Women who probably won't faint when they are attacked...but will shoot, very well...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a collection of women shooters...just for those anti gunners who seem to think that women are shrinking violets who will faint dead away at the hint of aggression from an attacker...

What I don't get...shooting is the one sport where men and women could compete against each other without size, weight and strength giving the entire advantage to the men...

Why hasn't anyone started a combined shooting sport...it might get more attention considering all the other sports have to segregate the sexes...
What I don't get...shooting is the one sport where men and women could compete against each other without size, weight and strength giving the entire advantage to the men...

Why hasn't anyone started a combined shooting sport...it might get more attention considering all the other sports have to segregate the sexes...
Too much temptation...
Liberals love women.

Until they pick up a gun.

Liberals defend a woman's right to kill a fellow human being, but want to deny her the right to defend herself... with a gun.

Liberals are fucked up in the head.
The men are deathly afraid that the women will beat them.:banana:
Christy Salters Martin is a professional boxer and the owner of a concealed carry permit. But when she attempted to leave her husband, she was shot with her own gun. Today, she cautions other women against making the same mistake. “Just putting a weapon in the woman’s hand is not going to reduce the number of fatalities or gunshot victims that we have. Too many times, their male counterpart or spouse will be able to overpower them and take that gun away.”

A recent meta-analysis concluded what many people already knew: the availability of firearms is a strong risk factor for both homicide and suicide. But the study came to another conclusion that is rarely mentioned in the gun control debate: females are uniquely impacted by the availability of a firearm. Indeed, the study found that women with access to firearms become homicide victims at significantly higher rates than men.

It has long been recognized that higher rates of gun availability correlate with higher rates of female homicide. Women in the United States account for 84 percent of all female firearm victims in the developed world, even though they make up only a third of the developed world’s female population. And within American borders, women die at higher rates from suicide, homicide, and accidental firearm deaths in states where guns are more widely available. This is true even after controlling for factors such as urbanization, alcohol use, education, poverty, and divorce rates.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic
Do people still faint? :)

Favorite women ever:




Joe...you didn't print the whole of her story...she was in an abusive relationship with this guy for years...he beat her all the time...without a gun...and when he almost killed her he also had a knife, and left the gun in the room with her, alone when he left the room....she suffers from what most abused women do, a complicated emotional response to her abuser...guns had nothing to do with her situation. As inmost gun murders of family members, the abuse is drug or alcohol fueled, in his case toss in illegal,steroids, and goes on for years...it is the abuse that is the factor in the murder, not the gun...he could have strangled or stabbed her to death in that final,attack...

Get real....
Christy Salters Martin is a professional boxer and the owner of a concealed carry permit. But when she attempted to leave her husband, she was shot with her own gun. Today, she cautions other women against making the same mistake. “Just putting a weapon in the woman’s hand is not going to reduce the number of fatalities or gunshot victims that we have. Too many times, their male counterpart or spouse will be able to overpower them and take that gun away.”

A recent meta-analysis concluded what many people already knew: the availability of firearms is a strong risk factor for both homicide and suicide. But the study came to another conclusion that is rarely mentioned in the gun control debate: females are uniquely impacted by the availability of a firearm. Indeed, the study found that women with access to firearms become homicide victims at significantly higher rates than men.

It has long been recognized that higher rates of gun availability correlate with higher rates of female homicide. Women in the United States account for 84 percent of all female firearm victims in the developed world, even though they make up only a third of the developed world’s female population. And within American borders, women die at higher rates from suicide, homicide, and accidental firearm deaths in states where guns are more widely available. This is true even after controlling for factors such as urbanization, alcohol use, education, poverty, and divorce rates.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

Joe...here is an actual look at this woman's situation...something you had to avoid in order to make your anti gun statements....

Christy Martin Uses Excuses Lies to Justify More Gun Control Laws - The Truth About Guns

First, according to her own testimony at his trial, her husband had a history of physically abusing her and had, for twenty years promised that he would kill her if she left him. So the night she told him she was leaving, why was she still in the house? Why was she alone with him? Why the hell didn’t she have her gun with her instead of leaving it where he could get his hands on it?

Finally, her training wasn’t useless when her husband tried to murder her with a gun, it was useless when he tried to murder her with a knife.

But there is more fail to come:

Hmmmm...how did the attack start...this man...stabbed her...right...he stabbed her first....
Before I could react, he assaulted me, stabbing me and leaving me bleeding on the ground, despite my best attempts to fight back. He then stood at my feet, pulled out the gun, aimed at my chest and shot. The weapon was my own pink 9 mm Glock.

the author points out the fact that with just a knife...he could have simply killed her as well...

But let us, for a moment, play “What if?” What if she hadn’t had a gun? What if her husband hadn’t found it and used it to try to kill her more quickly? How might Christy’s story have differed if all he’d had was a knife? It might have gone something like this:

The assailant entered the room, apparently surprising the victim and assaulted her, stabbing her and leaving her bleeding on the ground, despite her best attempts to fight back. He then stood at her feet, pulled out the knife again, knelt on her chest and slit her throat.

but for you Joe...it is the irrational fear of the gun that is the issue....the fact that had she left the house...with her own gun on her hip...she. Very likely would not have been nearly killed,.or more to the point of this story injured almost to the point of death....because no matter how much bigger, stronger, faster, more aggressive her husband might have been...having a gun on her hip...in a different location other than asleep at her abusers mercy...the gun would have,stopped him in his tracks...

the most important parts of her story are not the gun....they are

--she told her abuser of 20 years she was leaving him

-- she then stayed in the home

--she went to sleep with her abuser in the home after telling him she was leaving...

-- she separated herself from her gun with the abuser of 20 years in the same home...while she went to sleep, after telling him she was finally leaving him...knowing for 20 years he said he would kill her if she ever tried to leave him

pretty important factors...don't you think Joe....
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So...her professional boxing skills didn't't save her..did they...that is what you anti gunners want to force women to rely on against killers,and rapists right...so the average mom...who goes to the gym a couple of times a week, if that if she can find the time, is expected by you anti gunners to stand a chance against the average male, violent criminal who has been brutalized and has brutalized others his whole life....

And you don't want her to have a gun to protect herself...the only thing left to believe...you see it as better they she is raped or mureder than that she actually stop the attack with a gun....

who really cares about a woman's life and safety?
Joe...you didn't print the whole of her story...she was in an abusive relationship with this guy for years...he beat her all the time...without a gun...and when he almost killed her he also had a knife, and left the gun in the room with her, alone when he left the room....she suffers from what most abused women do, a complicated emotional response to her abuser...guns had nothing to do with her situation. As inmost gun murders of family members, the abuse is drug or alcohol fueled, in his case toss in illegal,steroids, and goes on for years...it is the abuse that is the factor in the murder, not the gun...he could have strangled or stabbed her to death in that final,attack...

Okay. But he shot her.

With her own gun.

That she bought for protection.
Billc said:

“And you don't want her to have a gun to protect herself...”

Wrong as usual.

No one is advocating anyone be 'disallowed' owning a firearm.

You start these moronic, ignorant, desperate threads that fail for the most part as hasty generalization fallacies in an idiotic attempt to 'justify' possessing firearms for self-defense, when in fact no 'justification' is needed; citizens are not required to 'justify' the exercising of a Constitutional right as a 'prerequisite' to indeed do so. How many persons have defended themselves with a firearm is irrelevant, it has no bearing whatsoever on the merits of the debate, the right of the individual to possess a firearm pursuant to the right of lawful self-defense is settled and accepted Second Amendment case law – and your ridiculous threads serve only to undermine the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.
Okay. But he shot her.

With her own gun.

That she bought for protection.

Hmmm...you mean after he beat her to the ground with his fist, and then stabbed her with a knife...and then...when she was helpless...then he pulled out the gun and shot her...he may have been re enacting the opening scene to Kill Bill for all we know...the scorned killer shoots the helpless woman...

And....you again ignore the fact that she was in a 20 year long violent relationship

--he told her for 20 years if she left he would kill her

--she told him she was leaving him

--then...she stayed in the house

-- Then she seperated herself from that very gun you mention while staying in the house with her violent abuser who told her he was going to kill her....

--then...she went to sleep...in the same home as the abuser who said he was going to kill her...after she seperated herself from her own gun...

Yeah Joe...her having that gun was the problem....

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