Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

Incidentally, such an observation is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
to be honest, people who vote for republicans and democrats make me sick (since we're 14 Trillion in debt).

i get told by "them" that by voting 3rd Party i am wasting a vote.....i feel if you vote the same old fuckers every few years your wasting the vote...not me.....
Sadly, in this country you do.

I believe that is part of what is wrong with this country and if I were asked, "when did this country begin to fall apart?" I would say, "January 22, 1973".

That would be the date when I would say we started devaluing human life even though, it had to have happened before that particular day. And this country began to fall apart when we began to devalue the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

Oh dear God!! What an absolute fool you are. You have no right to any female's uterus, no matter how many you impregnate. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, even you should know that.

And BTW, since you are over 40 surely you understand that your masturbation alone cannot and will never produce a human. Just thought you might like to know. :razz:

I never said I have the right to force a woman to have an abortion. On that comment alone, I need to call you out. Where do you see me suggesting that? Either retract that and admit I never said such a thing or piss off.

No, my spirm alone won't produce a child. But those spirm are alive if you want to get real technical. Maybe next you will want to make masturbation equal to mass murder.

You are right. It does take more than spirm to make a baby. And it takes more than a spirm fertalizing an egg too. It takes carrying the child 9 months. So a seed fertilizing an egg isn't a life either. Not yet. First trimester, rip it out if you want. Not murder. Not even close. Maybe in your right wing mind, but that's your decision. Don't get an abortion. But don't let your feelings get in my way.
Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

Oh dear God!! What an absolute fool you are. You have no right to any female's uterus, no matter how many you impregnate. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, even you should know that.

And BTW, since you are over 40 surely you understand that your masturbation alone cannot and will never produce a human. Just thought you might like to know. :razz:

I never said I have the right to force a woman to have an abortion. On that comment alone, I need to call you out. Where do you see me suggesting that? Either retract that and admit I never said such a thing or piss off.

No, my spirm alone won't produce a child. But those spirm are alive if you want to get real technical. Maybe next you will want to make masturbation equal to mass murder.

You are right. It does take more than spirm to make a baby. And it takes more than a spirm fertalizing an egg too. It takes carrying the child 9 months. So a seed fertilizing an egg isn't a life either. Not yet. First trimester, rip it out if you want. Not murder. Not even close. Maybe in your right wing mind, but that's your decision. Don't get an abortion. But don't let your feelings get in my way.

Men who support abortion to the nth degree generally are motivated by their own desire to exert control over females:

Coercion facts:
  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion.
According to researcher David Reardon, women give these reasons, among others, for undergoing abortion:
  • Forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend
  • Lack of support from social network
  • Persuaded / pressured by abortion center
Coercion can escalate to violence
One of the most well-known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.
In 2007, Nathan Dale Hubert beat his pregnant girlfriend, Sheila Chrast, to death. She was found dead in her Sauk Rapids, Minn., apartment on Mother’s Day.
  • Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being attacked.
  • 92 percent of women say domestic violence and assault is the women’s issue of greatest concern to them."
Forced Abortions
to be honest, people who vote for republicans and democrats make me sick (since we're 14 Trillion in debt).

i get told by "them" that by voting 3rd Party i am wasting a vote.....i feel if you vote the same old fuckers every few years your wasting the vote...not me.....

If you get what Ron Paul is saying then you can not in good conscience vote for Romney or Paul. Just like you can't vote for Obama. So vote for Paul.

My advice is to join the Democratic party. If everyone leaves the GOP who only serve the rich and bible thumpers, then they will be forced to change their ways. Right now they don't have to because they got enough of you middle class Americans conned into thinking you belong to the GOP.

And once 80% of us are voting Democratic, here is now we take our country back. If a Democrat serves the rich and not We the People, we recall them. But right now Republicans voters are defending republican politicians who are doing this very thing. Two great examples, Snyder in Michigan and Walker in Wisconsin. Where are you stupid middle class republicans on Citizens United???

What we don't do is reward the GOP for sabotaging the recovery ever since Democrats took control. We don't replace the party that can't with the party that won't.
Oh dear God!! What an absolute fool you are. You have no right to any female's uterus, no matter how many you impregnate. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, even you should know that.

And BTW, since you are over 40 surely you understand that your masturbation alone cannot and will never produce a human. Just thought you might like to know. :razz:

I never said I have the right to force a woman to have an abortion. On that comment alone, I need to call you out. Where do you see me suggesting that? Either retract that and admit I never said such a thing or piss off.

No, my spirm alone won't produce a child. But those spirm are alive if you want to get real technical. Maybe next you will want to make masturbation equal to mass murder.

You are right. It does take more than spirm to make a baby. And it takes more than a spirm fertalizing an egg too. It takes carrying the child 9 months. So a seed fertilizing an egg isn't a life either. Not yet. First trimester, rip it out if you want. Not murder. Not even close. Maybe in your right wing mind, but that's your decision. Don't get an abortion. But don't let your feelings get in my way.

Men who support abortion to the nth degree generally are motivated by their own desire to exert control over females:

Coercion facts:
  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion.
According to researcher David Reardon, women give these reasons, among others, for undergoing abortion:
  • Forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend
  • Lack of support from social network
  • Persuaded / pressured by abortion center
Coercion can escalate to violence
One of the most well-known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.
In 2007, Nathan Dale Hubert beat his pregnant girlfriend, Sheila Chrast, to death. She was found dead in her Sauk Rapids, Minn., apartment on Mother’s Day.
  • Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being attacked.
  • 92 percent of women say domestic violence and assault is the women’s issue of greatest concern to them."
Forced Abortions

I remember a girl in highschool lied and told me she was pregnant. You bet your ass my advice to her was to abort the child and I told her I would not be there for her or the child. I even told her it wasn't mine. I would have said anything to have her get that abortion if she was really pregnant.

Marrying her was not an option.

She could have had the kid and I would have had to pay child support for 18 years. Would I regret it? No. I'd have a wonderful child. But if I was 17 again and some girl told me she was pregnant, I'd tell her the same thing I told Jody back in 1988.

Of course I would have been there for the child if she was really pregnant, but at the time I would have chosen to abort. And if I had to do it all over again, I'd abort. Wasn't the right time for me to have a child.
Yeah, I figured. Nice. "I would have been there for the child if she was really pregnant"...you mean the child you denied and told her to kill?

As I said, men who support abortion ALWAYS have a reason, and it ALWAYS involves their "right" to coerce a woman they've fucked, or a child they've molested, to abort.
Have you been watching all these Republican men telling women what to do with their health care?

Wow, taxpayers not paying for women's health care is telling them "what to do with their health care?

I'm not a Republican, but I'll tell you the same thing. Buy your own fucking health care, lazy ass...
Way off base! Where to begin.

First of all,I don't care which way women vote. If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

And women need to know that one or two Supreme Court seats might be up for grabs in the next 4 years. If the GOP appoint one or two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, they will overturn Roe V Wade.

But I do think that women will overwhelmingly decide to keep their right to choose for themselves.

Look at your unAmerican position on voting. You guys don't want the masses to show up. Remember going into poor ghettos and asking a few ignorant poor people about issues and they were not up on the issues. In other words you suggest they should't vote. But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed? Isn't that almost the same thing?

I thought in America all citizens should be encouraged to vote and we say that if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. What ever happened to that? Is it because Republicans always benefit from low voter turn out?

I want every citizen who can to show up and vote. Man or woman. If voter turn out is great, the Democrats will win.

That's why me and James Carville love that you are attacking women. Bigger voting block than Catholics I'll tell you that much. :lol:

But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

reading your posts Bobo it seems that you are somewhat Brainwashed by the Democrats.....i can help you be set free.....vote 3rd Party and throw the Democrats and their Bullshit off your back....try this guy.....Rufas T.Firefly....of the Freedonia Party...."if your for it....he is against it" .....if Americans really want change,then the 2 Parties have got to be sent to the Corn Field....and people who put the Country before the Party (remember them?) have got to be elected.....and as long as everyone just keeps on voting for the same old tired bullshit.....it will not happen....
Oh dear God!! What an absolute fool you are. You have no right to any female's uterus, no matter how many you impregnate. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, even you should know that.

And BTW, since you are over 40 surely you understand that your masturbation alone cannot and will never produce a human. Just thought you might like to know. :razz:

I never said I have the right to force a woman to have an abortion. On that comment alone, I need to call you out. Where do you see me suggesting that? Either retract that and admit I never said such a thing or piss off.

No, my spirm alone won't produce a child. But those spirm are alive if you want to get real technical. Maybe next you will want to make masturbation equal to mass murder.

You are right. It does take more than spirm to make a baby. And it takes more than a spirm fertalizing an egg too. It takes carrying the child 9 months. So a seed fertilizing an egg isn't a life either. Not yet. First trimester, rip it out if you want. Not murder. Not even close. Maybe in your right wing mind, but that's your decision. Don't get an abortion. But don't let your feelings get in my way.

Men who support abortion to the nth degree generally are motivated by their own desire to exert control over females:

Coercion facts:
  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion.
According to researcher David Reardon, women give these reasons, among others, for undergoing abortion:
  • Forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend
  • Lack of support from social network
  • Persuaded / pressured by abortion center
Coercion can escalate to violence
One of the most well-known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.
In 2007, Nathan Dale Hubert beat his pregnant girlfriend, Sheila Chrast, to death. She was found dead in her Sauk Rapids, Minn., apartment on Mother’s Day.
  • Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being attacked.
  • 92 percent of women say domestic violence and assault is the women’s issue of greatest concern to them."
Forced Abortions

And why do you want to have a bunch of kids be born who won't have fathers? I thought you righties understood that ideally a child should be raised in a 2 parent home.

Now you seem to be promoting policies that will result in a lot of single mothers. How will that turn out? More single mothers and more neglected kids, etc.

Oh, and by the way. I have talked to MANY women who said they were pro life and it turns out that they are pro life. They think they are pro life because personally they would not abort but after asking them a few questions you find out quickly that they do not want the right to decide for themselves taken from them by right wing republican men.
But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

Well I have to agree that FOX tells us there are multiple sides to stories for ratings, but I'm still not seeing how it's "brainwashing" as there actually do seem to be multiple sides to the stories. Sometimes a business model works because it's the right model. Maybe the liberal media should try presenting more then the liberal side once in a while. Maybe they wouldn't be going down the ratings tubes then.
I never said I have the right to force a woman to have an abortion. On that comment alone, I need to call you out. Where do you see me suggesting that? Either retract that and admit I never said such a thing or piss off.

No, my spirm alone won't produce a child. But those spirm are alive if you want to get real technical. Maybe next you will want to make masturbation equal to mass murder.

You are right. It does take more than spirm to make a baby. And it takes more than a spirm fertalizing an egg too. It takes carrying the child 9 months. So a seed fertilizing an egg isn't a life either. Not yet. First trimester, rip it out if you want. Not murder. Not even close. Maybe in your right wing mind, but that's your decision. Don't get an abortion. But don't let your feelings get in my way.

Men who support abortion to the nth degree generally are motivated by their own desire to exert control over females:


Coercion facts:
  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion.
According to researcher David Reardon, women give these reasons, among others, for undergoing abortion:
  • Forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend
  • Lack of support from social network
  • Persuaded / pressured by abortion center
Coercion can escalate to violence
One of the most well-known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.
In 2007, Nathan Dale Hubert beat his pregnant girlfriend, Sheila Chrast, to death. She was found dead in her Sauk Rapids, Minn., apartment on Mother’s Day.

  • Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being attacked.
  • 92 percent of women say domestic violence and assault is the women’s issue of greatest concern to them."
Forced Abortions

And why do you want to have a bunch of kids be born who won't have fathers? I thought you righties understood that ideally a child should be raised in a 2 parent home.

Now you seem to be promoting policies that will result in a lot of single mothers. How will that turn out? More single mothers and more neglected kids, etc.

Oh, and by the way. I have talked to MANY women who said they were pro life and it turns out that they are pro life. They think they are pro life because personally they would not abort but after asking them a few questions you find out quickly that they do not want the right to decide for themselves taken from them by right wing republican men.

The policies that result in a lot of single mothers are the policies that the progressives slapped into place and the entitlement programs they continue to support that resulted (and continue to result) in the devaluation of the traditional family unit...while at the same time lying to girls and telling them they are not able to control their sexual urges, and have a RIGHT to succumb to them, and a RIGHT to an abortion if they get knocked up and a RIGHT to be supported on the state dime if they choose to have the babies with losers.

My church spends a lot of money on single mothers...both locally, nationally, and worldwide. Women have the right to make whatever choices they want to make...up to the point of choosing to kill another human. That's where their right ends..or should end.

I do not view women as poor trash who need to have their uteruses scraped to prevent them from infesting the world with children I don't think have any value. I believe every child has value and a place in the world. I think people like YOU who declare that there are certain groups (unwed mothers, the poor, minorities) have "less value" than others and should be killed, are the true scum of the earth. I wish that for every girl who is molested by her uncle and sent trotting off to the abortion clinic to get an abortion to hide the crime I could flay some asshole like YOU who is responsible for telling her all her life that her baby would be better off dead, and in saying so, essentially doomed her to a life of misery, abuse and oppression.
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Yeah, I figured. Nice. "I would have been there for the child if she was really pregnant"...you mean the child you denied and told her to kill?

As I said, men who support abortion ALWAYS have a reason, and it ALWAYS involves their "right" to coerce a woman they've fucked, or a child they've molested, to abort.

Us men want abortion to be legal because we see times when it is necessary or the desired outcome. For both us and the woman. Are you suggesting we should marry you like back in the old days before abortion was legal? Do the honorable thing? What do you expect from us? Of course we want that whore to get an abortion. She was just a piece of ass.

I don't see a lot of women running around crying because their boyfriend convinced them to get an abortion.

But I do know a lot of guys who do complain about the child support they have to pay for 18 years.

Oh you poor defenseless women being coerced!!!

You poor weak pitiful powerless 2nd class citizens. Do you feel like you live in Saudi Arabia and we make you wear a burka over your head when we coerce you? You are soooo oppressed.
I know why you men want abortion to be legal. It's about coercion and control. Which is why, even if a child WASN'T being killed on the other end of it, it's a human rights violation.

What a fuckwad.
If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

You are a very unworthy citizen.
Us men want abortion to be legal because we see times when it is necessary or the desired outcome. For both us and the woman. Are you suggesting we should marry you like back in the old days before abortion was legal? Do the honorable thing? What do you expect from us? Of course we want that whore to get an abortion. She was just a piece of ass.

You are an immoral, low-life, son of a bitch.
And I think if you ask a lot of men ages 18-40 if abortion should be legal, I'm sure the majority of us would say yes too.

But the GOP Government and Supreme Court doesn't work for We the People. They serve their constituents. Rich people and radical christians. Enough to at least keep the dirty south red for generations to come. They are used to being poor.

:lol:.....now you see why i think your somewhat brainwashed?....so the Democrats work for we the People?......the Republicans tell you to your face you suck....the Democrats tell you to your face how we we hear you,we feel your pain....as soon as you leave and the door shuts they have a great laugh at your expense....":lol:...boy these people are easily fooled....was he kidding?....he thinks we will vote that in?...:lol::lol::lol:"......keep believing the shit Bobo....Pelosi loves people like you......
My name is Anna Anderson. I am the Executive Director of the
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County in Monroe, WI. I am
here today to testify in support of Assembly Bill 427.
Every day in this state and across the nation, girls and women are
being forced to abort their unborn babies with devastating
consequences. In Monroe a community of between 10,000 and
11,000 residents, I am aware of as many as three (3) girls and
women annually who are forced into surgical abortion procedures
and even more who are forced to take the morning after pill or RU-​
486 abortion pill."


Darshana Patel told authorities she was suspicious as she watched her boyfriend stir a smoothie at an ice cream store. When he offered it to her, she noticed powder on the cup's rim, and the pregnant woman feigned illness and didn't drink it.

According to a criminal complaint, the woman says she sent the powder to a laboratory and it turned out to be mifepristone, the abortion pill also known as RU-486.

Read more: Man Charged With Attempted Murder for Slipping Abortion Drug to Girlfriend to Cause Miscarriages | Fox News

Incidentally, women and girls who have been forced into getting an abortion are not likely to be in a position to complain about it.
Way off base! Where to begin.

First of all,I don't care which way women vote. If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

And women need to know that one or two Supreme Court seats might be up for grabs in the next 4 years. If the GOP appoint one or two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, they will overturn Roe V Wade.

But I do think that women will overwhelmingly decide to keep their right to choose for themselves.

Look at your unAmerican position on voting. You guys don't want the masses to show up. Remember going into poor ghettos and asking a few ignorant poor people about issues and they were not up on the issues. In other words you suggest they should't vote. But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed? Isn't that almost the same thing?

I thought in America all citizens should be encouraged to vote and we say that if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. What ever happened to that? Is it because Republicans always benefit from low voter turn out?

I want every citizen who can to show up and vote. Man or woman. If voter turn out is great, the Democrats will win.

That's why me and James Carville love that you are attacking women. Bigger voting block than Catholics I'll tell you that much. :lol:

But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

reading your posts Bobo it seems that you are somewhat Brainwashed by the Democrats.....i can help you be set free.....vote 3rd Party and throw the Democrats and their Bullshit off your back....try this guy.....Rufas T.Firefly....of the Freedonia Party...."if your for it....he is against it" .....if Americans really want change,then the 2 Parties have got to be sent to the Corn Field....and people who put the Country before the Party (remember them?) have got to be elected.....and as long as everyone just keeps on voting for the same old tired bullshit.....it will not happen....

Harry. I am happy with the Democratic party. You know there is no changing my mind. It is you that can't be both for Ron Paul and for Romney/Santurum because the Ron Paul half of you has to admit that Romney/Santorum are part of the corrupt system too.

This is why I love Ron Paul. He has divided your party. And he has exposed the corruption that exists.

So if Ron Paul is right, you can't in good conscience vote for Romney or Santorum in November.

We have a two party system. The only way to get change is to get one of the two parties to agree to fight for that change. Will the GOP take on the federal reserve? No, but us liberals like the idea. Will the GOP stop waging war all over the world and close our military bases all over the globe? No they won't. Will they legalize pot and prostitution? So they basically disagree with all the things you like about Ron Paul. Interesting.

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