron Paul supporter?


I don't even care at this point. Want to tell me who you support, feel free. But right now I'm imagining a faggoty little pussy who's voting for Rosanne Barr and the Green party.

You should be voting Democratic though.

no you should be voting 3rd Party....for someone who actually cares about the Country....but i know Bobo you care to much for that Party of yours....and you like sucking Pelosi's Tits....
Me too and when did I become a Republican? God Help Me or God Help the SOB who registered me to vote as a Repblican.


when ever you disagree with the diehards here....your obviously the "other" party....what else can you be?....

You know that everybody who doesn't go along with the "moderate" progressive agenda is an....



You have to admit your feelings on things like contraception are fringe thinking. Radical and extreme.
Us men want abortion to be legal because we see times when it is necessary or the desired outcome. For both us and the woman. Are you suggesting we should marry you like back in the old days before abortion was legal? Do the honorable thing? What do you expect from us? Of course we want that whore to get an abortion. She was just a piece of ass.

You are an immoral, low-life, son of a bitch.

But being honest.

Only in revealing your own immorality, scumbag.
Or if we could split up the country. California, Michigan, Illinois, New York, Massachussets, and all the other Blue states start one country and the red states start their own.

I don't really appreciate Americans like you either. Not at all.

You are not just an unworthy citizen, you have now proven yourself to be absolutely unamerican. Get the fuck out of my country, you scumbag. I didn't say you were unworthy because I disagree with your position, but you were too stupid to understand that and decided to go further in revealing what an unamerican failure of a human being you are.

I guess her panties are in a wad.

The blue states have trouble paying their bills.

Red states' credit beats the blues' - credit scores & politics - MSN Money

Bo and Luke Duke don't have credit cards.

And for every dollar we pay into the Federal troft, we get less than a dollar back.

For every dollar red states pay into the federal kitty, they get back MORE than a dollar.
If you were down you wouldn't vote democrat.

Obama ran on enhancing our military presence in Afghanistan, something I'm 100% against.

Obama has spent the most per year on the drug war in the history of the drug war.

Good talking points, and i'm shocked you're a dude. I didn't think a dude would say such anti-female remarks right for all to see. A little personal accountability, at least towards your own sex, would do you a lot of good.

What did I say that was offensive to women? The title is meant to be provocative and is meant for women to see and realize that their rights and freedoms are being attacked. And if they don't vote, they make me sick.

But no more or less sick than guys who don't vote. But this thread is about the GOP's attack on women's rights. Hense the title I went with.

Just like you try to energize your anti gay uber religious base to turn out and vote, this thread is meant to turn out the pro choice vote. And its working. Womens rights groups are pissed!!! Love it!!!

LOL, you're now blindly assuming I'm anti-gay, when in just your very last post you call someone an anti-gay name! So you're a homophobe speaking out against people being anti-gay!

Keep the entertainment coming!


he has ya there Bobo.....you better Quit and go watch American Idle.....
If you look at Pelosi or any other democrats record you will see they are the party for the middle class and poor.

That must be why the democrats work so hard to make sure everyone stays in the 'classes' they have designated for them. If they didn't, the left might lose too many subjects, er, I mean, 'constituents,' and the whole scam would fall apart.
Unregulated free markets. HA! How has that worked so far?

Name one before you dive off the cliff.

You want to go even more unregulated and more free than from 2003-2006? You are insane. They deregulated and sent 7 million jobs overseas and you want to go even further?

And even though your tax breaks didn't work, you want us to give the rich even more tax breaks? Wow!

Its funny because your way can never fail. No matter how much we deregulate and no matter how bad things get because of it, you'll just continue to insist that we just haven't deregulated enough. I know this because I have debated with the head of the Michigan Libertarian party for Ron Paul. Makes no sense.

Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer and richer and the middle class became the working poor because you deregulated and sent those high paying jobs overseas. And now you blame Obama because those jobs came back at $10 hr? Wasn't that your fucking goal?


GWs record was 50/50 on additional regulation.
You right wingers followed GW off a cliff. Defended him even when you were in free fall. Are you kidding me?

Know why people down south vote Republican? Because they are used to being poor.

I judge anyone, man or woman, who doesn't vote.

Ahhh, another left wing bigot that assumes everyone in the South is poor and stupid.........I really feel sorry for you.

Oh and I'm also sorry about your ED problem. 20 years is a long time to have to do without. Probably why you're so irritated all the time. :(

I was going to reply that I would bang the crap out of you and show you that I don't have ED but then if I did pound your stinky hole, even with my 14 inch thick hard cock, putting it in you would be like giving a whale a tictac. :lol:

wow....see if Chris will let you borrow his Blowup Doll then....he said it has an adjustable snatch......you just have to clean it out when your done......
If you look at Pelosi or any other democrats record you will see they are the party for the middle class and poor.

That must be why the democrats work so hard to make sure everyone stays in the 'classes' they have designated for them. If they didn't, the left might lose too many subjects, er, I mean, 'constituents,' and the whole scam would fall apart.

That's rediculous. Republicans said factory/union workers making $35 hr were making too much money and you defended sending those jobs overseas. 7 million plus good paying jobs. You want to break the unions because they insist the workers share in the profits. You want all the profits to go to the top 1%. We see that is what is happening in non union companies.

So before you sent all those jobs overseas, the economy was booming and wages were up. Now you say Firefighters and teachers and police and government employees all make too much money.

Don't you even dare try to say that Democrats want everyone to be poor when it is GOP policies that moved the middle class from middle class to the working poor.
Actually, the companies themselves said that was too much and they opted to set up shop elsewhere.

That's what happens when you won't let them hire who they want, and pay what they can afford.
But being honest.

Only in revealing your own immorality, scumbag.

I think you right wingers are immoral. How you treat poor people. So anti Christian. How you treat muslims and gays. How you fight wars for money. How you can be pro life but then racists.

Funny that black women are 3x more likely to get an abortion than white women...

And we're the racists? You guys are the ones killing off minorities....and feeling GOOD about it!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
PS..the girlfriend you were going to force to an abortion clinic didn't happen to be non-white, did she? That would explain your willingness to screw her, and your aversion to allowing her to spawn...

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