Women's March: "We're not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion."

Not every pro-lifer is too stupid to understand the difference between a noun and an adjective, but most of them are.
Homo sapiens at every stage of life from zygote until death are human beings and that is a noun. We know the difference, we are correct to note that the noun is appropriate.

You are incredibly stupid.

In many years of dealing with pro-lifers, I've learned that they're almost universally profoundly stupid people. That means evil people are able to manipulate them easily.
You are evil, pro-abort, but you are also just stupidly parroting nonsense that your more intelligent and more evil masters at PP and NARAL have sent you via propaganda. And you just spew it all out uncritically.
More evidence? The pro-lifers on this thread.
So you have no evidence, then, you delusional and retarded pro-abort filth?
Think about it. Pro-lifers literally claim that a 5-year-old child has the same moral worth as a zygote -- and they don't give a shit about a zygote.
Well they have more worth than you, as they are innocent and still have potential, yet you are a rotten piece of inhuman shit and a fucking moron.

But it is already illegal to kill the 5 year old innocent and it should be just as illegal to kill the unborn innocent. They are innocent human beings and they have human rights. I believe in human rights and equality, though, as opposed to a bigoted moron like you.
Homo sapiens at every stage of life from zygote until death are human beings and that is a noun. We know the difference, we are correct to note that the noun is appropriate.
And there it is, "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" -- the only argument any pro-lifer has ever had.

So what drives them? A perverse need to make up reasons to hate. They live for the hate. Without the hate, their lives are sad and empty.

You are incredibly stupid.

You are evil, pro-abort, but you are also just stupidly parroting nonsense that your more intelligent and more evil masters at PP and NARAL have sent you via propaganda. And you just spew it all out uncritically.

So you have no evidence, then, you delusional and retarded pro-abort filth?

Well they have more worth than you, as they are innocent and still have potential, yet you are a rotten piece of inhuman shit and a fucking moron.

But it is already illegal to kill the 5 year old innocent and it should be just as illegal to kill the unborn innocent. They are innocent human beings and they have human rights. I believe in human rights and equality, though, as opposed to a bigoted moron like you.
You'll definitely need a cigarette after that hate-rant.
And there it is, "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" -- the only argument any pro-lifer has ever had.
Considering I said nothing of the sort, and yet you have no rebuttal for the lengthy argument already given, which you quote even…

… dude, how high are you right now? Are you tripping balls? You must be.
Stupid twisted people like this makes me ashamed to be pro choice.
I am pro choice because i dont believe in forced gestation. Thats despite me thinking abortion is an abomination to humanity.

Marvin will be along shortly to explain to you that you're "pro abort" and a baby killer...
But it is already illegal to kill the 5 year old innocent and it should be just as illegal to kill the unborn innocent. They are innocent human beings and they have human rights. I believe in human rights and equality, though, as opposed to a bigoted moron like you.

Would you allow for exceptions in the case of rape or incest?

Would you allow for an exception if it was determined that the fetus was horribly malformed to the point that survivability outside the womb would not be even a remote possibility?
YOU'RE pro-abort and a baby-killer, bitch.

And you're a little pussy bitch. What's funny is that my opinion is exactly the same as TNHarley's.

With regards to abortion, would you allow for exceptions in the case of rape or incest? Would you allow for an exception if it was determined that the fetus was horribly malformed to the point that survivability outside the womb would not be even a remote possibility?

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